


"...the sympotic purpose [is] to build through pleasure an enhanced or new friendship among participants...a distinction between the 'hot' culture of the symposium and the 'cold' culture of the book. In the symposium...the word could never be separated from the conditions of its enunciation."

From: A Short History of Western Performance Spaceby David Wiles "When I enter an empty theatre, I feel a surge of anticipation, sensing the potential for intense human contact..." ISBN 0521012740 or ISBN 978-0521012744

  • 1825 Blackw. Mag. XVII. 679 The light sympotical mode with which he [sc. Socrates] treats the most difficult points of philosophy.
  • 1981 Times 5 Aug. 12/6 The sympotical form is still quite distinctive of British culture from pubs to clubs.