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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame *[ 1658] ==Definitions== *1: the action or state of osc...'

*[ 1658]
*1: the [[action]] or state of oscillating
*2: variation, fluctuation
*3: a [[flow]] of [[electricity]] changing periodically from a maximum to a minimum; especially : a flow periodically changing [[direction]]
*4: a single swing (as of an oscillating body) from one [[extreme]] [[limit]] to the other
'''Oscillation''' is the repetitive variation, typically in [[time]], of some [[measure]] about a central value (often a [[point]] of [[equilibrium]]) or between [[two]] or more different states. Familiar examples include a swinging [[pendulum]] and [ AC] power. The term [[vibration]] is sometimes used more narrowly to mean a [[mechanical]] oscillation but sometimes is used to be synonymous with "oscillation". Oscillations occur not only in [[physical]] systems but also in [[biological]] systems and in human [[society]]. []

[[Category: Physics]]

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