2006-05-29-On Spirituality & Mysticism

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Topic: On Spirituality & Mysticism

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Algimantas



My beloved Father, we, in the Urantia Group, were discussing the theme of spirituality and mysticism. We have speculated as to how they are interrelated and how they differ. I have put this same question to you as well some time before. And now I do desire to take down your response so that my other siblings might get acquainted with it since I myself do remember very little from that marvelous teaching of yours that I have previously received. That is why I am putting the same question to you again: How can you characterize – what is spirituality and what is mysticism?


My beloved son, spirituality is an ever bigger experience of Me that the creature is living thru.

And this experience is always providing charm, lightness, comfort, satisfaction over the goal achieved, and a desire to reach up for a new goal that would enable one to know Me even still deeper. Thus each one is beginning to feel and experience within oneself that I am experiencible and by this very experience one is checking My reality by oneself.

Since I am a spirit and the Source of spirits, everyone in My creation that is ever resembling Me, is experiencing My spirituality by which one is merging with Me. That relationship between Me, as the Source and Center of Spirits, and the creature, consciously perceiving his or her desire to merge with Me and keep up this ever growing closer relationship, is that what you call spirituality.

And this bond embraces everything – thoughts, actions, matter, soul, spirit for there is no such a spot in the creation that would break through beyond My grasp. That is why from My vantage point spirituality is everything. And it is only from your vantage point that division into that what is spiritual and what is not, what is mystical and what is not comes up. It is not possible to hide from Me anything, like it is equally impossible to do anything that I would not know the cause of.

But I do a lot of things that a creature is unable to understand. And this inability to understand the manifestation of many energies in the creation makes him search for the beginning, for the causes, of these phenomena. And it is only the mortals, possessing the lowest level of perception of reality amongst all the will creatures, that are unable to understand these causes by their mind. And being unable to do it they begin to fear these, unknown to them, phenomena. But even while having their fears they try to explain them in their own manner. And this attempt to find their own explanations lead the mortals to various fictions that are consequently being justified in trying not to guess the riddle itself but rather striving for the justification of the very direction of one’s thought to the clue of the riddle, so that others would believe it. Meanwhile no real attempts are being made to guess the puzzle itself any more. This is how mysticism springs up.

My reality is open for growing and explaining to all those who sincerely desire to grow and who are striving, gradually, for knowing the truth. And there is no place for mysticism within this growth.

If some one, in a very dark night, hears a sound the cause of which is beyond one’s understanding, or sees a thing that one could not discern so much as to what it is, the one is at once engulfed by many fears that one creates within oneself. And even ordinary things or sounds, in the day light, tend to frighten one and seem to one to look mystical in the night darkness. And it is only a clear mind, that is permeated by the leading of My spirit, Thought Adjuster, that never gets frightened and does not panic as does the other mind by immediately submitting itself to a non-existing mysticism.

Mysticism is a distorted, by your extremely undeveloped mind, picture of My Reality and the imprint of this distorted reflection, set up in man’s mind thru many generations and implanted into the fetters of the dependence grasp, on this very human mind.

Go to the forest at night, and try to feel tranquility. If, from within, you are with Me then the night forest shall be a true bliss of tranquility to you. But if you go to the forest without Me, then, the closer you will get to the forest the more worrisome you shall feel, you shall start seeing even that what does not exist at all, you shall start to hear such sounds that shall frighten you so much that fear shall root you to the ground, even though around there will be nothing threatening to you at all. But the mysticism built up within you by both your individual mind and the other generations, shall generate in you an incredible fear. But if you wait until morning, when the darkness vanishes, you shall feel within yourself that the fear is also melting with ever stronger marching in of dawn until finally the appearing rays of the sun shall let you feel even the beauty of the forest. But the forest was exactly the same even at night. Even more peaceful, since no people were breaking its silence, wind went down, and allowed the trees to rest. The same forest, but a physical darkness or light impacts your consciousness in an absolutely different way.

The same is in the city. If, suddenly, you notice some shadow at night, you shall get frightened at once while in the day time you will not pay any attention to that very shadow in that very same place.

Mysticism is dissipated by a bigger knowing of My creation and a bigger experience of Me within oneself. Ignorance, within itself, builds up mysticism, while a deeper knowledge and a relationship with Me changes mysticism into tranquility and into a strong knowledge which is coming from Me while only you do ascribe it to yourselves that you learn all this by yourselves. Without Me you could learn nothing. You could not even get frightened while even in a mystical state.

And it does not matter whether it is a charm produced by shamans or meaningless enchantments, the calling for My influence or the disease incantations, or the sessions of spiritism that drive those ignorant into even more of mysticism. Meanwhile with a deeper knowledge of My creation and of My manifestation in the creation and with My closer relationship all these night shadows that do frighten so many of you disappear, and the light that has dawned gives the mind clarity and disperses fear and ignorance. And, then, man begins to understand that spiritism is nothing but the energy manifestation thru the sub-consciousness of a stronger participant in the session, and these energy vibrations can influence both a collective sub-consciousness and even a material object. And your long cherished association with the spirits of the dead evaporates like the night darkness is fading away in a dawning morning.


My beloved Father, how much does mysticism help and stimulate man and how much is it harmful?

My beloved son, mysticism cannot help man for it does mislead, confuse, and enslaves man if man’s mind begins to submit itself to mysticism and does not reach out for light. Can any darkness, no matter how much curtailing it might be, turn into light if man desires to remain in this darkness all the time, and remain fearing it?

Mysticism does not fit My present-day son or daughter. I want to deliver you from mysticism so that you would begin to see by yourselves, and to see light, even in the darkness.

Always strive only for a light and bliss and not for darkness and fear.

Mysticism is narcotizing to a weak mind and it starts acting as a hypnotic power from which the mind fears to liberate itself not to make things worse. Neither it knows the way to do it.

And there is only one way out – I am this way. Come to Me, with Me, and having discovered Me within you. And then you shall not be afraid of any mysticism without even knowing the causes of many phenomena, and you shall stop believing it for you shall begin to feel, within you, a bliss and peace coming from Me and filling you up. And you shall never experience any fear with Me.

My beloved Father, why so few desire to deliver themselves from a mystical darkness, why they do not choose spirituality which is the way of light?

My beloved son, why cannot you reach the heart of a weeping baby so that you would be able to soothe this crying child?

When man is frightened he cannot believe your words, cannot understand them, and least of all, implement them. That is why at first you must soothe and comfort him so that he would really begin to feel a force of peace, that is My force, radiating from you. And it is only when he has the peace of mind within that he will begin to look around to notice that his mystical mirages started to fade away. Together with them his fears began to diminish as well. And then he shall believe that the words you have spoken to him do have effect on him. Within his own self. It is only then that he will begin to feel a desire to experience this peace within him all the time.

It is like trying to tell a hungry and exhausted man that he must become better and would not steal bread while he cannot even think about such a teaching since his life is at stake. That is why it would be fair, at first, to feed such a mortal, to warm him up, and then provide him a bigger light that he is matured for, so that it would strengthen and warm him up already from within – his soul.

A mystical darkness is due to a poor knowledge, due to not knowing Me. That is why you are afraid of Me, permanently reminding each other that I will punish you. If I punished you all of you, and your world, would have ceased to exist long ago. I do not punish you but rather I am striving for feeding you and warming you up so that you would discern both a bigger truth and light, and that you would really feel Me as being present within you. And then mysticisn shall disappear that is keeping you in its slavery. I am not mystical. I am the true and real Father of all of you and love you as your earthly father does, but I love even those who curse Me and who create mysticall fancies about Me. And to reach you I have bestowed upon you My fragment, Thought Adjuster. He is teaching you and leading you out of the mystical slavery to the true reality, leading you to Me on Paradise. And in order to comfort you I supply you with revelations. And The Urantia Book revelation has been designed for the purpose to calm and comfort you and to deepen and broaden your concepts of Me. To this end I use mortals, My sons, who have already discovered Me within themselves so that they would explain in simple words to those who are sincerely trying to leave the fetters of the mystical slavery without torturing their own selves. But all my efforts cannot yield a good and abundant harvest without your help. I cannot, for you, express a desire to get delivered from the fetters of mysticism. I provide you only the means but I cannot use them insead of you.

That is why I have called you, my beloved son, to carry My living word to all those who want it. And many other sons I have called to do the same thing. But My word, received thru many of you, shall hear only those who are sincerely thirsty for it, who are sincerely searching for truth, who do desire to know the true and not illusionary reality. And the efforts taken depend upon the each one’s will and desire to spend on this time and energy. And the more often My name shall be heard, the more people shall hear it, and in a younger age, the bigger number shall be of those marching along My path of light and love, into which I have called all of you without any exceptions, into which I also receive all of you, without any exceptions. There is only one condition – your sincere desire to walk along this path. And it is only then that My creation, in reality Mine and yours, shall experience its fullness.

My beloved Father, in our Urantia group, there was an idea expressed that man’s spiritual level might be registered by devices that manage to register the radiation emanated by man’s brain. And scientists have named it as teta rays. I opposed this concept but my argumentation was convincing only to some of the group members. What is it in reality, is it possible to measure the level of man’s spiritual development?

My beloved son, no scientific device, that is mechanical equipment, can register, in the form of any vibrations radiated by your material brain a manifestation of My love. My love is a living energy. It is not a material and dead substance as are some of the rays that can also be registered by the mechanical devices created by you. These rays have no relationship with the radiation of My love and the growth of your soul when it begins to feel the vibrations of My love within itself. And despite the fact that all these sensations are being felt by your material brain, it cannot translate a qualitative impact on the mechanical device. My love is being felt only by a soul that is not a material substance but morontial. And it is experiencing these very vibrations of My love coming from and thru My Fragment, Thought Adjuster being present in the mind of each of you. And not in your material brain, but in all the process of your thinking, which is, so far, being performed by your material brain. But the thinking of the material brain is not the same as the material brain itself nor as the signal being sent by the brain and which is registered by the mechanical devices.

My love can be experienced only by another living being, another soul, another spirit, since it is a qualitative reflection of a soul or spirit. Meanwhile, mechanical devices in you world are capable of registering only quantitative impulses. It is similarly to a white color spectrum disintegrating into quantitative constituent rays but not expressing their living quality.

The level of My love, of the manifestation and association of My spiritual reality can be ascertained by Me and by another living creature who is capable of experiencing My love within oneself. Such a creature recognizes the quality of the living vibrations being radiated by other living creatures. This is not a mechanical-quantitative expression but a living-qualitative expression.

My beloved Father, what is it when they say that the aura of man, its color, reflects the spiritual level of man? It is a fact that a camera registers such bio-energetic fields around the body of man and even having a different color shade at that?

My beloved son, it is the radiation of the physical body as is being manifested thru your bio-energetic vibrations. But by no means it gives any evidence as to the man’s spiritual level, which is not measurable mechanically, it is experienced thru good deeds, thru good acts. And it is only man, or another living being, but not a device that can feel goodness.

That is why man’s striving to turn all this into the measure of one’s own self as to what one’s spiritual level has been reached is a very erroneous path since it is leading away from Me.

I am calling you, each of you, not to evaluate one’s own spiritual level in the manner how the energy vibrations are emanating from the material body but rather to ever more submit yourselves to Me thru My spirit, indwelling each of you, to ever more commune with living Me, to ever more fill up your own selves with My love, and to ever more give it to others so that you would absolutely forget about the existence of such an energy radiation that you have erroneously taken for the measure of one’s spiritual level. This is not such a measure. Neither is an aura a measure of your spiritual growth. Your spiritual growth manifests itself only thru your benevolent deeds for and in My name, even though the hands are yours and the souls are yours.

My beloved Father, thank you for your wonderful teachings. I love you, I love you and send your love to all who is reading this teaching of yours. And even to those who do not even know that you are TEACHING us. To all…

My beloved siblings, I do desire to share this teaching by the Thought Adjuster with you. I think there is a lot of food for thinking.

Peace be upon you.