2003-08-05-Satisfaction Of Your Soul

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Topic: Satisfaction of Your Soul

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Gerdean


August 05, 2003


A Thought Adjuster Speaks- The Satisfaction Of Your Soul.

August 05, 2003 - The Satisfaction of Your Soul August 06, 2003 - Unconditional Love

August 07, 2003 - A Promise Made To All

August 09, 2003 - While I Cheer You On & My Total Acceptance of You

I AM the satisfaction of your soul. It is I you hunger for. Come to me in the silence, and you shall be filled full.

I AM your heart's desire. I AM your comfort, the rod you lean on. So soon, shall you get to know me better.

Persevere, oh, persevere in your seeking within the silent chamber of your soul, where I reside. Feel my life energy coursing through every atom and molecule in your body, mind and soul.

There is nowhere, where I AM not. Seek me, and you shall find me. I AM waiting, for I have never been away from you. Open self to the unexpected. Be totally aware, and at the same time, remain with me in the silence.

Together, we shall be the harmony and balance of life -- together as one.

This is an eternal truth. For I AM you, and you are me."


The transmission set out above is from a Thought Adjuster. The receiver is well known to us as one of decades of devoted service to many. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first contact of significant duration between this partnership of a Superior God Fragment and subject of Its devotion.

Session 2

August 06, 2003


Again, I bid you welcome into the Stillness of your being.

We are both nurtured, you and I, as you hungrily seek My presence, and it pleases Me, too, to have these sacred moments each early morning.

At times, not many words may come, just a feeling of blessedness as you experience the Presence of your God Within.

Let Me engulf you with My unconditional love. Feel its essence. Let it seep into every cell of your being, every molecule, every atom.

Thereby, when you are not in the Stillness, you can still know and experience My Presence more often in your growing awareness of Me.

It is the sacredness, the loveliness of our union, which keeps you coming back for more. It is the urge of the human spirit to be nourished by the God Spirit.

Session 3

August 07, 2003 A Promise Made To All


The easiest-to-teach heart is a grateful heart. This means that the soil is being prepared for the seeding of greater insights, superior teachings.

This is a most joyful and welcome sign for me, for I am only your Still, Small Voice Within, who guides you toward brighter Light.

Slowly but surely the shadows are fleeing, and your heart is becoming freer to take in My Unconditional Love for you.

Yes, it is a grand partnership on the road to Paradise, this blending into each other, this melding together. How precious life becomes when the creature is becoming aware of its Creator, step by tiny step.

Oh vessel of My indwelling, you simply can have no concept of the wonders that await you. The day-by-day guidance into becoming the being you and I together shall be. Forever One. This is our destiny. Together One.

This is My promise, not only to you, but also to each of you who will recognize these words and make them your own.

Session 4

August 09, 2003 while I Cheer You On.


Dear one. It is the diligence in your daily seeking Me that brings the reward of your soul being stirred alive, so to speak.

It is a singing feeling in this stirring of the soul, this feeling of thankfulness that brings tears to your eyes. When received by Me, I send these emotions right back as a loving balm for your soul.

And so the grief and sorrows of life's past diminish, and your heart becomes more liberated to express itself in song.

We both are nurturing our togetherness, and you get to know Me better. But I don't need to, because I know you already, and I have always known you. I also know what you are becoming day by day.

Your disappointments in yourself are more keenly felt as you align your will with Mine, and still, as yet, in your daily life you forget to tune into Me.

But I tell you this, child, that each day will bring with it another chance to listen to Me, and try anew. It is the grand exercise of life that teaches you to 'hang in there' and persevere, while I cheer you on every inch of the way in the struggle for your soul to become entirely free.

Session 5

August 09, 2003 feel My Total Acceptance Of You.


Yes, stand in awe before me -- I, who give everlasting life to each of my children. Allow self to be totally saturated in my love.

It is I, who abides in you and with you. All the days of this life count as nothing, compared to the Life I have prepared for you.

You are my child. Even before I created you, I had a special plan and purpose for your life.

Your life is meant to sing praises unto me, and in your doing so, you sing praises to yourself. For know this my child: I AM you and you are becoming me. Together we are as one.

You live your life, to become one with me. Feel my total acceptance of you. Let me flow through you. Let me guide you into life everlasting.

Oh Joy! Oh Love! Oh Life!