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===Topic: '''''Building Energies of Mercy'''''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Serena]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we join together as one mind within your will. We thank you for weaving our heart and souls together in this unity consciousness. We ask for the personalities involved in the Magisterial Mission to minister to us in this circuit, that the energies we provide may be used to further establish this wonderful mission of mercy upon our world in a more physical sense. Only you know the timing of this and we patiently await that time. But we are here to support its efforts, and we thank you for making available those who are involved with the Magisterial Son to help us build these circuits with what will afford so much hope for forgiveness, mercy and love to our world. Thank you. May your will be done.
SERENA: Good day one and all, beloved brethren! This is Serena. I’m pleased to join you once again for this time of collaboration as we help you to open to these higher frequencies of MERCY that lay the foundation of the Magisterial Mission to unfold upon Urantia.

This is no small task to bring this mission to manifest in the material plane. Many years of your earth time are needed to cultivate the spiritual receptivity of a variety and number of humans that will have a particular type of awareness to participate with us in what this mission truly and fully wishes to disclose to the evolution of Light and Life upon Urantia. Much preparation is underway, and we have greatly appreciated your diligence and dedication in coming to forums such as this to participate with us as we use human consciousness energy to build a bridge between the spirit realms and the more material levels for this to unfold.

We know your eagerness and we ask for your patience. We know that you are ready to see changes be made in the overall administration of the planet. And yet I say to you, that is underway. You are not yet equipped with your spirit perception to see all that is happening on our side of the veil. So much of what we ask of you is still a matter of faith, and yet you continue to participate on these calls with that faithful heart and mind. And we use this faith to upstep the planetary consciousness, and help to bring about the changes that you seek, changes that are in keeping with Michael’s plans of rehabilitation for His beloved world.

In today’s session of focus, we invite you to again open and settle into this idea of the energies of the Magisterial Mission to come closer into the earth plane. Much of what you are helping us to create is an attitude of the heart—a change of heart—a change that fosters the growth of unity, harmony, peace, tolerance, and compassion among the human family. There is so much to be outworked within this realm of the consciousness of the heart. Yet in what we have to offer you and what you have to offer us and to your fellow humanity is of vital importance. Small though your numbers may be, when you combine your heart energies together as one through this desire for more mercy and peace to dominate the planet, you provide a mighty force field of spiritual energy that can then be harnessed and secured in places where it will do much good to feed your brethren in ways they need.

Let us come together as one. I encourage you to focus in your hearts and to generate that desire as great as you can for the energies of MERCY and PEACE to predominate the heart consciousness of this planet. It is not as important for you to understand the mechanics of the heart consciousness—how it functions in the overall realm of system of consciousness—than it is to simply desire this. Do your best to generate this desire to the fullest of your capacity and we will join you there, and do what we can to seed this into areas of great need.

Let us begin. If it is helpful to envision the words PEACE and MERCY gently emanating from your heart centers with that desire for this to be shared with other hearts around the planet that is all you need to focus on for this particular juncture. Thank you. (Pause)

The heart consciousness of humanity is awakening. It is not what you might consider to be an immediate and instantaneous awakening, yet it is beginning to penetrate into certain depths of the heart consciousness that will help people pay closer attention to what they are feeling. It is almost as if the world has been anesthetized by pain and suffering. In this heart consciousness we employ these higher energies of MERCY and PEACE to help the heart open in a safe and loving way, so that this anesthetized pain begins to soften its grip within the emotions. We do this with great care and respect for human free will, and yet is it something that each individual must undergo in order for these higher energies of the Father’s LOVE to become more fully recognized within human consciousness.

We indulge your patience and faith during this time of the great heart awakening, and ask you to look kindly upon your brethren who are still operating in this anesthetized sense of pain. Do your best to be gentle and compassionate with them when they come to you with their problems and concerns. Help them to appreciate that they are beginning to feel these pangs of pain as catalysts to open to something greater than themselves—to the presence of the Father within them. They may need to hear other words. They may need to hear words such as their greater power, greater self. The point here being that they need help to recognize there is something within them—a power potential—that wishes to help them open to a better way of living, one that is consistent with the ways of peace and love, kindness and compassion, forgiveness and mercy, and that will appeal to them for it is now engaging their Spirits of Truth and the internal recognition will ring within them and help them further catalyze their heart awakenings. So, continue to desire this as we minister with you in this circuit. Feel your desire for the heart consciousness system to reverberate with MERCY and PEACE. (Pause)

Let us shift focus. Envision the globe in your mind’s eye placed in front of your heart center. The words forming around the planet’s consciousness are THE AWAKENING OF THE HEART. As you have done so many times before, use these words as a ribbon of spiritual energy circling the globe in a counter-clockwise rotation from the North to the South Pole. And as you do this, feel your love for humanity and the world. Feel your desire for PEACE and MERCY reverberate in the construct of the AWAKENING OF THE HEART. We will meet you there and do what we can to secure these energies in those areas of great need. (Pause)

Know as these energies draw closer and enter into the consciousness system of the heart there are many powerful spiritual agencies who are ministering in these circuits. The universe is with you, praying with you and for you for these powers of the Father to engage the human heart system. This may not be an easy time for many people who start to respond to those pangs of pain within them. There are many who have been prepared to help these children into a deeper understanding of what this means. New doors of opportunities will be opened to many to help the children go into a deeper relationship with their spiritual potential, to help them move beyond the pain of what life has brought to them and into the joy which is part of the Father’s creative plan.

While we appreciate your participation in calls such as this and through your prayers, we encourage you to step up and become more available for service opportunities to support your brethren, to love them, encourage them, to help them learn the truth that lies within them. You might say this is the greatest service opportunity that the world has been afforded. Not since the times of Jesus has there been such high spiritual potential. The groundswell for the need for love is now reaching epic proportions and the earth is moving and shaking. I mean this is a metaphorical way but you have seen evidence of this now, and we ask you to participate as best you can with us for your brethren to more fully awaken to the grandeur of Spirit Within. (Pause)

As we have done in the past, you may now center your gaze upon those circumstances, situations, relationships where you would wish for the heart energies to more fully awaken those individuals who are attached to these circumstances. We will follow you. Send your love, send your willingness to be of service to us as you focus on these realms. Let us minister in you and through you, to strengthen you that your lights may shine healing light and love to those hearts that come into contact with yours. (Pause)

My dear brethren, join us as we lift this world up to the Paradise Trinity in appreciation for the Father’s creative plan, for His LOVE to bathe this world, that the heart system of consciousness with His JOY and LIFE may renew all and help the individuals here construct a better way of living that yields Light and Life upon Urantia.

We lift this world up to you, our Paradise Creators, in appreciation for the LOVE that shines upon this world, bathing it in your GLORY, assisting the awakening of the heart. Receive our thanksgiving and praise as we join together with the men and women of Urantia in knowing that it is your will that is being co-created here. Thank you. (Pause)

You may bring your awareness back to the earth plane. If it is helpful, in your mind’s eye see yourself standing upon the ground. You are allowing the energies of the AWAKENING OF THE HEART to move through you as you plant them into the earth. Plant this with great love and care, hope and faith. Feel your desire for this to go deep into the planet’s heart consciousness. The growing mind of the Supreme planetary consciousness gently expands in what you offer. (Pause)

Envision the words IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST THE FATHER’S WILL UPON URANTIA moving into this circuit of the Planetary Supreme Mind. Feel your desire for these energies to gently expand. The heart field of consciousness reverberates more fully in PEACE and MERCY in the Father’s WILL. (Pause)
My dear brethren, it has been a great joy to me and to many others who have participated with you to build these energies upon Urantia within this construct of the heart’s consciousness. Prepare yourselves for change. Prepare yourselves for service. Above all, love your brethren as best you can, for this is truly the healing balm that Urantia so earnestly desires and deserves. We are with you as you do your best to love your brethren. We support you through this time of change. Be secure in Michael’s PEACE, and love boldly and courageously. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Serena]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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