1999-01-02-Scribbles from Lytske


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Topic: Scribbles from Lytske

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Unknown

TR: Lytske



Give, give, give, but give wisely, and give abundantly of the spiritual nuggets which give you joy, and hope, and surety in the things unseen. Give from the heart, give from the soul, and give from the mind.

All have their origin in the First Source and Center, and all are one.

On your planet the giving is expressed more in the material realm, and the true lessons for the souls are being forgotten.

Lean towards the spiritual side of giving. In the emptying of the self, the self receives a golden stream from the heart of God.

The Infinite One is always ready to fill the hearts of His children, but few take the time to clear away old things, and allow new things to come in.

“Behold, I make all things new,” said your Master Jesus some time ago.

Remember this promise and live the higher life of spiritual growth and well-being.

The past is past, the future unfolds one day at a time, and that day is today.

Ponder this.

Thank you.