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Pages in category "Evolution"
The following 171 pages are in this category, out of 171 total.
- 2000-05-07-Evolution
- 2000-07-24-Natural Evolution
- 2001-02-05-Spiritual Circuit
- 2001-04-06-More On Mistakes
- 2002-06-23-Chemical Warfare
- 2002-09-08-Involution & Stillness
- 2003-01-05-Mankind's Evolution
- 2004-05-13-Magisterial Son Helpers
- 2004-11-08-A Lesson on Evolution
- 2005-12-18-Self Forgetfulness & Forgiveness
- 2008-08-26-A Life Modification World
- 2009-03-09-Learning from Your Personal Ministries
- 2009-06-01-Universes of Personal Beings
- 2010-01-11-Creative Spirit
- 2010-06-11-Unification of Diverse Groups
- 2010-06-28-Flowering of Individuality
- 2010-09-12-Long View Project-Dialogue 28
- 2011-11-18-Coversations with Monjoronson-Healthcare
- 2012-01-11-Creation and Evolution
- 2012-05-04-About Evolution/Creation
- 2012-06-29-Conversations with Monjoronson 53
- 2012-08-06-Creation and Evolution Revisited
- 2012-12-19-The Aggressive and the Accommodating
- 2013-03-02-Evolution
- 50:5 Progressive Civilization
- 52:0 Planetary Mortal Epochs
- 52:1 Primitive Man
- 52:2 Post-Planetary Prince Man
- 52:3 Post-Adamic Man
- 52:4 Post-Magisterial Son Man
- 52:5 Post-Bestowal Son Man
- 52:6 Urantia's Post-Bestowal Age
- 52:7 Post-Teacher Son Man
- 55:0 Spheres of Light and Life
- 55:1 The Morontia Temple
- 55:10 The Fourth or Local Universe Stage
- 55:11 The Minor and Major Sector Stages
- 55:12 The Seventh or Superuniverse Stage
- 55:2 Death and Translation
- 55:3 The Golden Ages
- 55:4 Administrative Readjustments
- 55:5 The Acme of Material Development
- 55:6 The Individual Mortal
- 55:7 The First or Planetary Stage
- 55:8 The Second or System Stage
- 55:9 The Third or Constellation Stage
- 56:6 Unification of Evolutionary Deity
- 56:7 Universal Evolutionary Repercussions
- 57:6 The Solar System Stage—The Planet-Forming Era
- 57:7 The Meteoric Era—The Volcanic Age-The Primitive Planetary Atmosphere
- 57:8 Crustal Stabilization-The Age of Earthquakes-The World Ocean and The First Continent
- 58:4 The Life-Dawn Era
- 58:5 The Continental Drift
- 58:6 The Transition Period
- 58:7 The Geologic History Book
- 59:0 The Marine-Life Era on Urantia
- 59:1 Early Marine-Life in the Shallow Seas-The Trilobite Age
- 59:2 The First Continental Flood Stage-The Invertebrate-Animal Age
- 59:3 The Second Great Flood Stage-The Coral Period—The Brachiopod Age
- 59:4 The Great Land-Emergence Stage-The Vegetative Land-Life Period-The Age of the Fishes
- 59:5 The Crustal-Shifting Stage-The Fern-Forest Carboniferous Period-The Age of Frogs
- 59:6 The Climatic Transition Stage-The Seed-Plant Period-The Age of Biologic Tribulation
- 60:0 Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era
- 60:1 The Early Reptilian Age
- 60:2 The Later Reptilian Age
- 60:3 The Cretaceous Stage-The Flowering-Plant Period-The Age of Birds
- 60:4 The End of the Chalk Period
- 61:0 The Mammalian Era on Urantia
- 61:1 The New Continental Land Stage-The Age of Early Mammals
- 61:2 The Recent Flood Stage-The Age of Advanced Mammals
- 61:3 The Modern Mountain Stage-Age of The Elephant and The Horse
- 61:4 The Recent Continental-Elevation Stage-The Last Great Mammalian Migration
- 61:5 The Early Ice Age
- 61:6 Primitive Man in the Ice Age
- 61:7 The Continuing Ice Age
- 62:0 The Dawn Races of Early Man
- 62:1 The Early Lemur Types
- 62:2 The Dawn Mammals
- 62:3 The Mid-Mammals
- 62:4 The Primates
- 62:5 The First Human Beings
- 62:6 The Evolution of the Human Mind
- 62:7 Recognition as an Inhabited World
- 63:0 The First Human Family
- 63:1 Andon and Fonta
- 63:2 The Flight of the Twins
- 63:3 Andon's Family
- 63:4 The Andonic Clans
- 63:5 Dispersion of the Andonites
- 63:6 Onagar—The First Truth Teacher
- 63:7 The Survival of Andon and Fonta
- 65:0 The Overcontrol of Evolution
- 65:1 Life Carrier Functions
- 65:2 The Evolutionary Panorama
- 65:3 The Fostering of Evolution
- 65:4 The Urantia Adventure
- 65:5 Life-Evolution Vicissitudes
- 65:6 Evolutionary Techniques of Life
- 65:7 Evolutionary Mind Levels
- 65:8 Evolution in Time and Space
- 66:0 The Planetary Prince of Urantia
- 68:0 The Dawn of Civilization
- 68:1 Protective Socialization
- 68:2 Factors in Social Progression
- 68:4 Evolution of the Mores
- 68:5 Land Techniques—Maintenance Arts
- 68:6 Evolution of Culture
- 85:0 The Origins of Worship
- 85:1 Worship of Stones and Hills
- 85:2 Worship of Plants and Trees
- 85:3 The Worship of Animals
- 85:4 Worship of the Elements
- 85:5 Worship of the Heavenly Bodies
- 85:6 Worship of Man
- 85:7 The Adjutants of Worship and Wisdom
- 86:0 Early Evolution of Religion
- 86:1 Chance: Good Luck and Bad Luck
- 86:2 The Personification of Choice
- 86:3 Death—The Inexplicable
- 86:4 The Death-Survival Concept
- 86:5 The Ghost-Soul Concept
- 86:6 The Ghost-Spirit Environment
- 86:7 The Function of Primitive Religion
- 87:0 The Ghost Cults
- 87:1 Ghost Fear
- 87:2 Ghost Placation
- 87:3 Ancestor Worship
- 87:4 Good and Bad Spirit Ghosts
- 87:5 The Advancing Ghost Cult
- 87:6 Coercion and Exorcism
- 87:7 Nature of Cultism
- 88:2 Evolution of the Fetish
- 88:6 The Practice of Magic
- 89:6 Evolution of Human Sacrifice
- 90:1 The First Shamans—The Medicine Men
- 90:2 Shamanistic Practices
- 90:3 Shamanic Theory of Disease and Death
- 90:4 Medicine Under the Shamans
- 90:5 Priests and Rituals
- 91:0 The Evolution of Prayer
- 91:1 Primitive Prayer
- 91:2 Evolving Prayer
- 91:3 Prayer and the Alter Ego
- 92:0 Later Evolution of Religion
- 92:1 The Evolutionary Nature of Religion
- 92:2 Religion and the Mores
- 92:3 The Nature of Evolutionary Religion
- 92:4 The Gift of Revelation
- 92:5 The Great Religious Leaders
- 92:6 The Composite Religions
- 92:7 The Further Evolution of Religion