2005-05-22-Not All Know They Are Acting In Faith

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Topic: Not All Know They Are Acting in Faith

Group: Rio Rancho TeaM


Teacher: Merium, Tomas

TR: Gerdean



Piano: "All Creatures of Our God and King"

MERIUM: This is Merium. I am trying to get Gerdean’s attention to offer a few introductory comments before our session with Teacher Tomas. I will thus play my familiar hostess role and say thank you, Elena, for your beautiful application to the creation of music suitable for soothing the soul and stimulating the spirit.

Elena: Thank you.

MERIUM: I would like to welcome our guest, Betty Moore, and offer our best wishes for an enjoyable stay in our midst, inasmuch as our theater here is another dimension of sorts, even as we know you will enjoy your stay with friends in this fair city.

I would remark that with Matthew’s departure, we have as a group here lost our anchor of prayer and I, for one, would like to see the practice resumed. We would like to see the community itself begin to exercise its will on behalf of the group itself to comport itself in a prayerful attitude and, in repose and subject to the will of God, come forth to offer prayers.

Without a volunteer from the crowd, I will be forced to assign you the job. This job of talking to God is not such an awesome job as it is humbling, and so I ask you to humble yourselves and run into the opportunity to speak for the group in prayer. Don’t trip over each other on the way to the microphone, children.

Reneau: Okay, I nominate Men-O-Pah.

Elena: Yeah. Hit it, Carl.

Men-O-Pah: Heavenly Father we thank you for this beautiful day that you have made. We thank you for the privilege of being able to walk on this good earth another day. We thank you for these dear friends and we thank you for your abiding presence here with us. Open our eyes that we may see. We ask these things in the name of our Lord Jesus, for his sake. Amen.

Group: Amen.

Elena: Thanks, Carl.

Merium: Another passing from me and that is to say that a nomination is not the same as a volunteer. It is typical, however, of humans to volunteer someone else. (Group laughter) I expect you to review your motives and volunteer next time. I did not assign that job to you, Reneau, but I do assign the job for all of you to consider what it means to come forth and lead group prayer.

I turn you over now to Teacher Tomas for his lesson for us today.

Group: Thank you, Merium.


TOMAS: Greetings, my beloved flock and student body. Welcome, once again, to our configuration, which is, each time, a different configuration than the one before, since each and all of you are in a constant state of growth and development. You bring with you that which you were even as you leave behind that which no longer serves. But you are constantly adapting and adjusting to the new growth that you assimilate as you experience one day at a time, as you put one foot in front of the other on what can only be regarded as your faith path.

There are many people who are on a faith path who have no conscious appreciation of what they are doing. There are many days, in fact, wherein you yourselves are walking your faith path without a consciousness of what you are doing. But this is a natural part of the divine plan, that within you our Infinite Creator abides and leads you in ways which are pleasing to Him as well as compatible to you, whether you are aware of His guidance consciously or not.

Thus, God’s will is done and the Most Highs do rule in the kingdoms of men, even while it seems to you who follow politics a contrary depiction. It, therefore, depends upon your perspective, and I, as well as other Teachers in this Teacher Corps am here to help you gain a new perspective. Poetically, it could be regarded as "the farther view." Let us take the farther view of "God’s Creatures Great and Small" which is rather a jumping off point from the music.

God Himself sees only that which is a reflection of Him as living love. He sees only that which seeks to do His will. Even, therefore, if and as many, even millions of mortals, allow God’s will to be manifested with or without their consciousness of His will being manifested in their lives, they are nonetheless recorded on high as a living and conscious entity in league with truth, beauty and goodness. Only that or those that consciously refuse to comply with the divine will are outside God’s illumination.

It could be said, therefore, that God sees roses because in their fulfillment of their own potential, they are doing God’s will. Anything that is fulfilling its purpose for being is a part of God, a part of the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent deity. In this way, the hairs on their heads are numbered.

Those who have not chosen evil, sin or iniquity as a conscious choice are in His grace, for they hold within the seed of potential. At this point in your experiential evolution, all around you is potential. And the faith path of the ages has been to lead you forth into greater awareness of His presence, greater consciousness of His leading, and greater cooperation on the part of your free will to abide by the divine will, which seeks to fulfil itself perfectly in and through you, even as you are relatively imperfect, as you follow your faith path into greater and more refined perfection through improved techniques of communion with the divine and greater appreciation of the task at hand in revealing this benign virus of love which is infused into you and which you are able to infuse into your arena as sons of God and daughters of divinity through testifying I AM a son of I AM. I AM a daughter of All That Is.

The Mother Spirit -- Divine Minister, Bride of Christ -- nurtures the unconscious, even the beasts of the realm, and the many manifestations of life implantation on the worlds of time and space. As a support for and in furtherance of the cradle of the material worlds which nurture the growth and development of the living organism of men and women which are allowed to develop through the course of evolution to the point where the reach for God has been consciously attained, celebrated, and given unto, such that all the world is altered. All things pass away as all things become new in Him.

It is a long and often tedious process, this evolution of the worlds of time and space. And seen from this farther view, from this perspective, it might seem that your lives are swallowed up in the vastness of the march of ages toward universe perfection, but your lives are as precious and unique to God as your children are precious and unique to you. His creations are as nurtured and protected as your many creations are nurtured and protected by you.

You share many God-like qualities by being mindful of your godlike qualities, you naturally find yourself in awe of Him and His ways, and this adds a dimension of truth, beauty and goodness to your life that allows you to see from this farther perspective, thus allowing you to truly cherish that which is divine and its potential, even as you are able to relatively easily disregard that which has no real life or substance to it, for these things will fall away by design into the abyss of eternal darkness as it refuses to act upon the light of truth.

Focus your eye on the light. Let that which is darkness go. Let the dead bury the dead. Rejoice in the light.

I have concluded my sermonette for the day. It pleases me now to open our floor to a camaraderie that we share as students in this Melchizedek University classroom that can enable us to share our inner life. It is in sharing our inner life that we most closely share our real life, our godlike aspects, our light.

In the nursery rhyme, it asks, "How does your garden grow?" In this configuration, I ask, "How does your light shine?"


Reneau: Tomas, hopefully that means that Gerdean and I will have a little bit of celestial help in our new job aspirations. Anything the invisible world can do to help us out here in the material would be greatly appreciated. Looking beyond what we can do ourselves.

TOMAS: We are all in favor of your advancement and, of course, as elder brothers and sisters, as wizened counselors, we would hope for the most auspicious environment in which for you to grow and to be about the Father’s business. But while we may enjoy the prospect of your future with you, we are unable to manipulate the course of destiny as there is free will -- are free wills involved, over which we have no authority or control.

The reach, however, for better things and circumstances for you and for your loved ones is always something to which we can and do lend support. I must, on behalf of other agencies in the universe, add that there are those who do not seek your ease but seek the challenges which will force you to ponder and consider new realms of possibility and new methods of dealing with, for example, troublesome fellows and difficult situations.

There are those who like to put you into positions that challenge you rather than bring you satisfaction, and so while I can support your desire for a new plateau upon which to work, it is also true that concurrently there are those who would wish you well for the reason that you would have more difficulty than you know now, if merely to enhance your capacity to depend upon that in you which can do that which you, perhaps cannot.

Thus, God grows. Thus God is able to influence areas in the evolving spheres which illuminate the darkness and the relative haze of indirection or indecision. His will be done.

Reneau: Yes. Hopefully.

Elena: You know, this week there’s actually much that you were saying in that answer that applies to me, too, so I benefited from your answer as well. And I’m kind of curious about just kind of understanding about "those" who would be interested in more challenging situations. I understand the free will combination and then kind of the support, actually, from you and then others who would like to see her have challenging situations. I’m not confused about, you know, in a person’s life having places where one has challenges and then kind of has a section where you can absorb what you learned and kind of get a rest and go on to something else. That kind of cycle makes sense to me. But what did not quite make sense to me were – there are "those who" … Could you elaborate on that please?

TOMAS: I can be quite specific, in fact, and say that your own indwelling Adjuster is interested in presenting you with the challenges that would awaken your potential.

Elena: Okay. Got it. Thanks.

TOMAS: Do you see how that is?

Elena: Um-hum. Yes, I do. I just-- I got kind of lost there for a minute.

TOMAS: You thought there were enemy agents…

Elena: There was an A team and a B team. (Chuckling) And frankly, if the B team could kind of let up a little bit, it would be really nice. Yeah, let’s hear it for the A team!

TOMAS: Remember that while your Adjuster is interested in presenting you with challenges that will augment your soul growth (for its own interests, I might add, for as you depend upon God more, you secure your immortality through aligning with the divine instead of depending upon your own wit and cunning), it is also that same entity which resides within and that leads you to that peace which passes all understanding.

It is like the mother who attempts its children how to behave in society, even as it cuddles and nurtures and spoils the child in other avenues. Or like the father who wants his son toughened up so as not to be called a momma’s boy in school, but who will hold him on his lap and wipe his tears as any nurturing parent, offering nothing but love and consolation to the wounded boy who is only growing.

It is like you who disciplines Barney [the dog], even scolding him on occasion in order to reinforce your boundaries and his, but also speaking words of love and offering doggie biscuits to manifest your affection and approval of him regardless of how it is that he is a "bad dog!"

Evolution takes care of much of this, because the god within is advancing with or without your help, but it will advance eternally and effectively if it has your cooperation.

Is this helpful?

Elena: Yes, it is, and actually it was my understanding of her question, but I have one of my own, as I usually do.

This week has been a better week for me, actually, at least in some respects. I wanted … I mean, it’s really been challenging in other ways but I feel like I am turning a little bit of a corner and I can see the light. You said to look at the light. Well, I think I can see a glimmer there. But what impresses me is that everyone life – Everyone’s life that I encounter -- is in almost total chaos and total stress and total anxiety and almost, if not totally, out of control. And practically without exception!

And it’s almost to where … I was at choir practice mentioning something, feeling I was a little bit of a … complaining, and maybe I was … you used the phrase "momma’s boy." Maybe I was a "momma’s girl" or maybe I was being weak or inadequate or something in kind of expressing something about what had been going on in the week, but I’m coming to realize that practically everybody is that way!

And, like I said, I’m getting to the point where I can see where it is forcing me into being more reliant on God, and it’s an absolute nudge and prod and it’s a very strong prod! And, I think I’m starting to see, or at least kind of going into, maybe ending a chapter and having learned a little bit of that. And so, do you have any comment on how pervasive this is? I mean, it could be—this is a rock and the world is nuts!

TOMAS: Yes, daughter. I am well aware of the condition of your world. It is because of these transitional difficulties that we are here. We have been sent here as a part of Machiventa’s emergency mission to help stabilize the spirit of truth in a very rocky period in Urantia history.

The transition you are undergoing as a planetary growth throe is one of those stages which rocks the boat and runs the risk of all that you have gained being lost. This would be a temporary loss because the scheme is to advance and eventually arrive at a stage of light and life, as is the goal of all the inhabited worlds throughout the superuniverses of time and space. But in the interest of this particular planet that has suffered so many setbacks already, it would be rather devastating and a bit of a hardship for, particularly, the midwayers, who have already served here for such a long time, to undergo yet another setback of your spiritual development.

This is one of our major focuses: to help you affiliate yourself with the very personal divine aspects of yours in and through your own indwelling God Fragment that will enable you to be the calm in the storm, the solid foundation in the trembling, the eye in the hurricane. The transition from the material age to the more mindal age ahead is in effect.

It is inevitable at one time or another that the material worlds relinquish their need for and dependence on the material reality as their focus, in order to ascend to a higher level of intelligence for the betterment of humanity than mere material goods and services can provide. It is to say that we here on this world -- and I include myself now since I will be here for some time -- our focus will be to ultimately pave the way for the dominance of spirit reality. But this is some ways off yet.

Your planet is still very barbaric in many ways, and so we are at this point in planetary evolution and in this next step forward, it falls upon the conscious and consecrated sons and daughters of the living God to provide stability for those who have not yet found the intellectual poise, emotional satisfaction, mental peace of mind, spiritual security to know that all things are in divine order, that even as things earthly crumble, His will will prevail.

Thus, child, as a fellow mortal of the realm, you are in the same maelstrom as your fellow men and women and you share the same difficulties and problems as all are experiencing. In discussing with them the details of your chaos, as compared to the specifics of their chaotic situation, you are enjoying the camaraderie of humanity; you are one with humanity in the sense of the hoard, the collective consciousness.

But as a personal piece of God, devoted to the survival of that infinite aspect of yourself in conjunction with the divine will, you have a window of opportunity to rest in the faith of your presence as an able adjunct and provide that stable table of nourishment, at which people may sit and enjoy the stability of nurturance you have to provide – as we talked about before. In time you will be able to sympathize and empathize with your fellows without becoming emotionally embroiled to such an extent as you find yourself rendered ineffective, as is in your potential.

The glimpse of which you made reference to needing God is a clear-cut indication that you realize He is the ultimate eye, the stable, infinite, eternal power at the central and eternal Isle of Paradise, out from which all evolving worlds are placed. As you identify more and more with this stable place, that citadel of the spirit that is within you, where you can go and feel that connection, that stability, that value, that eternal goodness, that supreme security, that infinite love for you and all the potential of creation.

That is where you will want to be. And as you are there more and more, it will be reflected in your environment and your peers will seek to know you, to ascertain what it is that you have that enables you to feel this peace in the face of crushing defeat, untold disappointment and vicissitudes often too much to bear.

Reneau: Why should it get so bad? In order for us to learn our lessons or have our experiences grow?

TOMAS: Well, baby girl, it does not have to be, but the child mind thinks so. Listen to the infant squall. Listen as it wears itself out wanting its bottle immediately, without appreciation of the fact that mother is warming it even now. But to see that child with its face all red, its fists clenched into a ball, its little body tightly wound like a spring, you would think that it had been sorely abused. But watch: the instant the nipple touches its lips, it relaxes in a sign of contentment. And this is how the immature human also functions. And it is also true that this state of alarm and urgency is a habit that develops over the years which is hard to relinquish, especially as the unknown and fear presses upon it from every angle.

It is for this reason also that we urge you to set yourself apart from these problems, these wars and rumors of war, that you focus as often and more often on the beauty and the goodness and the truth of what is already relatively perfect, even perfect, for this brings about a soul refreshment that vivifies and strengthens you such that when the vicissitudes of the human existence come along, they need not be more than little gnats of irritation flying in your face.

What an amazing thing this perspective is. It is all in the eye of the beholder, as they say, and so I invite you to enlarge your eye’s capacity from the visage of observing white spots of goodness on a black background to little black dots of irritation and imperfection on a universe panorama of divine perfection and beauty. And order! There is tremendous order in the universe.

Connect yourself as a citizen of the universe, not merely a victim of your planetary existence, and you will begin to take part in the movement of the spheres, which, like the merry-go-round, is controlled and on course, evolving around the central Isle of Paradise, and like the calliope, provides harmony all the way to Paradise and beyond.

Elena: Tomas, this has been an absolutely lesson. The imagery you have used has just been – you’ve literally taken me out and given the farther perspective. It’s just really refreshing. It’s like, I guess I was that little baby who was screaming and wrenching and just, you know, tight as a drum, and I’ve had my bottle now and it’s really great. Thank you!

TOMAS: You are very welcome. This is my purpose in being here. Let me call to your attention that our work is not yet finished. I intend to bear with you until such time as you relinquish your infancy and rise up to full adulthood as the noble daughter of God that you are. It requires effort on everyone’s part to become perfect and even more perfect, but it is, as we have said before, the only goal worth aspiring toward.

Elena: It’s comforting to know that you will be there, too, but thank you for that as well.

Esmeralda: Yes, it is comforting. We always like to have you with us, Tomas.

TOMAS: It is gracious of you to receive me and to receive us. You know there are many in attendance, observing and nurturing your myriad paths as you venture forth into the arena of life in blind faith of tomorrow, in unconscious joy of being, and in synch with all creatures great and small.


I leave you now to your own good company and look forward to our next gathering. Blessings upon you, now and forever. Amen.

Group: Thank you.

TOMAS: Farewell.