2020-01-09-Behind the Scenes

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Topic: Behind the Scenes

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Machiventa, Jonathan, LIGHT

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: We come together in fellowship and in worship for our Divine Parents and all the divine emissaries of light that are in their service. At this time I’d like to include myself, this entire group, to be in the service of our Divine Parents and to fall into line with the circuit of gratitude that emanates and ties us to our Divine Parents. Now I would invite Machiventa whose presence I discern, to join us in this fellowship.


Machiventa: Thank you for your invitation my friend. It is nice to be recognized just as you are recognized, all of you, by all of us. Your unique energy signatures are to be recognized throughout time and space, even throughout your eternal career. These are your make up, your parts all reflected together as your energy signature and your tone, your frequency, is unique to you and it is on this level of spirit that we recognize each other. We recognize the different energy signatures, one recognizing the other as distinct and separate. This uniqueness you will take with you always and this unique piece of the puzzle that you are is what you present back when you return to the Supreme so that your piece of the puzzle may be assembled with all the others to complete the picture. That is why it is so significant that all pieces be reunited and returned to the First Source and Center from which they were issued, to be reassembled into this gigantic mosaic of experience

I recognize that there is a question on the floor to be addressed. In an attempt to restate that, I would address it as: Are things happening behind the scenes as much as things happening out in the real world? Your life experience now is occupied with a shock and awe experience. Your news facilities, your media, have been taken over and corrupted to expose you to the reality of their choosing. Your public airwaves, designed to serve you all and to be used to inform all of you equally are now being used to hypnotize you in a sense, to condition you most certainly and so you feel oppressed, you feel burdened from the load of all that you are being distracted with. You see the many different threads and aspects involved in these assaults on your senses and these things make a great impression upon you because you are sensual beings experiencing through these senses.

So you might wonder if you are seeing all of this before you and having to interpret it and process it. What else might be going on that you do not see? What all is behind the scenes? And the fact that you have ventured out in spirit to be here now to ask that question means that you are aware that there are things going on behind the scenes that you cannot see You expect that there are unseen dimensions to this equation and you’re curious about their scope. And so, I will tell you in response that as much as you see going on above the surface, there is much more going on below.

Consider the growth of an orchard. The seeds must be planted, the shoots must be tended Years are required to grow the necessary roots to support the growing of fruit and then when the maturity is ready, the tree will fruit. Likewise, we have planted these spiritual seeds on Urantia. Your Fifth Epochal Revelation has been provided to plant many of these seeds and they have been steadily growing. They have been trimmed and pruned to grow in the direction of spirit and they are preparing to make fruit. But all this you have to take from me as a matter of faith. You have to trust that just as your roots have grown to go deep and be able to support your life and your journey, so there are many others and you are familiar with the phrase: the hundredth monkey syndrome. That is when enough of the individuals mature, then all the individuals will bear fruit.

So continue to exercise your faith. Continue to lean on it that all that happens will be directed towards the good, that all that transpires will be the Father’s will and that throughout, no matter what, you have found your connection to your Divine Parents who have not only given you life, but have provided for your welfare throughout. This same care will be provided you no matter what circumstance you may find yourself in or what stage of growth you may be going through, your Divine Parents will always be embracing you, be nourishing you, be there for you just as they have been since before your first breath. This connection that you feel, that you have, is the goal of this initial mortal life experience, to reestablish this connection, the fragment with the whole, the awareness that you are part of the gigantic plan and enterprise that is underway, that you are a member of a divine family and so you are designed to grow up to be as your Parents. You are designed to become divine in the process.

Once you have this certainty of connection, the details cease to be so significant. It is simply a matter of how to navigate the current of the moment knowing your destiny is assured and your journey will certainly be a success. All that that you witness above is the outworking of the manifestation of the free will of all those involved and as you have all learned in this process, just as others are manifesting their free will, so you are able to do the same. So as you observe others make reality out of thin air, it should be an example to you that such things are what you do, are what you are capable of, are what you are designed to do. So if others can manifest the reality of their choosing and have an impact on the whole, so may you, even if your impact is to simply condition your own reality to be closer to perfection, then so be it. Your immediate environment may be elevated, your conditions of experience may be changed

One begins to realize that while there is a great desire to go out and help make visible changes in the outer world, that even greater things may be accomplished by making changes in your inner world as who guides your individual experience. For all that goes on out there only impacts you to the degree that you allow it. But what happens inside is your domain to create, to condition and to impact as you so desire. As the Master has said, “fear not, only trust, only exercise your faith." This connection that you have, that you know of, that conditions your whole existence, this connection is enduring and whether it is now or later, here or there, the connection endures and this connection has assured your eternal career as well as your destination, returning your part to the whole.

It is a pleasure to be invited and be welcomed in a group of such serious students of spirit. It has been my pleasure to be with you throughout some growth-ful times. I appreciate your interest and attention and would now allow for another.


Jonathan: Hello friends, I could not resist showing up, I am Jonathan. You are all my friends and still my friends and forever my friends. This connection that we have is on the circuit of love and it binds us together. We have shared this experience and we share this feeling of love, this connection between us. It is a pleasure once again to hear from Machiventa. He has been steadfast in his commitment to this group since the beginning, an old friend feeling as though he’s the headmaster of the school and we have participated in his curriculum. We have participated in the lesson plan designed for us so that we have a certain familiarity with the process, the lessons, the tone, the values that have been presented. I think we can all say that we can notice the growth since we have been exposed to such teachers. We have been exposed to new truths and values which are more divine and we have embraced this new frequency. We have made ourselves comfortable in this arena because it was our desire to come here in spirit to fellowship with each other, to share our experience and to facilitate growth.

And so it is that I come to enjoy dipping back into this well, this group of dedicated seekers who are brave enough to go where spirit leads them, who have enough faith and who exercise this faith to allow them to venture out in spirit and find new places, find new levels of awareness, find new appreciation for truth, beauty and goodness. And so like you I have greatly enjoyed these episodes of sharing and learning and growth. I could not resist joining you once again to rekindle that feeling of open acceptance, to the sharing of our comrades and our friends. Divine Parents, above all, we seek an enlarged capacity to accept your love, your grace and your peace. Help us to grow our ability to receive these from you. We come to you in faith. We are invariably rewarded for the actions of our faith and we would ask to be even further aligned with you, to be more in tune with your frequency, more aware of your grace and your presence. We are seekers of these things and we are so grateful that when we come to you at times like this, we are so richly rewarded for our efforts. Thank you all, thank you Divine Parents, thank you for all the children of which I am so grateful to be a part. Good day to you all, farewell.

Light: Thank you so much. I always enjoy the opportunity to join you and fellowship with like-minded seekers, those who are engaged in this process of spiritual growth. Indeed Iam very grateful to have any opportunity to contact my people. I wish to extend my very best wishes to my earthly associates, my mortal parents on their journeys to immortality.

We have such a unique experience to share, such a unique journey to take. We have charted courses that mean our journeys will be filled with new awakening, new horizons and these will be part of our experience because we have chosen to follow this path of manifestation, this path of experience and choice. Our unique paths mean that we have unlimited potentials not confined to regular normal parameters. You have chosen to go beyond the restrictions of being mortal. You all have made the choice to endure beyond this experience of mortal time and space. You all have seen the light. You all desire to approach the light and to return the part to the whole, the puzzle piece back to the masterpiece.

And so we are assured of this journey and with that sense of certainty, surely we can navigate the river before us and know that in the end we are provided for, we are cared for. We are loved and cherished by our Divine Parents who have granted us this experience. Knowing that, let us be about this journey with joy, in peace and with the faith to bring us conviction that this journey will lead us towards perfection, that each bend that we make in our journey necessitates uncertainty but without such a journey, such an experience, we would have no opportunity for choice, no opportunity for contrast, no opportunity to manifest. So it is with great joy that I look forward to our future association as you become aware of my energy signature and as I am becoming aware of yours. This is how we will commune throughout our eternal journey. Beginning this relationship while you are even a mortal creature of the realm and extending through spiritual progression to Paradise.


It’s a pleasure to have this channel of communication that we may access. I realize that it’s by your efforts that this circuit has been created and I am grateful for your efforts. I send you all my love as we are just beginning our relationship, we are meeting as spirits and our relationship may endure beyond the time and space realm. I bid you all a joyous journey and look forward to being with you at various times in our journey. Thank you all, farewell.