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Flurry No. 10 and Spokespersons Michael, Coreli, Andrononson, Uversa, Jesus
Dear List,

A new Flurry is to arrive in a few days. I also have a few things I wish to say regarding its contents and then a few remarks by those you know in spirit follow.

I have been informed that the new FLURRY (Number 10 of the 2012 series) is somewhat a misnomer in that it far exceeds the idea of what the FLURRY is supposed to represent.

I am also told that Michael of Nebadon is delighted that he can prepare some remarks about the new Paper that represents a milestone on Urantia since the publication of the Urantia. That is because this Paper is the first time since the Papers were prepared for the disclosures of the fifth epochal revelation that staff of the Michael government convened on Urantia to help write the paper (going out as Flurry No . 10) you will soon see delivered via the BCC list, hopefully before the coming week is finished. It is in intensive editing right now and I can not name a time that it will be done.

Here are the remarks Michael prepared for the release on Flurry No. 10, and I hold nothing back from you and reprint the dictation as received on November 20, 2012 as I pondered how to finish the FLURRY. I have since then removed these remarks because of the length of the new FLURRY and because I thought it might upset people reading the Paper unnecessarily as sometimes off the subject.

*(Remarks from Michael of Nebadon)
In conclusion, we have finished a very difficult paper to transmit. It has taken nearly five days of intermittent discussion, transmission, and correction, and STILL, it remains unfinished as of this evening. We are not sure you are being able to hear all we have to say [to the Editor, Ron], but we are confident that you hear enough to be able to write a document that should be in the Urantia Book after some additional work could be appended to it. Nevertheless, we consider the work finished on this subject for now.

In preparing this document we have had several disagreements over who should be allowed to speak. We had visits from J. Robert Oppenheimer; two Presidents of the United States, Roosevelt and Eisenhower; and two Saudi Kings as well as Winston Churchill. In all my days as a Creator Son, I have never seen such interest in a subject about such a small Paper as this one has been. However, it was decided after some considerable disagreement, to eliminate their remarks as historical as they were, in order to present a Paper that contains mostly about Ultimatons and how they behave and their nature in space. [Ron's comment: I have retained the addendum remarks, or you might call them the Afterward Remarks to the Paper, for future use but I can not predict how and when they will be used right now. There is some great history in them and a real eye opener in the case of the Eisenhower story related to me quite wide-eyed when he speaks about Caligastia materializing before him in Germany. Eisenhower knew not who he was or what he stood for at that moment, but he later learned what Caligastia wanted and was totally disgusted!]

Our mission on Urantia is to complete all pages of the forthcoming Paper called Ultimatons and the loss of sovereignty on Urantia by the scientific community should they ever believe what is written here, I am not afraid of them, nor is the editor of this Paper, nor is the last of the scientific community going to laugh when they learn that the end of the sentence of the last page of this document is the final statement about Ultimatons until I arrive in the flesh sometime in the coming years of the beginning of the Magisterial Mission.

We conclude that the last of the years of scientific experiment with particles and sub-particles was about over. But now we also think that the end of the rainbow for science on Urantia is appearing outside your windows come the end of this year (2012), as I have authorized the last day of the year to celebrate the coming of spring for the people of Urantia. I offer this mention in this Paper because this Paper represents a spring to come for Urantia that will never be lost again. We see that the time has come to end our association with the sciences on Urantia in order to prepare our presence in the flesh among you.

Then I too will be asking, where are your Papers on the Ultimaton, and why have you not begun to study the universe as it was meant to be studied? We stand on the brink of another discontinental monument to the appearance of another land mass off the shores of the city of New York. Its appearance will come when I arrive sometime beyond the next year, but I promise you, that I will become the Mayor of New York if you become the scientists I believe you all are capable of in spite of your disagreement that nothing of God exists in nature worth studying.

My study is for you. My heart is for you. My leap in faith is for you. But my understanding of what is to come is not for you to know until I arrive. Thereafter, I promise you, the scientist, you will have a new university, a new placement among your brethren, and a place among those at the table with the Magisterial Mission. My wish is that you bring to the table an idea of what an Ultimaton is going to be used for. I anticipate that somehow, somewhere, my work among you as Jesus, and as my self as the Creator Son of Nebadon, that these last words will resonate with your minds when we decide to make all public about your failures and your successes. In this I am deeply indebted to the Saudi Kings whose remarks have been deleted from this Paper, and from the Presidents Eisenhower and Roosevelt who placed their trust in this editor and for whom they have been provided with an outlet of their views of the Palestinian debacle and the ruse that caused Word War II to end before we, the Michael government of Nebadon, could end it with a bang.

In this I regret that the end of World War II started an arms race rather than ended a war, and while I am beginning to understand I have exceeded my time to end these remarks at the conclusion of this Paper, I would remind all of you that the last of the wars to be fought are now taking place in the Middle East. But before I preface my final statement, let me tell you all that if the atomic bomb had not broken the backs of the Japanese, I would have ended it from the land of spirit in a final solution that no one would have appreciated for centuries.

Our congratulations to this Editor and his helpers to make this Paper a point of interest in our history here in Nebadon, and a point of thought for those of you who read these pages on Urantia.. The Creative Spirit, my Spirit Partner, advises me that she also finds that the Paper is to be enjoyed and released as soon as possible before the celebrations begin on December 31, 2012, when the skies over Urantia become ignited with the showers of Ultimatons that will have their chains pulled and be consumed in spirit by the Father himself in order to prevail on Urantia thereafter. The sky will glow and the hearts of many will be glad.

In this I am with you, and my beloved Nebadonia, and for Urantia, I am Michael of Nebadon. My peace be with you.

END of Michael's Remarks of November 20th.

Ron: I do not know what happens now. This Paper on Ultimatons has only scratched the surface of the subject, yet it sometimes reads well without adding a lot for you to know before you read it. The Paper contains revelations you will not hear even in the coming second volume of the Urantia Book because we receive permission from Uversa to hear our discussions with the Personalized Adjuster assigned to Urantia to represent, and to actually be, Michael of Nebadon.

Xavier, the Personalized Adjuster is direct from Divinington and has been modified by the Father himself to portray Michael of Nebadon. I point out to the reader, that Xavier stood by my left elbow as I wrote and walked through every sentence with me and Rayson, the Chief Scientist for the Magisterial Mission, and with the Chief of Archangels, Coreli, to put his paper in readable English to laymen. Rayson's word pictures about the behavior of the various elements in the universe is enjoyable to read for me and I hope for you.
===December 30, 2012===
In about a fortnight I will make available to all of you and the BCC list an announcement I am told is coming about the celebration to be seen on the night of December 30, 2012. In that announcement I will be advised of the plan of Michael to provide all who can hear in their minds, the voice of Michael as it is heard on Salvington, and he will address all who can hear this voice of his so that they may know how they are being viewed from heaven and what each will be asked to do when the celebrations begin.

In this announcement I personally will be aided by the Archangel Coreli who also with me right now as I write this to you. He connects me up on the higher communication circuitry from Urantia. It is a powerful influence and I can hardly keep the tears out of my eyes for the spirit of an Archangel is potent and runs my fingers over the keyboard as though they were water over the surface of a dam.

The Archangel Coreli asks that all of you who hear this day of Thanksgiving, to prepare yourselves to be made available to Monjoronson when the day arrives for his fleet of vehicles to be seen by a select few. This fleet is organized as part of the celebrations in the skies of Urantia and each of you will be advised when and where they will appear to show the colors of Michael of Nebadon, the blue and white triangular banner that flies over the sacred mount on Salvington.

I must now conclude these remarks as I am aware that Michael himself wishes to make an additional statement to each reading this work:

Michael of Nebadon, Thanksgiving Day, 2012 on Urantia - -
Hear Me Now

I am Michael of Nebadon, and I assign each of you on this list who can hear me in your minds as you read this. I make the voice inside your head noticeable as you read this. I am making Urantia mine and I wish you all to become mine as quickly as you are able to say the words out loud: "Michael. I am yours!" Then we shall celebrate together the night of December 30th and the day later, the last day of the year of 2012, I will be yours forever when the new dispensation allows me to state that all things on Urantia become my ward on high, and that I declare to you that I am now proceeding to hear the voice of others come in to greet you all.

I am Michael of Nebadon, and I promise you the peace that shall endure!

===The Most High, Andrononson===
I am the Most High Andrononson.

I speak with authority of the Ancients of Days. I prepare you for the entire spectrum of change awaiting all of you at the end of this year. I propose that the end of this year begins with the end for many and the loss of their life on Urantia. These losses will be substantial. In this I praise the Father on High for his compassion and for his work to prevent wholesale slaughter of innocent children of the Most Highs. It will be done slowly and with compassion as the earthly population that believes in Caligastia and Monjoronson, that each shall be suborned no longer as mixing together. Such will be the danger near the end of December of land masses colliding among the seas of Japan and of China that we fear many will go forth that day and awake on mansonia the next.

Our work on Edentia for Urantia is just beginning. It was begun during the age of revolution during the 18th century and consists of several stages which we will now relate to you:

Stage 1: The last of the rebellion figures are identified and relegated to their places of discernment;

Stage 2: The last of the worst offenders who used Edentia and Salvington to further their purposes of rebellion on Urantia were interned;

Stage 3: The last of the offenders on Urantia were rooted out and the placement of the grid that was corrupted was taken out with portions destroyed and/ or repaired;

Stage 4: Our hearts go out to those on Urantia who shall leave no mark of their existence on the soil of Urantia when the fifth epochal dispensation is declared the last day of the year 2012.

Stage 5: The end of the world as you know it is ready to be declared. This represents changing the nearly 5 million volts of power need to provide the life giving morontia atmosphere existing in the grid area on Urantia for those in morontia states will be changed. That morontia atmosphere known to many as the grid, shall become affixed to the new regime of the Morontia Power Supervisors being brought to Urantia for this purpose.

In conclusion, I Andrononson, ask that all of you become involved in the statements from Michael that preceded my remarks. I ask all become dedicated to Michael, Monjoronson, and the staff that arrives on Urantia beginning tomorrow, the 23rd of November, 2012.
===Chief of Archangels, Coreli===

Here me, I am an Archangel of status on Urantia for the last 2,000 years. I have been awarded the Cross of Honor on Urantia by Michael himself. In this I am deeply indebted to Michael and to Divine Minister, my Creators. The Cross of Honor is now given to me (Coreli) by Michael, and to those others who were unafraid of Caligastia when he terrorized the System of Satania, and left us all aghast at the hatred and the devious nature of his purposes.

I address a letter that is well known to most of you for reasons you will understand:

Dear Santa Claus,

I regret to inform you, that Christmas this year will fail to blaze with lights. I call upon the Power Directors to obtain extra batteries, because we, the Archangels, refuse to watch one more Christmas without joy and without expectation of the peace that endures.

We send the following greetings to all of the commercial outlets who depend on Christmas to make their yearly goals for profit. You shall not be surprised that this Christmas is your LAST Christmas with the idea of making money. These offenses end December 31st when Michael and Monjoronson jointly decree the end to Christmas as you have celebrated for centuries.

Christmas will now become a holy day of the year for providing thanksgiving. as this day was given, the third Thursday of November, when President Lincoln declared it to be a national holiday in October of 1863. The idea was wonderful, but it has fallen on deaf ears for decades as no Thanksgiving erupts across this land anymore.

Coreli, Chief of Archangels on Urantia and medal bearer of the honorary degree the Cross of Urantia.

Michael of Nebadon responds to Coreli:

I am Michael of Nebadon, and I salute you Coreli for your work on high for me and for your dedication of the letter to Santa Claus. In that letter I would like to add just one new phrase, and that is:

"Dear Santa, I cross your name off my list of Saints, and I bear you no ill will forever, as you have prepared Urantia for the idea of gift giving and love from the outside sources we represent. In this gift giving I provide all of you the last idea of Santa Claus when I tell you that I will arrive in a machine considered obsolete, as that machine will be the wind. I arrive quietly the night of December 30th and I depart with fanfare on December 31st, 2012. Thereby, I tell you that I have now declared Urantia corrupt and broken and that it will be fixed and provided a new home in the bosom of the Father very soon.

We leave you with one word of advice, writer. Leave no trail alone in sending this information out to your outlets as quickly as possible. I await your affirmation in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, that you shall do so forthwith. Keep me in your heart and hold my hand as the whirlwind of thought is about to take hold of every mind these words, b chance, will find residence and with affirmation of your intention to do so, I now leave you as I have much work to do for Urantia and for Nebadon.

===From the Ancients of Days of Uversa===
*The Soul of Jesus Speaks
I am Antoli, and I serve as liaison for the Ancients of Days on Uversa. Antoli is of an Order not revealed on Urantia, and provides the remarks of the Uversa Ancients of days regarding a Primary Supernaphim to be assigned to Urantia. The Primary Supernaphim is the personalization of the soul of Jesus. I am the soul of Jesus so many of you have sought my whereabouts for so long.

You have wondered who I am and where I am for years. You considered it a mystery that may never be solved in your lifetime. I stand here before you as you write these words on the screen, and I tell you, you will never quite know where I am coming from as I am ready to serve on Urantia the moment Jesus returns. In this duty I feel for you and for all others, I remain Jesus.

Jesus so loved the world, he fell no further than the death on the cross.

He lived his life as you live yours. I am returning to the Father for a brief stay on Paradise as I have been confirmed on high to serve on Urantia as a Primary Supernaphim of the First Order. In that work, I propose that the life of Jesus be given to the midwayers to revise so that we have a complete history of the Life of Jesus now partially told in Part IV of the original Urantia Book. In this request to the Ancients of Days on Uversa, I ask that the spelling of Jesus be changed to Joshua as I am known as Joshua and I partake of the last meal on Urantia as Joshua.

In this petition before the Uversa Ancients of Days, I wish to convey the idea that I shall return without the moniker Joshua, but that I shall become known as the man who died on the Cross I.N.R.I..

Hereby in notice, I provide each of you a statement of profession of faith for me. It is as follows:

Give me your daily life as I have given you my Father and his spirit of joy to all. I stand ready to give all that can be given in one short life on Urantia. In this I am indebted to my Father and to those who loved me more than I can bear. To you my children I give all that the Father can give in the flesh. To all of you who hear my words, let me be the one who knows you heart first and your life to become in the spirit. Life is beyond my name but I convey all to those who know my heart is pure and I sing the praise of a Father to the Father Of Us All.

I write one more sentence before I end these remarks:

I hold no one in obedience to me that has no wish to be mine. I hold no one in thought who wishes no thought of my reunion with Urantia these coming days and hours. I hold one in danger of the loss of their life for not coming to me quickly in the days ahead. I provide no one a thought that all must end soon, for that is not to be done. I ask that all receive me graciously and with good intention to serve our Father in Heaven.

I am Michael of Nebadon. I testify to the remarks above as that of my soul mate, and that I leave you tonight as I leave you every night, to see to the end of a rainbow that will appear on the night of December 31st in the dark, and that at the end of that rainbow you all shall see will be a larder of light the likes of which you have never witnessed. No clouds will obscure these wonders. I bid you all good day and good night, and ask that you find the peace to seek me as I ride the wind to be with you every moment you so allow.


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