2003-06-09-One Brick At A Time

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Topic: One Brick At A Time

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina



I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. My heart is full this evening to be able to be with you once again. Each time we meet I learn more. I take in more experience and I am able to put forth more in my daily living. Each week when we can gather we are always building toward something greater than ourselves. Each time you allow yourself to be guided by the Spirit you are building, moving, growing and participating universally.


Imagine a foundation of light. Your experience is the material you will build with. We all participate in the construction, each one having unique gifts to offer. At times there are mistakes or flaws, but with an open mind are easily corrected. Each time you allow yourself to be subject to the will, you are assigned a task from Father to add onto what we are building towards. Every time an individual seeks self-improvement or enlightenment they are bestowed with extra materials wherewith to add to the construction.

Together we are each building toward personal growth, Light and Life and the growth of the Supreme Being, the God in time. What you have built so far does not look quite right from your perspective. There seems to still be so much to do. At times when looking at the overall picture it is overwhelming and seemingly impossible. We are blessed to trust in the outlook of the Master Architect. We have but to place one brick at a time. Through faith and willingness we have only to focus upon our individual jobs. We are not the designers, nor the planners. We have only to listen and trust in those who see to the completion.

It would seem at times your fellows are escaping from doing their part. It would seem to you that their life experience is one of ease and escape, where you seem to have to work overtime. When you stop to ponder this perspective you can lose sight of your own personal position in the building. Many mortals believe life has not served them well, and therefore they deserve a life of ease. This is a waste of meanings and value, not to mention the experience, which is your materials wherewith to build.

In escape, where are the meanings and values? Where are your obstacles you have overcome and gained new insights and tools to carry on? In escape where is your communication with the Master Architect? Where are your fellow co-workers? Escape is truly a life of loneliness. Some mortals would seek to hurry through their life’s work of building toward greater things, only to see their poor quality of work crumble. Again, they must start the rebuilding over again.

To take your experience, learn from the meanings and values and put forth efforts into service is to feel a part of what is being built, to be part of your fellow’s lives and to be in connection with those On High. To know that you have put forth your highest understanding of integrity into your work is to feel that growing soul hand in hand with Father, being gently guided into the next task or phase. While you see not the building in completion, you can know with each of your efforts you have participated in something everlasting, something that brings faith-possibilities into reality.

In the craftsmanship there is satisfaction; there is personal confidence gained; there is fellowship and the comfort of a large family of Kingdom believers. Have not worry where your fellows are in the construction, for no one really escapes. Experience is your roadmap to Father. Experience is to be molded into the bricks of wisdom and knowledge for you to continue on in the building.

Concerning your life and your efforts, you for the most part live up to your highest light and you see the fruits therefrom. When you make a mistake however, old understanding must be torn down to rebuild new. Know that Father is at hand to assist you in all your efforts and you are never left unattended. He seeks for your success. He seeks to draw you unto Him. We can consider ourselves lovingly watched over and indeed blessed, for we have not to worry about the overall plan, just simply our individual parts. The Master had made specific decisions at the beginning of His career and this set the tone of what was to follow. He indeed lived as a perfected mortal of the realm.


This week ponder what you are building toward. Have you the patience to place one brick at a time? Have you the spiritual stamina to stay strong when what you built seems to topple? Ponder the levels of quality you work toward and the fruits therefrom. Know that I am with gratitude to build with you, side by side toward an everlasting goal. My love goes with you. Until next week, shalom.