2006-04-02-Nature and Nurture
Topic: Nature and Nurture
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Bzutu
TR: George Barnard
Part 1
Bzutu: “Switching venues does not bother me in the slightest, my dear brother. I am as ready for this tutorial by your side at the computer, as what I am with you recording our conversation on magnetic tape (See note below). I have the time, I make the time, and we have time at our disposal by the thousands and thousands of years.
“We do not see our tasks as having to be completed in something as short as a mortal lifetime. We have ages and ages at our disposal. We are Urantia’s very own United Midwayers. We are united as a permanent workgroup; both Primaries and Secondaries. We are united in our overall approach to our real purpose, and we are united in our respect and admiration and love for each other, and those (humans) who make their time available to us.
“More than anything, we are united in the efforts of bringing Light and Life to this planet for all of us, for Prince Machiventa, Christ Michael and Nebadonia, and the Creator Father of All in the end. United amongst each other, we delight in having among us those who are streaming in from our sister planets in Nebadon and beyond to add to our efforts on this keystone of local universe need and potential we call Urantia.
“It is at this point in time that I step back and will merely facilitate the words of your eminent Teacher of some goodly years, Samuel. Be well.”
George: “Thank you Chief.”
I was uncomfortable at the computer because I type rather slowly when meditating, and I switched to the tape recorder in another room.
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia was appointed in 1992, or even before that time, but I did not know his name, or about his past until some years ago
Part 2
Samuel: “Good afternoon my treasured student. This is your teacher, Samuel.”
George: “Greetings, Samuel.”
Samuel: “Like many others who have been so authorized, I have access to the records of the Progress Platoon of old; the grouping as it was then. And I now take you back to a time in your year 2000 when the Teacher of us all (Machiventa Melchizedek) told you that ‘the soup was still in spin’. Indeed, the times of Light and Life are still many years into the distant future, and likely, almost certainly, happily, I will be involved in this welcome toil well beyond your time on Urantia.
“Even then, perhaps a thousand years from now as I vacate my post for another, the ‘soup’, which is all of humanity, will still be in spin. I smile as I only half-heartedly apologize for this choice of analogy, but since it turned up in recent conversations . . . (on the 11:11 message board). I want to use the analogy of a tasty broth because of its having varied ingredients and spices, so much like this world’s diverse populations.
“Much, as spiritual progress does, and will come about one person at a time, it is the overall picture of the light on your world that gives us an indication of the general progress you are making as a total population. There are places of light and there are dark areas, but on each consecutive day we see that success is being achieved, and you and your human friends are a part of this ‘enlightening’.
“We watch the ‘soup’, we taste the ‘soup’, we identify its ingredients, and we find it so often overlooked by you that this increasingly better tasting ‘brew’ contains both large and small particles.
“Your Midwayer friends and Cherubim, Angels and others alike that will prompt you from time to time to live a more spiritual life do not simply consider only the here and now, the he or she that is being prompted. Take note, my dear friend, we gauge humanity as a whole, and it is often the specific carer – the father, but more often the mother – nurturing a child with the promising nature of becoming a contributor towards better days in the Correcting Time.
“I should be made clear to those who seek your group’s advice that it is (can’t get this word – sounds like ‘imperative’) to keep a record of the events, the happenings, the experiences of a spiritual nature of even the smallest particles in the ‘soup’ – the children. Indeed, my treasured friend, there are many who are being prompted on behalf of a younger one, their offspring, student, the one they give care to, the one they teach, and as Athena so aptly put it, ‘Teach your children about God.’ The children are your future.
“The greatest credits accumulated during terrestrial life are often found to have rightly been awarded to those who most positively impacted on the lives of others. Yes, do your part to keep the ‘soup’ in spin. It remains for me to say that documentation of a child’s early experiences is vital, for so much can be lost from the conscious mind through a child’s forgetfulness (Childhood Amnesia).
“This is Samuel of Panoptia, aware of the pressing times that are upon you, biding my time to a large degree until your beloved helper arrives. My love goes out to you all. Adieu.”