Ascension Blue Chronicles-part 6
- Video : Ascension Chronicles
As a prerequisite it is recommended you first read Blue Lament for Humanity if you have not already done so.
- We stand upon the shores where time does not exist
- But within three blinks of an eye in 2017
- Upon the wings of the morning we shall arrive
- And our presence shall be felt
- Upon our entry we shall light the night sky
- Brighter than a million suns
- For the dark night shall tremble
- And the mighty wind will rush up to greet us
- In that moment our daughter the Earth
- Shall break her waters and give Bearth
- For we are here to be her handmaidens
- To deliver her in her hour of need
- You are to be born angels of destiny
- The bridge between matter and spirit
- A reflection of divinity
- We shall avenge humanity
- For death cannot hide us
- And darkness shall not silence us
- For now you remain under the spell and illusion
- Set by you enslavers Which prevent you from seeing
- With clarity the true nature of your reality
- Your souls have been enslaved by shadows
- Who hide within the angles of light
- A frequency which vibrates a fraction
- Above where you now exist
- Aeon after aeon, timeloop after timeloop
- They have dominated and divided you
- Taking Earth hostage and making it their home
- These shadows (Eli-jehovi) have gone to all ends of the Earth
- To keep your vibration dampened and subdued
- For if it was to rise their identity would be unveiled
- And they be parasites no more with nowhere to run nor hide
- After the event in your year 2017 you shall awaken from your sleep
- And you shall come to understand and speak your native language
- The ancient language of love, the language of light
- For you shall speak without words and see without eyes
- Words, thoughts, intentions, actions and movements
- shall be as music, song and sweet melodies
- The structure of time and space shall be as
- Visible intricate and beautiful patterns
- In an unguarded moment the unveiling shall begin
- And divine creation shall send a heart-pulse
- A supernova wave encoded with the human spirit
- In that moment the light of a million suns
- Shall birth a majestic supernova
- And it shall wash your souls
- With ultraviolet blue waves
- This light shall be isomorphic by design
- Resonant and tuned only to the spirit of humanity
- As this wave ripples across time and space
- All that it touches shall resonate with its divine essence
- For a moment all laws of creation shall be suspended
- It is at this moment within the circle
- Inside the space between the inner and the outer
- We shall shall enter these fallen realms
- In another time past our kind attempted
- To enter through the angles of light
- Only to be trapped by the shadows
- Within re-incarnational cycles unable to re-ascend
- The fallen archons, the eli-jehovi who have this universe
- Under their spell and humanity enslaved shall be brought
- To kneel in front of their own reflection and misgivings
- It is this moment we have been planning and preparing for
- Where we shall avenge humanity and undo all that is done
- And return all to their natural and divine right
- This event is "the unguarded moment"
- It is the secret of secrets from a time before time
- For only the hand of creation
- Knows the moment of the unveiling
- This moment is encoded within your human angelic DNA
- The part that your scientists label as junk DNA
- Injection after Injection within the eye of the needle
- The fallen archons have been genetically splicing
- Modifying your DNA via air, food, toxins, radioactivity
- They use harmonic distortion in your sound and film
- And surround you with maligned electro-magnetic fields
- For aeons they have been attempting
- To decrypt your angelic DNA (junk-DNA)
- Frantic and restless they have become
- As this unguarded moment is near approach
- Their goal is to keep you and Earth hostage
- Disabling and scrambling your angelic DNA
- Hindering your resonance to the isomorphic hypernova
- It is for this reason for a moment in eternity
- The laws of creation, time and space will be suspended
- To re-correct the illusion of error
- And remove the chains that bind your souls
- You already made the choice
- Now you shall understand why you made it
- For you are living in the shadow approaching
- Of an event that has already taken place
- Within this unguarded moment
- Your awakening process shall begin
- Mother Earth shall birth a new humanity
- And all your soullular and cellular selves
- Shall come into alignment merging as one
- All parallel timelines and timeloops
- All pasts, presents and futures
- Shall converge into one nexus point
- Reincarnation shall be no more
- And the spirit of humanity shall be unchained
- From this fallen time and place
- In that moment you shall die and live a thousand lives
- Time shall come to a standstill
- And all shall be frozen in ultraviolet light
- Life time before life time shall be peeled away
- Layer by layer like the many shells of an onion
- Blackhole, whitehole, wormhole, sinkhole
- All that is within shall turn without
- The Inner shall be outer and outer inner
- And from within your cellular structure
- Shall come your inner angels = YOU
- Divine creation birthing within YOU
- Your fallen reflection shall be no more
- And you will real-eyes your true divine nature
- As it was ordained at the beginning of creation
- A day shall come after this event where for a time
- Both our children shall play and laugh together in lavender fields
- And together we shall embrace the wonders of divine creation
- Before we depart again ever seeking creation's arrow
- We repeatedly whisper these transmissions
- Across all levels, time and space
- So you will hear them deep
- Within your slumbering souls
- And one morning in an unguarded moment
- As you gaze upon your reflection
- In the drop of a morning dew
- You will real-eyes your forgotten dreams
- And find yourself standing in blue water
- Your hearts beating upon Gaia's shores
- Earth is beautiful blue, until another time, another place
- Where silence and peace shall speak as loud as war once did
- And Earth returns to where she was once before, GAIA.