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Topic: Circuits

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Inner Voice

TR: Mark Rogers



Dr. Mendoza: Thank you for setting a place for me and creating a space that I am welcome because of your intention and your willingness to do so. This is reflective of some of our previous lessons in which we have talked about conditioning the environments. My associate here tonight has spontaneously gone about setting the stage, creating the environment wherein we can associate and function by the process of aligning himself with spirit and petitioning participants to be involved with him in his process of awakening to his spiritual component.

So once the stage has been set, once the atmosphere has been created as in dimming the lights and cueing the music, then the stage might be utilized to express your awareness of divine truths and principles as is evident by your participation here and now. This act of preparing the environment or preparing the patient or preparing the circumstance is a valuable component in our efforts to direct divine energies to any given destination.


I’d like us to take another step tonight if we would. You have also previously had some discussions about circuity and energy and this is a very deep topic, if you will, because you are in fact connected to a number of different circuits, some of which you may be unaware you possess. But all these different avenues of approach have been created for you so that you may find the spiritual component of your lives in any circumstance. Some of these circuits include the Spirit of Truth that Michael bestowed upon you as an act of grace. You also have Michael’s Indwelling Spirit that he has offered to you to connect with at will and receive His comfort. You also have a circuit with your Mother of Mothers, you are so en-circuited with her that right now it is difficult for you to determine where She leaves off and you begin; just as in the days when you were in the womb, so close is your association with your Divine Mother.

You also have another circuit that is available to you once your awareness may encompass it. As you all are aware, there is within each of you, an Indwelling Fragment of God, a part of the whole, a messenger from on high, a Divine Spark that desires to join with you and become one. This has been referenced frequently as the Thought Adjuster or the Mystery Monitor. This facet of your being enables you to enjoy a circuit that exists between all fragments of the whole or between all Indwelling Spirits. This circuit is able to be utilized to communicate with your Adjuster and your Adjuster may then, through this circuit of connection, make contact with another's Adjuster and in matters of healing, this circuitry is most valuable for the Thought Adjusters are the Divine Spark within. They are uniquely aware of the condition of their associate and therefore they are guardians of the personality that they are attached to. It is their sole mission to bond with this time/space creature and in so doing, create an immortal being, one that is returning to the First Source and Center from which it was issued.

I bring this circuitry up as a reminder for you to consider putting your questions and your most sincere desires for understanding, put them before your onboard partner. That is exactly what they desire that you would do, is to involve them in the course of your lives and to ask for their guidance and to establish a relationship with them. I would think that it would be a positive exercise for all of you to provide yourself with exercises to establish your connection and to establish your awareness of this connection. For many it is useful to take up pen and paper and without regard to what transpires, simply allow yourselves to be the tool, the scribe to the answer that is the highest one you can conceive of. Turn yourself over to the divine energies and sincerely put your petition into words. By doing this you are formulating your prayer, you are stating your awareness of the situation and the circuitry and the process in your request.

Having formulated your question, immediately begin to provide the answer without regard to what the sentences may say, what direction it may go or your use of punctuation. None of that should be allowed to get in your way but rather simply ask and you shall receive. State your request to the universe and allow that your connection to your Divine Fragment can provide you with the answers you seek. It is truly within you all and it is truly your most direct link. Even your consultations with Michael and others are not as direct as your Internal Fragment.

This is your greatest gift and so I bring this up once again to illustrate that this is another tool that you may put into your toolbox and utilize. This tool can be used to determine the right course of action when attempting to assist someone. Petition your Inner Voice, your Inner Guide to confer with another individuals Inner Guide and to request direction, to request permission, to request being granted the authority. This is the most direct channel you could have so it would be nice if we could bring this one onboard as a more prominent tool.


Inner Voice: This is this one’s Inner Voice. There is enormous resistance on my companions part to allow such grace as he feels it must be to receive directly any contact with Me, his Inner Voice. I have had some difficulty in working with him about this ability, this opportunity really, that exists, but tonight, since the discussion centered around utilizing and activating this circuit of all of your Inner Voices, it was deemed appropriate that I should make an appearance. I would speak to you all and through you all on this circuit we now share. My words may become yours as you are encouraged to embrace this energy and accept your place in the circle.

This gift of grace that you have, this voice within you, desires nothing more than your relationship, to join you in the journey that you will experience. This Divine Fragment has