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Michael (Jonathan TR): Greetings, I am your brother Michael. I pass among you today sharing our love.  
Michael (Jonathan TR): Greetings, I am your brother Michael. I pass among you today sharing our love.  
I have said that where two or three are gathered there I am also. I did not say you must be within a certain circumstance, for your gathering in soul and heart is the congregation I need to be with you in spirit, to be incircuited. You are my dear associates in this mission. You are my greatest aids for helping this, my beloved planet, reach the goals that we from Salvington desire to see attained. It has been a long and rocky course, much of which has proven to be of great value to your world, though you do this day still reel from the imbalances and are struggling to adjust to truth and to foster goodness as the prime motivator for action in human beings. We are fully respectful here at headquarters of your desire to be of service.
I have said that where two or three are gathered there I am also. I did not say you must be within a certain circumstance, for your gathering in soul and heart is the congregation I need to be with you in spirit, to be incircuited. You are my dear associates in this mission. You are my greatest aids for helping this, my beloved planet, reach the goals that we from Salvington desire to see attained. It has been a long and rocky course, much of which has proven to be of great value to your world, though you do this day still reel from the imbalances and are struggling to adjust to truth and to foster goodness as the prime motivator for action in human beings. We are fully respectful here at headquarters of your desire to be of service.
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Elyon (Mark): I greet you as well, this is Elyon. I allow for a moment to bask in the glow of the love of the one whose mandate and mission we uphold. Truly we both are blessed by the love of our creator and the tender care and concern he shows for each of us, his children spread afar, his workers in the field. Allow yourselves, each one, the touch of his embrace to strengthen you and comfort you as you seek to fulfill the desires of your hearts and the desires of his heart as well. We are forever humbled and inspired by the words of one who cares so deeply for us and by the miracle that allows for his direct and personal contact to each of us who prepare ourselves in receptivity.
Elyon (Mark): I greet you as well, this is Elyon. I allow for a moment to bask in the glow of the love of the one whose mandate and mission we uphold. Truly we both are blessed by the love of our creator and the tender care and concern he shows for each of us, his children spread afar, his workers in the field. Allow yourselves, each one, the touch of his embrace to strengthen you and comfort you as you seek to fulfill the desires of your hearts and the desires of his heart as well. We are forever humbled and inspired by the words of one who cares so deeply for us and by the miracle that allows for his direct and personal contact to each of us who prepare ourselves in receptivity.
Drink deeply of this cup in your lives that you may be nourished to the full, that your thirst for sprit guidance may be quenched. I would speak briefly today about the condition and word "transformation". Indeed this time that we will witness will be a great time of transformation. It serves us to understand the implications of such a word. In this word we will find the compound of two phrases: "transition" and "formation". You know from your experiences that your world is in a more or less constant state of transition and, while things are in this state of transitioning from one state to another, there is significant fluctuation and instability involved wherein the many factors at play are being re-evaluated and rearranged to accommodate your increased perception of your state of being. While these factors are in flux it is easy to reorganize your priorities and reestablish your footing based upon your new and improved understanding of both your spiritual and your material natures. When you recognize that you are either individually or collectively confronted with this state of transition, and your parameters may appear in flux, keep in mind that this is your opportunity for the formation of a new set of guidelines, conditions, and parameters. Thus through transition comes the opportunity to form or formulate a new structure and shuffle your priorities to more accurately reflect the growth that you have attained and the perspective that you now utilize. In the phrase "to form" or "to formulate" there is implied the action of one who will formulate this new circumstance, indeed, in your cases, the new reality that you will come to abide by and recognize as your new and improved state of being. So it is that whenever you are brought into the awareness of a state of flux or transition should you be keen for the opportunity to reorganize and formulate your new position, your new platform from which you will operate. This word "transformation" is packed with potential and opportunity. Indeed this state of transition may prove quite uncomfortable to many who rely heavily on the stability provided by their framework of understanding when this framework becomes challenged or no longer proves adequate for upholding their personal platform. They may very well become unsettled and quite concerned over the loss of their apparent stability. You who have traversed certain levels of spiritual growth come to recognize that each period of transition may then be followed by a period of reorganization and the establishment of certain new patterns that are now conditioned by your growth, so much so that an individual functioning in awareness finds stimulation and anticipation when encountering the instability of transition and eagerly awaits the opportunity for the formation of a new and improved platform and pattern.
Drink deeply of this cup in your lives that you may be nourished to the full, that your thirst for sprit guidance may be quenched. I would speak briefly today about the condition and word "transformation". Indeed this time that we will witness will be a great time of transformation. It serves us to understand the implications of such a word. In this word we will find the compound of two phrases: "transition" and "formation". You know from your experiences that your world is in a more or less constant state of transition and, while things are in this state of transitioning from one state to another, there is significant fluctuation and instability involved wherein the many factors at play are being re-evaluated and rearranged to accommodate your increased perception of your state of being. While these factors are in flux it is easy to reorganize your priorities and reestablish your footing based upon your new and improved understanding of both your spiritual and your material natures. When you recognize that you are either individually or collectively confronted with this state of transition, and your parameters may appear in flux, keep in mind that this is your opportunity for the formation of a new set of guidelines, conditions, and parameters. Thus through transition comes the opportunity to form or formulate a new structure and shuffle your priorities to more accurately reflect the growth that you have attained and the perspective that you now utilize. In the phrase "to form" or "to formulate" there is implied the action of one who will formulate this new circumstance, indeed, in your cases, the new reality that you will come to abide by and recognize as your new and improved state of being. So it is that whenever you are brought into the awareness of a state of flux or transition should you be keen for the opportunity to reorganize and formulate your new position, your new platform from which you will operate. This word "transformation" is packed with potential and opportunity. Indeed this state of transition may prove quite uncomfortable to many who rely heavily on the stability provided by their framework of understanding when this framework becomes challenged or no longer proves adequate for upholding their personal platform. They may very well become unsettled and quite concerned over the loss of their apparent stability. You who have traversed certain levels of spiritual growth come to recognize that each period of transition may then be followed by a period of reorganization and the establishment of certain new patterns that are now conditioned by your growth, so much so that an individual functioning in awareness finds stimulation and anticipation when encountering the instability of transition and eagerly awaits the opportunity for the formation of a new and improved platform and pattern. Those are my words for today. Again I would invite you to bask in the embrace of the one who so tenderly loves each one of us, cares for each one of us, desires that each one of us be close to him, and seeks the opportunities that each one of us provides to him in our willing offering of openness to his influence. Thank you all once again. You are my dedicated and loyal friends in this mission together. I cherish your relationships, each one, as we fulfill our divine mission to uphold Michael and his mandate. I leave you now. Thank you.
Those are my words for today. Again I would invite you to bask in the embrace of the one who so tenderly loves each one of us, cares for each one of us, desires that each one of us be close to him, and seeks the opportunities that each one of us provides to him in our willing offering of openness to his influence. Thank you all once again. You are my dedicated and loyal friends in this mission together. I cherish your relationships, each one, as we fulfill our divine mission to uphold Michael and his mandate. I leave you now. Thank you.
Jonathan: You mentioned that for some people transition can rock the boat and upset a previous stability. Are there guidelines to help us discern when a position we're in is being disrupted negatively as contrasted with a positive disruption that is helping us transition into a new state of being? When do we hold tight and when do we let go and move forward?
Jonathan: You mentioned that for some people transition can rock the boat and upset a previous stability. Are there guidelines to help us discern when a position we're in is being disrupted negatively as contrasted with a positive disruption that is helping us transition into a new state of being? When do we hold tight and when do we let go and move forward?
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All can be said to be formulating the new perspective or new position from which the individual may gaze out upon the many different frameworks or games around. People in your realm want to know the absolute edges and perimeters of their reality and are comforted by knowing these defining points. When these get altered or changed there is certain discomfort at having to relearn the new boundaries and discover the new perspective. Once this unsettling process has been successfully traversed then there once again is established a realm of comfort and ease in where you have grown to be. Likewise is it with every individual even yourselves at this juncture in your spiritual growth.
All can be said to be formulating the new perspective or new position from which the individual may gaze out upon the many different frameworks or games around. People in your realm want to know the absolute edges and perimeters of their reality and are comforted by knowing these defining points. When these get altered or changed there is certain discomfort at having to relearn the new boundaries and discover the new perspective. Once this unsettling process has been successfully traversed then there once again is established a realm of comfort and ease in where you have grown to be. Likewise is it with every individual even yourselves at this juncture in your spiritual growth.
You have become familiar with the conditions present in the establishment of this very circuit, and should the nature of this change there would be some discomfort at establishing new boundaries in your spiritual perspective. But the more of these cycles that you encounter, the greater your acceptance of this as part of the routine nature of your spiritual growth, not to be feared but rather be seen as this transformative opportunity. It is all in where your seat of your spiritual self resides that enables you to weather the small storm that may blow through and indeed whet your appetite for the subsequent opportunities you are coming to realize are present as a result of this material disruption. Therefore must you counsel yourself and others always to reside in the realities you know to be eternal and spiritual. From this perspective look out and around on all that you see as transformative opportunities. Then your challenge is to engage yourself actively in the formation of that which you would have as reality, that which comes from our your highest awareness and implement that into the next shuffle of the cards, the next role of the dice, the next move that you make. Be the one who establishes spiritual nature and reality into your every move, and you will never be caught off guard, never be unsettled by apparent turmoil, never be frightened at your future; because you are ones who know of a certainty that your future is secure, that your spiritual reality cannot be disrupted by external forces, and that your spiritual nature is on a steady growth pattern regardless and reliant upon all that goes on around you. I trust that all of you view your opportunities and experiences from this spiritual perspective. It is simply the turning over more and more to function.
You have become familiar with the conditions present in the establishment of this very circuit, and should the nature of this change there would be some discomfort at establishing new boundaries in your spiritual perspective. But the more of these cycles that you encounter, the greater your acceptance of this as part of the routine nature of your spiritual growth, not to be feared but rather be seen as this transformative opportunity. It is all in where your seat of your spiritual self resides that enables you to weather the small storm that may blow through and indeed whet your appetite for the subsequent opportunities you are coming to realize are present as a result of this material disruption. Therefore must you counsel yourself and others always to reside in the realities you know to be eternal and spiritual. From this perspective look out and around on all that you see as transformative opportunities. Then your challenge is to engage yourself actively in the formation of that which you would have as reality, that which comes from our your highest awareness and implement that into the next shuffle of the cards, the next role of the dice, the next move that you make. Be the one who establishes spiritual nature and reality into your every move, and you will never be caught off guard, never be unsettled by apparent turmoil, never be frightened at your future; because you are ones who know of a certainty that your future is secure, that your spiritual reality cannot be disrupted by external forces, and that your spiritual nature is on a steady growth pattern regardless and reliant upon all that goes on around you. I trust that all of you view your opportunities and experiences from this spiritual perspective. It is simply the turning over more and more to function.
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