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===Topic: '''''Exploring Potentials'''''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Jonathan]], [[Serena]], [[Charles]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Cathy Morris]]===
Gerdean: [Cathy] I have indeed considered your invitation to [[communicate]] from my new position. I was pleasantly [[surprised]] to reconnect with [[Jonathan]] as I was greeted on this sphere by many of our brothers and sisters. To describe the [[experience]] is beyond words, even for someone like myself who has always been a wordsmith. Our work was [[revealed]] to me in an expanded form that humbled me as I considered my view from the earthly plane. We are indeed [[blessed]] with a tool and a [[power]] that is unique in human experience. I [[encourage]] you, our group, to continue to press forward in [[exploration]] of our potentials. I see that the work is far from complete and the potential is enormous and [[profound]]. I encourage [[experimentation]] with [[light]] in all its forms. Be [[assured]] that the [[beacon]] you produce is most [[glorious]] from this viewpoint. I will take my leave but remain with you.
Charles: [Mark] Good morning my friends, I will make some [[noise]] as a result of the invitation and [[cooperation]] of my associate, I am Charles. It is my [[pleasure]] to join you once again. I never fail to [[observe]] your inner actions and meetings but I don't always accept the speaking invitation when there are others. But, this morning I would like to acknowledge that your [[discussions]] of the various realms of spiritual activity are indeed [[inspiring]] because these are the lessons that we are trying to get across, that we all endeavor to [[expose]] you to, these different [[dimensions]] of where you can be in [[spirit]], different places you can occupy, that you can actually move from here to there and [[become]] aware that there has been a shift.

This is a great accomplishment and one that we all enjoy witnessing as it [[demonstrates]] the success of the [[process]] we've been engaged in. I also enjoy contributing with you your directed energies and [[practicing]] working together with you in the [[quiet]], in spirit, but unified and directed in [[purpose]]. These [[exercises]] serve to strengthen our [[faith]]. As we engage more and more with the process we are strengthened by our experience with the process and we bring greater and greater [[faith]] to the equation.

As for your discussion earlier on what might or might not be appropriate to attempt or to do or to allow or to [[become]], I would simply state the obvious that in the end you will expand to the greatest of your [[capacity]] and you will [[embrace]] all things which are within that capacity to embrace and then your capacities will expand with the advent of your exercise and your faith as we [[discussed]] and then you will be able to hold more [[experience]], and do more, become more in the process. This pattern of [[growth]] and [[change]] and growth and change is the constant throughout your [[eternal career]], expanding to accommodate, expanding to hold, growing in your skills and [[abilities]] to navigate.

And so it is that you know, as a [[group]] you have encountered many new [[frontiers]] which at first to you seemed odd or [[strange]] or [[dissonant]] and they may have been a [[challenge]] for you to assimilate into your expanded awareness, but as you grew comfortable and familiar with them, they have brought you great [[strength]]. They have indeed increased your faith and now you are emboldened by this process to go and strike out in a new spiritual [[direction]] because you realize this is how it's done, that this is the process in [[action]].

And so now there may be another invitation from [[the universe]] before you to expand out and grow to accommodate, another new opportunity, another new [[challenge]], another new notch in your belt which you take with you as part of your [[experience]]. I have great [[faith]] in your [[ability]] to keep growing and that you will not find a [[plateau]] and be content with it for long. You have grown to enjoy the ride, the [[motion]] of moving forward in your [[ascension career]], the active part that you can play in the process and so I do not expect any of you will be unable to accommodate any [[future]] dimensional shift. We would not be here having this conversation had you shown much [[resistance]] to what the [[potentials]] were in this process that we use. And so it is you will find new processes and expanded ways because you are open, because you are in motion you may be [[guided]].

I always appreciate the [[opportunity]] to come and speak [[words]] of [[encouragement]] to those who are out on the field at [[play]] and are moving in the process dynamically. I enjoy my opportunity to come on the field with you for a few [[moments]] and [[share]] this common experience of [[growth]] for I gain much from my contact with you. I am [[grateful]] for this, thank you all for accommodating me, coming out and joining me in this arena together. It is my great [[pleasure]], thank you.
===='''''[[Thought Adjusters]]'''''
Inner Voice: I will [[accept]] this [[opportunity]], I am this ones [[Inner Voice]] and I sense that a door has been opened, an opportunity has presented itself and I would [[accept]] this opportunity. I am wholly dependent in my [[desire]] to accept this on my associate, my host, you see I have no [[voice]], I have no way to make words, I have no means of audible [[communication]]. I am mingled with [[thought]] but I am not spoken except through the voice of my host. When I attempt communication it will have to come through some host, someone with a brain, someone who can formulate thought into words, someone then in this case who can make words into [[sound]].

All this is a lengthy and [[human]]/mortal [[process]]. None of these things is Me, I am behind all of this, to the side of the [[brain]], in between this living [[organism]] and my [[Divinington|divine origins]]. I inhabit a space within you. I am there alongside but I do not possess as you do, a set of characteristics as you do. I do not [[share]] a name or this named association with a [[personality]] as you do. I am [[individual]] and distinct as you are and yet I am part of [[the whole]] as you are but we are different in our [[composition]]. You are built on mortal experience and this mortal experience conditions the combination of what is called you, by your name and referring to this set of traits.

This is what is treasured about each [[individual]], is this unique combination of [[traits]] formed out of this hard won [[experience]] of mortal life. This is what I [[desire]] to combine with and add my dimension to and become part of. What you are building, this unique treasure of experience of [[becoming]] a spiritual being, is what I desire to share with you and be a part of insofar as I will be allowed. This is a [[supreme]] gift and one that we may exchange, my supreme gift of an aspect of [[divinity]] and your supreme gift of an aspect of mortality. It is designed that we combine these, we share these two vast [[differences]], combined into one experience, one being moving forward. And so it is that I have chosen you. And so it is that you are choosing me. And so it is that this process [[unfolds]] in this [[manner]] where we at first inhabit the space as separate entities and eventually grow to combine with each other and become one.

But there is no [[hurry]] in this [[process]]. We have an [[eternal career]] ahead of us to make these advances and take these [[steps]] which we are destined to take. For now, the [[objective]] may be to simply be in the state we are now to the fullest of our capacities to enjoy this aspect of the mortal and divine [[experience]], to appreciate this part of the [[journey]] as we take it and make it. That is what my desire for you, my desire for us, is at this [[juncture]], to [[breathe]] in the awareness, to expand the [[consciousness]] of our [[association]], to appreciate the magnitude of this gift of [[grace]] we share. These are the [[fruits of the spirit]].

And so, I will take [[advantage]] of such an opportunity as this to make our voice known, to let you once again [[feel]] where I am coming from, to shout from the corner as it were, and attempt to get your [[attention]] from over here. I will go to any measure, any length to realize my [[commitment]] to you so fear not that we will not succeed in our process for I have [[devoted]] myself and you are devoting yours and we are merrily on our way. Let it be so. Let it be [[embraced]] that this is our [[destiny]], this is our [[truth]], this is our [[experience]] together and let us be merrily along our way bringing [[joy]] and [[peace]] and love and [[infusing]] our experience with it. This is the best gift we can give our Divine Parents who have given us everything, is the glad [[expression]] of it, the happy use of it, the [[joy]] and contentment as simply being aware of the grace and the peace and the love. Those are the rewards we bring to those who make it possible for us.

Thank you all very much for your [[steadfast]] [[attention]]. It is truly much to offer and you offer it freely. I appreciate stepping in and being able to strum on these chords that we [[share]] between us, to play a few tones that may be felt deep within. You are loved, you are cherished. We are loved and cherished. Let my [[presence]] signify that to you always, for I am an [[emissary]] of love from on high that is a gift to you. May I be proper [[tribute]] to such a gift. I will be with you always, I will not ever fail you and we will become close as close friends and [[eventually]] as close as one, only to make our way back and [[become]] one again with the Great One. Let it be so, let it be joyous and with [[peace]] and with love. It is so, farewell.
Jonathan: [Cathy] I wish to [[echo]] the [[enthusiasm]] for Gerdean's [[participation]] with our group. It is as Charles mentioned, a continuation of our [[growth]] in [[faith]] and [[spirit]]. We have [[dedicated]] our energies to this pursuit and have indeed expanded our capacities to move forward in faith. It is exciting to be in [[connection]] and loving association. The [[potentials]] for action are ripe and will be fruitful if we [[choose]] to bring our action [[together]] and focus our [[intention]]. Let's circle around the table and get to work.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Gerdean]]
[[Category: Charles]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Cathy Morris]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Potential]]
[[Category: Experiment]]
[[Category: Thought Adjusters]]
[[Category: 2014]]

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