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JarEl: TR, George. Good evening my brothers and sisters, it is I, your teacher JarEl. It is good to see all of you here tonight. Especially those who have not been here for a while. It is the week before Christmas and many are feeling the joy in their hearts and the love that surrounds them when this time of year comes around. Many are more sensitive to people's wants and desires and many in this group are more sensitive at this time of year as well. I mentioned last week that I would like to tell you something about Christmas. Even though Michael's Birthday in The Urantia Book is celebrated on August 21st, the fact that people celebrate it on December 25th should not take anything away from their celebration. In fact it is a beautiful holiday, when people decide to really look at it, study it and break it down and figure out why we are celebrating it, a new sense of peacefulness comes within them. They discover something new; they discover Christ. For Michael it is an added bonus that he gets two birthdays instead of one. That means people are thinking about him more than once, at least in this group.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening my brothers and sisters, it is I, your teacher JarEl. It is good to see all of you here tonight. Especially those who have not been here for a while.  
When Christmas comes to your household, I want you to celebrate Michael, I want you to celebrate his life, his legacy and the gift that he gave you. I want you to celebrate his Universe and I want you to celebrate each other. The act of gift giving symbolizes a great deal on Urantia. It is a symbol of affection and love. If you look at it at its core you begin to realize that it is a wonderful holiday. It should be a time to be celebrated; a time of family get-togethers, a time to just love one another. It should be like that all year, but of course it isn't. People's lives are too busy sometimes to join with one another, but it is good to allow the joy of the holiday to enter your heart and to love one another much greater than before.
It is the week before [[Christmas]] and many are [[feeling]] the [[joy]] in their [[hearts]] and the love that [[surrounds]] them when this time of year comes around. Many are more [[sensitive]] to people's wants and [[desires]] and many in this group are more sensitive at this time of year as well. I mentioned last week that I would like to tell you something about Christmas. Even though [[Michael]]'s birthday in The [[Urantia Book]] is celebrated on August 21st, the fact that people celebrate it on December 25th should not take anything away from their [[celebration]]. In fact it is a [[beautiful]] holiday, when people [[decide]] to really look at it, [[study]] it and break it down and figure out why we are celebrating it, a new sense of peacefulness comes within them. They [[discover]] something new; they discover [[Christ]]. For Michael it is an added bonus that he gets two birthdays instead of one. That means people are [[thinking]] about him more than once, at least in this group.
So this Christmas I wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas. Know that my love is with all of you. My admiration goes to all of you as well. Michael is near tonight, he is very close. Feel his warmth as he enters your heart. Feel his presence as he settles down in front of you. He will be more present this holiday. In your homes when you return, take the time to acknowledge his presence in your hearts. At this moment take the time to acknowledge each and every one of you. Acknowledge the group as a whole and acknowledge the wonderfulness of everyone. Just being who you are is wonderful enough for me. I particular enjoy coming here every other Monday and interacting with you. That is a gift that you give me, that is a gift I receive every time I come here and it is a gift that far exceeds any material gift that you will receive this year. It is a gift that is tangible to me. It is a gift that I own once I receive it, I own it in my heart, one that I can wear proudly. The gift that I want to give you is my love. If you could for one moment feel my love entering your hearts, I am now sending it to you. Others may now speak.
When Christmas comes to your household, I want you to [[celebrate]] [[Michael]], I want you to celebrate [[his life]], his legacy and the gift that he gave you. I want you to celebrate [[Nebadon|his Universe]] and I want you to celebrate each other. The [[act]] of gift giving [[symbolizes]] a great deal on [[Urantia]]. It is a symbol of [[affection]] and [[love]]. If you look at it at its core you begin to realize that it is a wonderful holiday. It should be a time to be celebrated; a time of family get-togethers, a time to just love one another. It should be like that all year, but of course it isn't. People's lives are too [[busy]] sometimes to join with one another, but it is good to allow the joy of the holiday to enter your [[heart]] and to love one another much greater than before.
Aflana: TR, Stella. This is Aflana speaking in place of Correlli. Correlli is still away on another assignment. We in the celestial abode wish all of you a very peaceful and joyous Christmas and let the love of Christ Michael reach from your hearts to all of those throughout the world. Your peace and love passes all understanding and yet it will go far to alleviate much of the hurt in the world today. These unfortunate wars will pass and those who are left behind will be recipients of your love. Give gratitude to our Father for all the blessings you have received and in turn pass those out to those who are needy. This is really a time for joy; a time to celebrate the greatest human who ever lived on your earth, who is and was Christ Michael, known as Jesus. He loves you, we love you, we admire you for your steadfastness in heeding the word of Christ Michael to love one another. You are indeed blessed to be in touch with our great Lord. Again we wish you the best in the coming year and we are working hard to pave the path of peace in your troubled world. We will succeed; Christ our Father has deemed it so. It will happen. So as Jesus says, be of good cheer and happy merry holidays to all of you. We love you.
So this [[Christmas]] I wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas. Know that my [[love]] is with all of you. My admiration goes to all of you as well. [[Michael]] is near tonight, he is very close. Feel his warmth as he enters your [[heart]]. Feel his [[presence]] as he settles down in front of you. He will be more present this holiday. In your [[homes]] when you return, take the time to acknowledge his presence in your hearts. At this [[moment]] take the time to acknowledge each and every one of you. Acknowledge the group as a whole and acknowledge the wonderfulness of everyone. Just being who you are is wonderful enough for me. I particular enjoy coming here every other Monday and [[interacting]] with you. That is a gift that you give me, that is a gift I [[receive]] every time I come here and it is a gift that far exceeds any [[material]] gift that you will [[receive]] this year. It is a gift that is tangible to me. It is a gift that I own once I receive it, I own it in my [[heart]], one that I can wear proudly. The gift that I want to give you is my love. If you could for one moment feel my love entering your hearts, I am now sending it to you. Others may now speak.
Benson: TR, Steve. This is Benson speaking, to add my comments for the holiday season. Michael, this week delivered a cautionary, yet reassuring message through your friend George Barnard. Even he is aware of conditions being worse than he expected on Urantia at present. He is taking extraordinary action. Be assured that the Armies of God are on standby. They are employing techniques of near intervention that will stop short of such action. In efforts to maintain the peace during the time of the end of the first year of the twenty-first century and the beginning of what they hope to be a better second year, I would urge all of you to attempt a very simple practice during this season and to suggest such a thing to your loved ones when you are together with them at family gatherings. Suggest that they pass this on to their loved ones and to family, friends and neighbors as well. It takes only a brief time with your family members, perhaps before a meal or a family gathering. Recall the events of this year and say a prayer for peace by electing to observe a moment or two of silence when gathered together and ask in the Father's Name. We may experience inward peace, which comes from knowing the true love of the Father. This will do wonders in creating an atmosphere of tranquillity during this season. It only takes a few brief moments but the benefits will be enhanced and will be greatly beneficial. The family is the model for God's plan for the entire Universe and this is one value that must and will always persist, it is what makes us strong. It is what has and what will keep us safe. May the Father's Love bless you all during this season of reflection. That is all for now, Godspeed and peace.
Aflana: TR, Stella. This is Aflana speaking in place of [[Correlli]]. Correlli is still away on another assignment. We in the [[celestial]] abode wish all of you a very peaceful and joyous [[Christmas]] and let the love of [[Christ Michael]] reach from your hearts to all of those throughout [[the world]]. Your peace and love passes all [[understanding]] and yet it will go far to alleviate much of the hurt in the world today. These unfortunate wars will pass and those who are left behind will be recipients of your [[love]]. Give [[gratitude]] to [[our Father]] for all the [[blessings]] you have received and in turn pass those out to those who are needy. This is really a time for [[joy]]; a time to celebrate the greatest human who ever lived on your earth, who is and was [[Christ Michael]], known as [[Jesus]]. He loves you, we love you, we admire you for your [[steadfastness]] in heeding the word of Christ Michael to love one another. You are indeed blessed to be in [[touch]] with our great Lord. Again we wish you the best in the coming year and we are working hard to pave the [[path]] of peace in your troubled world. We will succeed; Christ our Father has deemed it so. It will happen. So as Jesus says, be of good cheer and happy merry holidays to all of you. We love you.
Benson: TR, Steve. This is Benson speaking, to add my comments for the holiday season. [[Michael]], this week delivered a [[cautionary]], yet reassuring message through your friend [[George Barnard]]. Even he is aware of conditions being worse than he expected on [[Urantia]] at present. He is taking extraordinary [[action]]. Be assured that the Armies of God are on standby. They are employing [[techniques]] of near [[intervention]] that will stop short of such action. In efforts to maintain the peace during the time of the end of the first year of the twenty-first century and the beginning of what they [[hope]] to be a better second year, I would urge all of you to attempt a very simple [[practice]] during this season and to suggest such a thing to your loved ones when you are together with them at [[family]] gatherings. Suggest that they pass this on to their loved ones and to family, friends and [[neighbors]] as well. It takes only a brief time with your family members, perhaps before a meal or a family gathering. Recall the [[events]] of this year and say a prayer for peace by electing to [[observe]] a moment or two of [[silence]] when gathered together and ask in the Father's Name. We may experience inward peace, which comes from knowing the true love of the Father. This will do wonders in creating an atmosphere of tranquillity during this season. It only takes a few brief moments but the benefits will be enhanced and will be greatly beneficial. The [[family]] is the model for God's plan for the entire Universe and this is one [[value]] that must and will always [[persist]], it is what makes us strong. It is what has and what will keep us safe. May the Father's Love bless you all during this season of [[reflection]]. That is all for now, Godspeed and [[peace]].
Michael: TR, George. Good evening my dear children, it is I, your Father, Brother Michael. In this time, in this age, life has gotten pretty complicated for many of you. I am well aware of the conflict that occurs at the place of my birth, but all that is dark to me, all that does not shine any light. My focus continues on the bright souls that illuminate this world. My plan is to cultivate these beautiful and wonderful souls, so that they may ignite others. I want to bring light to this world, I want to bring happiness and I want to bring love, that is my wish at this time of year when it is so common to give gifts. My wish list is that you help me bring this world into light and life. I would like to give you all a gift as well, my gift for you is something that you will receive, not quite at this moment, but later on down the line. I do wish to describe it to you so that you may look forward to the day when you can open this beautiful gift which I have prepared for you, especially for you, all of you in this room. The day that you enter my kingdom, you will be greeted by the angelic host and many celestials; you will be bathed with love and glory and you will be reunited with your loved ones and I will be there to greet you as well. You will be lavished with beautiful homes where you will reside and where you will continue to love one another.
Michael: TR, George. Good evening my dear children, it is I, your Father, Brother Michael. In this time, in this age, life has gotten pretty [[complicated]] for many of you. I am well aware of the [[conflict]] that occurs at the [[Palestine|place of my birth]], but all that is dark to me, all that does not shine any [[light]]. My focus continues on the bright [[souls]] that [[illuminate]] this world. My plan is to cultivate these [[beautiful]] and wonderful [[souls]], so that they may [[ignite]] others. I want to bring light to this world, I want to bring [[happiness]] and I want to bring love, that is my wish at this time of year when it is so common to give gifts. My wish list is that you help me bring this world into [[light and life]]. I would like to give you all a gift as well, my gift for you is something that you will receive, not quite at this moment, but later on down the line. I do wish to describe it to you so that you may look forward to the day when you can open this [[beautiful]] gift which I have [[prepared]] for you, especially for you, all of you in this room. The day that you enter my kingdom, you will be greeted by the [[angelic host]] and many [[celestials]]; you will be bathed with love and glory and you will be reunited with your loved ones and I will be there to greet you as well. You will be lavished with [[beautiful]] [[homes]] where you will reside and where you will continue to love one another.
On this glorious day when you arrive, a message will go out to the entire Universe, that one of my sons or daughters, has joined us in the Kingdom of Heaven. Your status will be elevated and many shall come to you for help. You will eagerly help those who ask, for you have been prepared ever since your days on Urantia. What is so good about this gift is that it keeps on giving. For the more love you give the more love you shall receive, and of course you always have my support. Do not be dismayed by the times, for the day will come when you will help me bring this world into light and life and that day will be most glorious; that day when this world enters into a new stage, it shall become the crowning achievement in my Universe. I am so happy that you are all part of this undertaking. I am very confident in all of you, you are capable of the goals that are desired. I would like to describe more about my gift, but the words fail me in what is to come. Much of it can be seen in your imagination, but let me assure you it is very glorious. When you finally get there, I will be happy as well because you will finally be able to see me face to face. In your hearts you will have a perfect sense of completeness because you will know that everything you have fought for, everything that you have believed here on Urantia, everything that you have professed is true. Everything that you strive for is true. Loving one another in order to build a brotherhood of love is true. I will be with all of you during this holiday, so greet me when I arrive in your homes and in your hearts. For I will be most grateful to spend that time with you. I send you my love and my peace and I wish you goodnight.
On this [[glorious]] day when you arrive, a message will go out to the entire [[Universe]], that one of my sons or daughters, has joined us in the [[Kingdom of Heaven]]. Your status will be elevated and many shall come to you for help. You will [[eagerly]] help those who ask, for you have been prepared ever since your days on [[Urantia]]. What is so good about this gift is that it keeps on giving. For the more love you give the more love you shall receive, and of course you always have my [[support]]. Do not be dismayed by the times, for the day will come when you will help me bring this world into [[light and life]] and that day will be most [[glorious]]; that day when this world enters into a new stage, it shall become the crowning achievement in my Universe. I am so happy that you are all part of this undertaking. I am very [[confident]] in all of you, you are capable of the goals that are [[desired]]. I would like to describe more about my gift, but the words fail me in what is to come. Much of it can be seen in your [[imagination]], but let me [[assure]] you it is very [[glorious]]. When you finally get there, I will be [[happy]] as well because you will finally be able to see me face to face. In your [[hearts]] you will have a perfect sense of completeness because you will know that [[everything]] you have fought for, everything that you have believed here on [[Urantia]], everything that you have professed is true. Everything that you strive for is true. Loving one another in order to build a [[brotherhood]] of love is true. I will be with all of you during this holiday, so greet me when I arrive in your [[homes]] and in your [[hearts]]. For I will be most [[grateful]] to spend that time with you. I send you my love and my [[peace]] and I wish you goodnight.
All: Thank you Michael.
All: Thank you Michael.
JarEl: TR, George. This is JarEl. There is really not much to say after listening to Michael, therefore I do wish all of you a Merry Christmas. I send my love to all of you as well. There will be no questions tonight.
JarEl: TR, George. This is JarEl. There is really not much to say after [[listening]] to Michael, therefore I do wish all of you a Merry [[Christmas]]. I send my love to all of you as well. There will be no questions tonight.
Lucille: JarEl will you be with us in the New Year, January the 7th?
Lucille: JarEl will you be with us in the New Year, January the 7th?
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