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===Topic: '''''Teachers and Students'''''===
===Group: [[Nashville TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Ham]]===
===TR: [[Tiahuan]]===
Ham: Greetings my friends, my fellow students. This is your teacher you know well; this is Ham. How happy I am to be with you.
I have greeted you as fellow students, and yes, you know me as your teacher, even as an administrator of many teachers, but I would ask you to remember our lessons which we explored together. Their purpose was to train you as teachers. And how do we teach? We teach as we live. We speak as we our able. In the openings we are given by all those we know. We cultivate additional opportunities in every exchange seeking to extend the domain of love whose source is our Father.

Many are here observing. Each of you have grown more than you know, and while you may have
missed our regular sessions, I know you have attended to the many lessons supplied to you in your own
experience. This is always the master of all teachers. If our Creator Son would regard living experience
as his teacher, then surely all of us can recognize its value.

We are gathered here with much anticipation. I have enjoyed witnessing your conversations. You
demonstrate a maturity we are endeavoring to foster throughout this world, knowing full-well your
natural propensities while checking these against your own guidance, coupled with the knowledge you
have gained from your studies in your text, in our lessons, and in the world at large.

Yes, we will witness a great lesson in this coming time, this time that is upon us now. For in this moment, as in the
many moments of the Master's walk, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, the kingdom coming in great
power is at hand, and you need look no further than your own lives for the proof of this statement. It is
your lives that are showing us and the world the readiness, the preparation that has been well made to
receive infusions of Light and Life upon this world in such desperate need. And so, again I greet you and
recognize that we have become joined together as fellow students in this work of teaching the truth of
who we are, beloved of the First Source of all things, living extensions of this light.

There are many here to magnify this light. I would encourage you to recognize that this light you bear
will only grow as you receive these larger infusions. Those things you may find around you that bear
witness to these infusions are coming forth from within you. And as you have walked quite a ways with
us, we are ready now to walk further but working as peers more than as your previous status as new students of those that you were inclined to regard with great awe and with mystery,

The paths you have walked since then have made you more able to stand on your own,
knowing you are fully supported in this larger task of the reclamation of this world. The truth is
eternal, the moments of its manifestation are unique each unto themselves. Each of you with
opportunities designed to engage your heart's desire and your greatest capacity for service. Doubt not
the preparation you have received. Be emboldened knowing that I stand with you. I have never left
you, but I would encourage you still further, to draw upon the source of my own learning. For I have
told you, someday you may surpass me. Yes, I have traveled far but I am honored to be part of this
Teaching Mission with souls such as you are. Little do you know the influence you wield. And though
you are not recognized in the larger arena of a mass audience whose attention is focused upon the
spectacles of entertainment, no, you entertain the source of all teachers, the source of truth within your
hearts. Within your minds, you attend to the illumination of your Indwelling Spirit. In this time when many are looking around to find in the external world a confirmation of this that you hold within you.

Stand fast in what you know to be true. The Father works in and through his children, even as such as
you are. How many times have we said, you are our hands and feet upon the soil of this world. Be
prepared to receive these larger infusions of light deep in you being. The kingdom is within. It always
has, it always will be. The time for public celebration is well ahead of us. You are forging a way for
many to come after you. Yes, and those from on high, greater than I, Paradise personalities who have
yet to be known, yet to be introduced to many here. You await a great revelation; your promised Son
with his staff. You have many questions about these and rightfully you wonder. I remind you to take
this wonder to Father within. Share your questions here in this place of divine illumination and your
questions will become a source of enlightenment for many.

My friends, do you have questions for me?
Question: I have a question Ham. First off how are you? And best do we engage the
reality as it is with the expectation of brighter and lighter days ahead. How do we approach these days
and find the best place of peace and joy in them just by even, without the need or expectation for
outside influence?

Thank you. Of course I am well, witnessing as I have your growth. Nothing is more gratifying to a
teacher than to witness their students coming of age, becoming a peer. Your progress makes my heart
swell with joy, and while we may have felt as if there was a distance, it was only to demonstrate
how these connections we have built will span the distance of the universe of universes. And so you
ask how shall conduct yourself, compose yourself in the face of so much expectation and so much
turbulence as Urantia makes its transit from darkness to light.

You may be startled to find that what you witness unfolding around you is the marvel that you have held within you. You have felt at times alone in this. You have felt isolated for your world itself has suffered such. Be prepared to discover that this joy you hold at your greatest depth spring(ing) up in this world in places you have not considered,
that will surprise you. So, my son, prepare yourself to be surprised by joy.

Your world suffers seemingly in this moment. It may writhe in pain, but it is the pain of birth. You know well the beauty of children. You know well the labor of birth. Have compassion on those who exhibit hysteria, fear,
discomfort and pain. Comfort them as you would (the) mother of your children, the mother of any child
giving birth. Look with compassion on those who are confused, for you know well how such confusion
can feel. You wonder why for so many years you have been exposed to uncertainty with regard to the
manifestation of the support of a great universe that surrounds you. You have become part of this
support. Your life is inseparable from ours. That I remain unseen poses no distance to you. Our love
easily reaches across this apparent barrier. And if we can do this, how much easier will it be for you to
reach across the barriers of behaviors that are unsettling, that are exhibited by our siblings, whose
faith may not enable them to be at peace in the midst of this storm.

Question: Greetings Ham, it's good to be with you again. Many years ago, I requested a task that I
could perform in service to the mission, and Christ Michael, and the spiritual hierarchy. and I would ask
for another instruction or suggestion of something that I can uniquely offer in service. Thank you.

Ham: My son, you and your friends, many here have been endowed with gifts of expression. You have
written songs that have moved the world. Though it might appear to you that the entire world is not
applauding at your front door. But you have found support and you have found recognition. I would say
to you, build upon this that you have already done. Extend the range of your voice in the manner that
you think best, and do not disregard those you have counseled and encouraged as I have encouraged
you. You can be a teacher of those who compose these songs. You can magnify your voice through
those you teach, through those you encourage, just as I have encouraged you. So, my counsel is simply
continue, but recognize that you can incorporate this gift that you will continue to exercise and
demonstrate, but your influence will be multiplied as you recognize those that you mentor, those that
you encourage, who are young and intimidated and frightened, unsure of how to proceed, just as you
once were yourself. In this you fulfill the cycle of human experience, and you begin to realize the
ascension process. Already you're growing in this way. Is this of any help to you? Yes, thank you so much.

Ham: I would say to these assembled and those of my friends, your friends, who are not here whose hearts
are attuned to this moment, give yourselves the opportunity to explore together. Do not keep
yourselves hidden from one another. Together you do many things that you cannot do alone. There's
great opportunity here to build upon the foundation of the many years of our work together. I say this
simply as a suggestion to foster what I know (is) your hearts' desire to support one another in the work
before us. Indeed I would say the many years we have behind us is but a step along the path of the
great work we have before us, and how happy I am to have such capable colleagues enjoined in this
Teaching Mission.
Until we meet again, I say farewell.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Nashville TeaM]]
[[Category: Ham]]
[[Category: Tiahuan]]
[[Category: 2012]]

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