2024-08-22-Function and Purpose of Life

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Topic: Function and Purpose of Life

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Nebadonia




Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, welcome. Mother Spirit, we want to thank you again for your last lesson given to the Mission Urantia group. It was a wonderful outline and synopsis of our Urantia Book, especially the fourth section which you said is a modern New Testament detailing the life of Jesus of Nazareth. This was Michael’s human life on earth, given in modern English, and narrated by a spiritual being who was actually alive and present at the time. It’s often a day-to-day accounting of Jesus’ life--who was there, what was done, and what was said--all a marvelous New Testament.

Tonight, Mother Spirit, I would like you to briefly sum up for us your first three Mind/Spirit Adjutants of intuition/perception, how you help us retain these experiences as knowledge, which leads to our understanding. These are the three essential dimensions of our mental abilities that you augment. Especially could you comment on something we call “point of view” and how it pertains to our perceptions, knowledge, and understanding?

Recently I saw a marvelous picture which teased us to consider point of view. It was a picture of a short round cylinder that, when a light was shown on its end, cast a perfect circular shadow. But when the light source pivoted ninety degrees and showed on the cylinder from the side, the shadow cast was a perfect square. So here was both a circle and a rectangle from the exact same thing. It leads us to wonder about our human points of view, all so personal and subjective. What kind of perceptions, knowledge, and understanding are we led to and left with? If you would comment on this spiritual question, we thank you.


Nebadonia: Good evening, my dear ones, this is your Mother Spirit. Michael and I are both delighted that you have become interested in this subject because it reflects upon your own subjectivity. It is critical for your spiritual growth to have a truly humble appreciation of both the extent and the limitations of your own perceptions, knowledge, and understanding. This appreciation helps you achieve what Michael and I have talked about so often--the necessity of keeping a mind that remains open and curious for the next bit of living experience to feed your soul.

(The function and purpose of life)

In that wonderful chapter called Personality Survival, your Urantia Book mentions that your soul is a spiritual record of your human personality’s experience. Acquiring a soul is literally both your function and your purpose as a God-created experiential human being out here in time and space. Consequently, if your experiences cease to expand spiritually in value, and your soul ceases to grow, you lose your purpose in a kind of living death. You no longer have a purposeful existence to love and enjoy.

Your Urantia Book goes on to delineate in the most exquisite detail--alone of all the books in your world’s literature--what lies before you after your physical death. Now your modern astronomical instruments are bringing you literally trillions of worlds out there in millions of galaxies, your Urantia Book hints at how many are devoted to the purpose of enabling you to extend your life literally forever, if you so choose. In this sense, the Urantia Book is a wonderful tease, a promise of endless worlds to come. Think of the immediate hundreds of worlds you will live on while traversing our Local Universe--the mansion worlds of your Local System, then the worlds of your Constellation, and finally those orbiting the headquarter world of Salvington.

(Living to love, loving to live---and learn) 

Every one of them offers an increasingly expanded ability of both your physical and spiritual perception, knowledge, and understanding. Each one will be an enormously enhanced point of view, reflecting your own God-given potential and abilities to keep growing by learning. You’ll keep loving to live, and living to love. You’ll keep learning—about yourself, and others, and the universe. 

On and on you will be given a greater opportunity to appreciate not only the physical creation itself, but also the higher orders of spiritual beings you will come to encounter and live with, and acquire their greater perceptions, knowledge, and understandings. Right along you’ll be meeting millions of other, shall we say, once human-type physical people from an ever-increasing number of worlds where they too had their first lives.

Your Urantia Book has a wonderful section that talks about the different kinds of humans living their lives on their different worlds in space, even to include those without an atmosphere. Beyond them, you will definitely enhance your points of view as you keep acquiring more and more perspectives from the hundreds of worlds you’ll travel to and live upon, each with its own increasingly spiritual plant and animal life, and natives.

(The intermediate, spiritually advancing worlds)

Think of these hundreds of intermediate worlds in every one of the seven hundred thousand Local Universes in the Grand Universe, each with its graduated transition of life forms from the physical to the purely spiritual, all to support the advancing human

ascenders. Are they not another nigh-incomprehensible hallmark of God’s infinite creativity? There exists not only a universe of inhabited physical worlds upon which to give residence to these ascenders, but also the orders of spiritual beings that are native to them. They are living personal creations of our Creator’s imagination.  

This is why the Urantia Book, and then Michael and I, go to such enormous detail to tease you out of yourselves with the different points of view wrapped up in that word “spirit”--spirit creativity. There are hundreds of orders of spiritual beings, of which you are one. All personal creativity comes from these different points of view, extending from your viewpoint, across the physical universe and Havona, to Paradise and the Trinity themselves. 

I think it helps to consider God’s personal creations with a sense of awe and appreciation, and just marvel at them. Right along with the millions and millions of galaxies your modern astronomical instruments are giving you now, Micheal and I are emphasizing the spiritual beings who inhabit them.

(The wonderful blessing of humility)

When you come back to your earthly, day-to-day lives, you can have the wonderful blessings of humility and humor when you think about the different political and social points of view being contested in your national and local elections. They too are part of God’s creativity--your own family, and friends, and neighborhoods, on to states and nations.

Michael and I tease you to consider the differences between living in the heart of a great city, or out on the open farmlands--the enormous variety of human life on just your one world. The wonderful blessing of humility, my dears, is the feeling you get in the presence of something enormous. You can feel infinitesimally tiny and insignificant, or you can feel truly, enormously blessed just to have this perception, knowledge, and understanding, of just how big It All is--this thing called life.

(The influences and limitations of viewpoint)

It gives you some counterbalance and ability for the open-mindedness that helps you not get caught up in narrow-minded, parochial viewpoints. Throw in the dimension of time and the way living human reality itself has changed--and will keep changing--over the years. This is especially true these last few hundred years, from the Industrial Revolution to the modern, technological/information explosion. Think what is available to you now with the flick of a switch and the rolling of a mouse on your computer pad.


My dears, these facts help you appreciate and be truly grateful for everything that constitutes different points of view, and how open-minded and curious you can remain about them. It’s this enormous thing you call “being alive in this day and age” with all that is available.

(Stay curious. Keep wondering. Fill yourselves)

We tease you this way to help you stay curious. Stay wondering. Fill yourselves to overflowing, then lie down, lay your head down, and sleep. Let it all go. One of your famous movie’s heroine ended by rising above desperation with realizing, “Tomorrow is another day!” So much for points of view, my dear ones. It truly is quite a topic, yours to enjoy and worship the Creator of them. Now if you have any questions or comments, let them flow forth from this kaleidoscopic point of view. (Long pause) If there are no questions or comments this evening, let us just rest, overflowing with the wonders of It All. Be in my love. Michael bids you to Be in his peace. Goodnight.