1998-11-12-Scribble from Lytske


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Topic: Scribble from Lytske

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Lytske



Become more discerning of your thoughts, child. Notice your judgments and feelings surrounding them. A lot of ill-will happens in the thought processes. Be more in present-centered awareness and fine-tune your brain. Command your mind to immediately make you aware of how and what you are thinking.

I know that this is a laborious process, but one that needs to happen when one desires to move and live in a higher consciousness. The master requires His disciples to walk this path to free the mind from unnecessary thoughts, as you well know that you can only think one thought at a time. They may as well be thoughts which help develop the soul. A greater conscious awareness is needed as this is an ongoing thing. This is the path of inner progress.

The more you follow the path of the Master, which is doing the will of God, the more your gifts shall unfold. Everything you need is already there. The Father knows the longings of all His children, and already the supply is waiting for each and everyone. There is no discrimination based on race, creed, color, or gender. All are equally invited and called to the banquet table.

But each and everyone need to cultivate the process of awakening the soul by discerning negative thoughts and behaviors which are not in accordance with God’s will. How to proceed is up to each soul in cooperation with his or her indwelling Spark from God within. We are all individual reflections of God. He experiences Himself through us. Love one another and be willing to proceed, and accept your marching orders.