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===Topic: '''''Connecting to the Salvington Circuit'''''===
===Group: [[At Large|Universal Service of Light]]===
===Teacher: [[Michae|Christ Michael]], [[Nebadonia|Mother Spirit]], [[Gabriel]], [[Uriel]]===
===TR: [[Michael Xavier]]===
Prayer: Father Mother God we love you so much. It is our privilege and our honor to know that you are not separate from us. When we draw closer to you we also know that you draw closer to us. Nothing can separate us from your love, so we purely open our hearts and minds to you, to connect and receive all that you have tonight to share with us. Allow us to receive and understand and grow in this love and universal understanding as we extend our love and hearts from our universe, to the superuniverses, to Havona and to Paradise. We invite all those who serve our Creator from the depths of their hearts to assist us this evening according to our guardian Seraphim and our indwelling Spirits oversight. Our intention is to connect more fully, communicate more clearly, and understand more lovingly with Spirit in our personal realities and spheres and also collectively. Afford us the proper level of clarity, truth and understanding, all in accordance to your will. May all that receive this now in this eternal moment and in the future be assisted and connected to understanding and universal clarity as we turn this over to Spirit in love.

Good evening everyone.

Welcome everyone that is present as it is a joyous occasion to share this experience with all that will receive it.

I know we have ones here that have never experienced a call like this, so as circuits and the presence of the midwayers, celestials, melchizedeks, angels and guides are imprinting and infusing this circuit with their presences, remain in the mindset of being still in a open childlike state of trusting.

Let all preconceived notions and human thinking go as we give way to the higher mind, mid-mid or soul-mind, and Spiritual Supreme BEING of ONENESS.

This first portion of this call will be the practical application of connecting to what many call the crystalline grid which is the Spiritual network upon which many are able to receive and communicate from the higher realms. It is this new energy that is extrapolating to the collective and to individuals uplifting energies of our DIVINE PARENTS and our INDWELLING SPIRITS to be harmonized and expanded.

This will be more and more understood as the connection is utilized by you personally in your meditation and personal applications of this meditation. This connectivity will allow you to receive such information and understanding as it is brought to you from Spirit, filtered and translated by your soul and then finally applied in your individual realities and worlds with love.

As this information comes through allow yourself to relax and receive with your hearts.

Focus upon the words LOYALTY TO THE FATHERS LOVE as you allow yourself to drop from the intellectual mind into the heart where this spiritual presence is felt and can be understood in feelings which there are only concepts for.

Let us begin this journey together.

Remain focused on the love in your heart, as we take a moment in the mind’s eye to picture a favorite place in nature.

This can be anything that you love outside on our planet. This is personal to your understanding. It can be a pond, a park, a waterfall, a place that you like to travel to mediate where you can appreciate the grand beauty of Mother Earth.

Now as you are now in this place, I want yourself to feel the great love that you have for our planet our Earth, remembering that it is our Mother Earth that keeps us sustained and nurtured. She gives us everything we have, from the clothes that we wear, to the food that we eat, to the cars that we drive. Not only does she provide everything for us from her body, but she also gives us all that we need to continue to exist here with her.

When we take a breath it is her that provides the oxygen from the atmosphere. When we take a drink and partake of food, it is her that provides the clean water that and nutrients that gives us and sustains our bodies.

As we continue to build the circuits of GROUNDING INTO THE HEART OF MOTHER EARTH, remember that she is your Mother, and she loves you.

She is very aware of you, and cares for you and all of her children deeply.

As your love for her grows in appreciation and understanding of your personal relationship with her, fill your heart with this love allow it to grow.

When you feel it built in your heart to a palpable amount, with your intention, direct it to her heart, right into the center of the earth, visualizing a stream of this loving energy coming from your heart through your body, into the heart of mother earth.

Allow your love to expand and grow inside her heart.

Take a moment now to allow your intention and visualization to complete the circuit from your heart to her heart.

You will feel the circuit is complete when you receive from Mother Earth the love she has for you. This is a powerful love, and she is so glad that you have made a connection with her in this way.

This is a personal and intimate experience that is different for each one of us.

She will without words, convey to you her love which is beautiful and loving.

Allow yourself a few moments now to feel and receive this from her.


Now we will turn our attention to the Universe, and our Divine Spiritual Mother and Father.

We will center in hearts the word SALVINGTON.

Our Divine Parents are known by many names and concepts, but in this meditation we will be using the concepts of Michael of Nebadon and Nebadonia.

It is the intention in your heart that will connect you with our Divine Mother and Father.

If you know them by another name, feel free to use whatever you are comfortable with, as long you remember that you are being lifted to their presence where they are located in our local universe.

While not losing sight of our great love for Mother Earth, focus your awareness to SALVINGTON in your heart as you open and allow the great love that our Divine Parents have for you to come into every part of your BEING.

Allow yourself to feel the love that you have for the heavens and the vast creation of space, which includes your guardian angels and the celestials that care for and watch over each and every one of us, not only individually but collectively as well.

If you have a spiritual presence or celestial that you work with you may now visualize them in your hearts and minds eye.

For your moment now allow your love for the celestials and angels and the heavenly creation of our Universe to grow and expand in your hearts knowing that is by the WORD OF MICHAEL and ENACTMENT OF NEBADONIA that we exist, move and have BEING in this universe.

Remember that your Divine parents love you unconditionally for who you are. There are no words for how much our Divine Parents love us.

You are their child and they love you like you were their only child.

Expand this love in your heart and allow it to expand to the very heart of our Divine Parents on SALVINGTON.

As your love for our divine parents builds continue to fill your heart with this love and allow it to grow.

When you feel it built in your heart to a palpable amount, with your intention, direct it to their hearts, right into the center of Salvington, visualizing a stream of this loving energy coming from your heart through your body, out of your head or crown chakra, right to the center of Salvington.

It is Ok if you do not know the location of where they are physically located. It will be enough that you know the word Salvington.

Your Spiritual presence, adjuster, or Higher Self will take care of the rest.

With your intention direct this energy to them on SALVINGTON using the love in your heart as a catalyst of connection then we will take a few moments and allow this love to have its BEING in our Divine Parents.

Allow your intention and visualization to complete the circuit from your heart to their hearts. You will feel the circuit is complete when you receive from them a feeling that is very powerful and intimate to the one who has completed and connected to this circuit.

You are now in the Holy Trinity and have made a connection that will allow you to receive perfect understanding.

THE DIVINE FATHER has manifested THE WORD in the BEING OF MOTHERS HOLY SPIRITUAL PRESCENCE to bring forth possibility of the world in which you see and have created by your free will.

Your Divine Father is in Love with the Divine Holy Spiritual Mother and they are in love with you, their spiritual son or daughter.

In knowing and now meditating on this, allow them to infuse you now with whatever you receive.

Allow these infusions of spiritual love and acceptance to saturate your very being as you focus now solely on your heart.

Now rest in the peace of knowing that you are now connected to the universe in love and through love you are part of the love that breathes and flows in everything created, no longer separate, fully connected to the Universal Harmonic Order of Unity.

Bring your awareness to your heart feeling the knowingness that it is your heart as the Creator and the Created that Spirit is manifested.

The Trinity of the threefold flame in your heart has realized its place and BEING as the whole and a conduit for a canal of the ALL THAT IS.

It is in your heart that this journey has taken place, and through this meditation is become fully realized.

BE STILL AND KNOW as you feel that THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS IN YOU and in Absolute Realization will come to you in the remembrance of your indwelling divinity.
Now a message from our Divine Parents.

Christ Michael: Good evening my children this is your Creator Father or your Brother, see me how you will, but I am the divine parent of this Universe. Some of you know me by Michael, some of you know me as God the Father or Great Spirit as I am here with you in the pervading spirit of Truth. Mother spirit is with me this evening. I’d like to share with you not only our presence but just a few words of encouragement and clarification for what not only you as a personality are going through in this great transition time, but also with the world collectively also is experiencing to a degree.

I would like for you to first know that as I connect with each of you. You will receive me differently, it doesn’t matter necessarily if you cannot transmit my voice or your can utilize your throat chakra to bring forth concepts. If you receive me in a feeling, if you feel me in your heart, it is no different than someone trained to transmit me through.

It is just as equally potent and powerful when you can experience my presence with you, around you and in you. And it is true that the love that I have for you is never ending, it is unfailing, I will never leave you, I am always with you, Mother and I along with your inner Spiritual Presence.

As this transition, the energies and influxes of energy that Mother Earth will goes through there may be many energies, discordent and otherwise that are being sifted in and winnowed. As these energies become exposed through the collective, you may see them take shape in certain energetic paths and also reveal themselves in ways that are not in harmony. This process will bring forth, much as a woman in childbirth brings forth a child, the birth of a new reality.

So many concepts have been tagged upon what this is. Call it a dispensation, a new age, or a millennium reign, but remember that in the end these are simply just concepts.

What is most important is that you understand what you are here for and what is transpiring as a being not only a participant, but being involved not only collectively but personally with this energy integration.

You as a being have had many experiences from your native planet. You have had experiences that you can judge either as good or bad. But none the less, these experiences have brought you to the place that you now are.

Every experience that the world has gone through, that Mother Earth has gone through has brought her to where she is and where you are right now.

What is so important children is that I tell you that you reading this are actively involved and you are cognizant of her transition, that you are understanding of her birthing of this new reality, this new age of truth and light.

But since you are understanding of these translated spiritual concepts and also of the knowledge that is behind these things, you can help those that are transitioning with the knowledge and understanding that you can connect to with the universe and with the cosmic mind.

When you draw close to Mother and I, we draw closer to you. This transitionary age that has been talked about for Millenniums since the Mayans and even before that, points to a time of great change, and I think that you would all agree that is it time for a change for the better.

When you hear the word Cataclysms, and upheavals, we’re not talking about outward cataclysms and upheavals. We’re talking about having to change everything that you’ve known and that causes upheavals within your own soul, within your own self.

As the world goes through this collectively, it is you who bare the light, that hold this frequency, that know about circuits and connection and who can connect with the higher realms, the angelic teachers and guides, that will be able to assist humanity.

As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow as it did today, I will always be with you to help and assist you. Be in my peace.

Mother Spirit : Good evening my children, this is Mother. In this time that you are now in collectively and also personally, the most important thing that I can tell you all that hear my voice, is how much I love you each of you, and how that love pervades every aspect of your existence and being. My love saturates and permeates your every thought, your every desire and wish, if you would but have me come and be with you.

I am not far from anyone on this sphere. As my presence grows and increases in this transition into this new age of truth and light, my presence will become ever more potent and brighter.

It will leave an indelible mark on not only your soul but you’ll understand and begin to recognize my presence.

As an individual child of humanity I remind you that you are not individual in my eyes.

You are apart of me, and just as one spirit pervades all of creation, my spirit pervades this universe and every aspect of its creation.

I love you beyond any word that could ever come through a human voice, but your souls know and your spirit will testify with my spirit, the love that I have and share with each and every one of you.

It is personal and it is intimate and oh how I love you children.

As we close this evening I will come to each one of you and I will wrap my arms around you and your soul. And I will radiate the goodness and love that I have in my spirit to you. As always as my presence builds upon this planet, allow it to build upon your world. Allow it to be built upon your souls and know that I will ever abide with you. I will walk with you as your Creator Father walks with you. The divine presence is in you.

We as Father, Mother and you our child unify in the beautiful relationship that we have cultivated for each individual person that dwells on this planet that is so greatly beloved.

I leave you always in my Love and I leave you in Michael’s Spirit, his Truth and his Peace.
Question and answer period.

Q, How do we connect to the Crystalline Grid?

Christ Michael: Specific to your question, first of all when you are transition from the understanding of universality many times you begin finding other people’s universe transmissions.

For you specifically, we use the words Crystalline Grid, is actually the grid in operation for the new reality that is already in place and waiting to be connected to. This is a grid, a navigation system, an energy net so to speak, that provides the ability to connect to and through this Earth to the mind of what many people call the Christ consciousness, the universal mind, or sometimes what is known as the cosmic mind.

When you are properly connected to it, you will be able to receive in moments of meditation and stillness, transmissions from a celestial teacher or from an approved angelic being, messages to better attune to the Universal mind.

The problem here specifically for those who may not know if they are connected or not is, how do I know when I’m connected?

The way that I can answer this for you my daughter is that you will know without a shadow of a doubt when you are truly connected to this grid, as you will feel my presence and Mother Spirit embrace and make contact with you.

All of the angels that have been guiding you to this will be, not only real to you, but you will be able to start negotiating within your new soul senses. Now those senses will help to clarify the abilities that are inherent in your soul and your ability. It is truly your soul that is actually doing the connection. It is not your body and it is not your human mind.

When your soul connects to it then you will be able to feed and be nurished from it. You will be able to draw from it and energize yourself and also receive the information for clarification for anything you may have questions about.

Without a shadow of a doubt you will know if you are connected. (Thank you)

Q. Are we truly to expect the announcement of the Fifth Epochal Revelation on Dec 31st 2012?

Father Michael: To further clarify to you my daughter, when we talk about dates and when we talk about times, it is really one thing to hope for a certain date for everything to change. It is truly something to pray for something that will change and have in the human mind a preconceived notion such as a defined date.

This dispensation of which you inquire has been given a date here, which is oddly enough the beginning of the New Year. Within the new year of your soul or the new year of your consciousness or understanding there is always a dispensation. There is always a ‘judgment day’ from your own self upon your creation and also your understanding of whether something is truth or error, whether something is good, true, beautiful and Eternal.

Does it have value?

When you look at any defined prophesied date brought forth from a human being coming on behalf of Spirit, I wouldn’t necessarily say to get your hopes up. As the Creator Father of this Universe I would tell you that I am always with you and that you are never separate from me and a date will not change that.

What can change that are hopes based on illusion that go unfulfilled. In your own consciousness, in mind, a hope that goes unfulfilled, especially when it is done in the name of spirit, will only breed something that isn’t conducive of spirit, which is uplifting.

So my daughter as I tell you, you are connected with me now and you are never separate from me and that I love you, a date is not going to change that.

Rebuttal: I guess I expected for an audible voice that everyone could hear. I just didn’t understand what to expect. Thank you.

Father Michael: It’s okay, as we clarify these things for you, you will be able to have this understanding within your own reality. Everyone sees the world differently. No two human beings see it the same. One person that sees the world in one way can affect a multitude’s reality when it is not in line with spirit.

Once again as the Archangel brought out before, you will know in your heart if it uplifts you. If it fulfills you, if it resonates with you then you know for certainty that you can say that is it coming from spirit. Spirit will never definitely give you a time and let you down, that is not spirit speaking. Hopefully that clarified it for you. (Yes, thank you.)

Q. Thank you for having me here, it is really a beautiful experience. I’m feeling some physical effects, I’m just wondering what to expect or what should I do. I feel like my hunger is changing and there are different physical things, can you expand on that for me?

Archangel Michael: Good evening it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as a voice, but specifically and more over allow me to gear this toward your question. You have in operation the physical vehicle here for expression, your personality. Your being is no longer being satisfied with the things that were once fulfilling it.

It needs to express itself in a different way. It needs to be satisfied almost in a different way to suit this new appetite. The human appetite is something that is affected for many people as they are to undergo a transition in energy and as they integrate with circuitry for the higher realms and also for collective shift, such as you are now.

When you experience these things I wouldn’t be fearful of them, it is part of a transition into a higher state of understanding within yourself. In the appetite aspect, you may lose interest in certain things that you found once enjoyable. Many people experience this differently. As you experience it, you have to remember that what you are doing is, you are identifying and your are integrating more into your higher self with your soul. Your soul isn’t nourished by things that are not spiritual. Your soul isn’t nourished by food and it isn’t satisfied by a movie that maybe gave you great joy as a personality. Your soul thirsts for truth and connection with its home, which is heaven, which is the identification of essentially what you’re connecting to, to a degree with us now on this cosmic circuit.

As your soul is nourished it will give way to new understanding and wisdom that will birth understanding of how to integrate that with your human vehicle or your personality.

And there is much more that we’ll share with you on a personal level my dear as we give you other information and through the avenue that you have opened up to this channel here. Does this clarify this for you? (Yes, thank you very much.)

Q. The first question is regarding catastrophic events that were mentioned, that we know we have had catastrophic events upon the planet. We know we’ve had them in the past, and we know that we’ve had polar shifts and other things as evidence of it on this Earth. So we know that these events do take place and that there are times when they do occur, so we know that they are coming we don’t know where, when and how, and not to be in fear of them, but never the less we need to be in some state of reality that they are a possibility or a probability especially through these transitional periods that are coming to this planet.

I was just wondering, the Celestials don’t seem to want to comment about timing or maybe they are not aware of the timing of when these things will occur to intercede on behalf of those that are suffering or might be able to survive through some of these things so that there is no more suffering. We know that there was a holocaust, if there was a way possible for us to keep people from suffering, that would certainly be a thing that we would want to do. We would certainly expect to have that assistance especially now that the circuits are open and people are able to communicate with the celestial realm. I don’t see why there would not be a reason they would be able to assist us in avoiding these types of things that happen or one of them might be just the Hurricane Sandy that just occurred recently. We know that these things happen.

The other question I have is about dispensations. We know the timing of dispensation is possible, we know that Gabriel made the announcement to Mary that within nine months the Forth Epochal Revelations would begin and that would be in the person of Jesus. So know that there is a possibility to know pretty close to the timing of a dispensational period. And we know that these things do have a time, they do have an exact date. We just are unaware of it but the Celestials know, when they make those announcements, we know them.

Another question I’m wondering about, is there a date, could we know a date exactly when a dispensation would begin. Is it possible to know that date?

Malvantra Melchizedek: This is Malvantra Melchizedek. I’ll answer the first question specifically geared toward timing of cataclysms events and upheavals. This is a complex question to answer because of the way that it was posed. The first aspect of the question has to do with the way that individually, first of all, how you perceive your reality. The way that you perceive your reality not only as a human being but in conjunction with the collective and also those who are affected by such things that happen on any evolutionary world.

We as Celestials, as ones that assist humankind in their spiritual journey can assist you to do something very specific and that is to identify, but not only to identify with, but fuse with the Indwelling Spirit that is within each and every one of you.

The semantics of your question was within the realms of warnings, which can and would be construed as interference from the Celestial realms on an evolutionary planet, when it is the effects, many times of the human beings, not all the time, that have cause many of these things to happen.

It is a learning process and even though there is loss of life and that there is a perceived tragedy, it is something that also in the light of experiential value and growth helps a planet evolve from a certain state of ignorance and darkness.

It can help human beings come together and assist one another and band together. These natural shifts and what you call upheavals happen on any planet that is evolutionary.
We are here to help you spiritually. We help you identify with spirit within and also to connect with the universe currents and circuitry. As far as these collective things, it is the Most High’s that rule in the kingdoms of men and they have jurisdiction over your planet.

There has been at no time in Nebadon on your planet Urantia an approved transmission that we have ever given a specific definitive date as to the question you posed. To continue on, Gabriel would like to answer your second question regarding dispensation.

Gabriel of Salvington: This is Gabriel now, when we’re dealing with questions such of this magnitude and I know specifically the zeal and love that you share with spirit in your Spirit dear brother.

When we are dealing with timing and dispensations, there is an operating factor of understanding that you possess that many that receive transmissions do not. The specifics that I will get in with you specifically and that I can answer personally for you will be brought to you later. I will do so later, one on one with this human transmitter if you would so like. As far as the dispensation that you speak of it actually started when Michael left this world and what I mean by that is, when He left it as the incarnated man who died on the cross as Jesus. It speaks in your Urantia Book how a great multitude was able to be released and followed after him.

You are of an age of a transition, where the Spirit of Truth is now in full operation and is able to guide and lead many to a higher state. To a higher state which breeds understanding and gives way to a whole new reality of understanding, not only of yourself of a human citizen of your planet but also as a cosmic citizen of the universe of universes.

The dispensation in which you speak actually happened when the Spirit of Truth was poured out. It happened when Michael walked in the flesh on your world.

Now that certain things have been settled and finalized with the Ancients of Days, we are having an influx of circuitry and Spiritual information that is opening circuitry to certain persons in the reserve corps bringing forth information to your planet.

This has proved to cause some human beings receiving certain information to intellectualize spiritual information. When this happens this sometimes gives way to error. We adjust those who have the right intentions but have maybe made an error, lovingly, as this is done on a case by case basis.

Any further questions you may have I’ll answer one on one with you. (Thank you Gabriel and to Malvantra, thank you both.)

Q. What about the event on the night of the December 30th 2012 with the display of star sparkle or whatever it is, it sounds like lit up ultimatons or something falling to Earth. Is that going to be physical?

Archangel Uriel: This is Archangel Uriel, and I’ll answer this one specifically for you because of the Spirit of the Archangels and the circuit of the Archangels is apart of this cosmic circuit and the information is brought down and filtrated through to the human mind and this sometimes needs to be tailored specifically to the human mind that is asking the question through this circuit.

You are asking specifically about a date, and is this date and the expectation bringing you confusion or is it bringing you joy? Is it clarifying for you a greater revelation with your indwelling spirit, or is it cultivating a closer personal relationship with Michael and Mother and the Angels, or is it causing you to ask more questions that are confusing you or causing you to deviate from those previous identifications?

This is not to discredit any channel or person that’s bringing forth any information because, once again, it’s based solely on the perception and solely on the interpretation of the receiver of such. There’s many that bring forth information that are geared in the right heart and the right mind and as long as they are doing it that way they will be adjusted and their information will be able to be adjusted accordingly, but when I say to you, if this proposed event does not come to pass, then please know that this is not from spirit.

For you specifically, if you really desire to have true information answered appropriately and you are desirous to find truth, you will always be guided to the proper channel or the proper place when you heart is in the right place. (Thank you very much.)

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: At Large]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Gabriel]]
[[Category: Uriel]]
[[Category: Michael Xavier]]
[[Category: 2013]]

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