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5,692 bytes added ,  20:51, 12 April 2015
Created page with "Image:lighterstill.jpg right|frame ==Heading== ===Topic: ''More Light''=== ===Group: Lightline TeaM=== ==Facilitators== ===Teacher:..."

===Topic: ''More Light''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Charles]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Charles: Greetings to all assembled, I am Charles here to show up with you and complete the act of meeting and service. Any one in service can relate to the idea that sometimes you feel very secure in your awareness that many have benefited from your efforts and sometimes you show up and there are few, but still the service opportunity is the same and anyone with intention to be of service will gladly serve on any of these levels. So it is interesting to note how it may feel different to us when it is just us involved as when there is a larger group with more energy contributed to the process and a different feel as a result. Nevertheless we do what we do regardless of how many participate, regardless of what we perceive to be the success or failure of our efforts. We are steadfast in providing our energies and have an attitude of letting the chips fall where they may, letting the contribution to spirit go where it will and do what it does. This is a further extension of our faith in this process and I arrive here with you in demonstration of this faith just as you do.
I will respond to the comment made that there is an observation that more and more light is entering in the equation and I concur. I agree, I willingly participate in this process as do you. This invasion of light is right on schedule and is a part of the influx of spiritual energy which will be flooding this world as per the directive from Michael. This energy may be seen to take the form of light in all its different aspects, it may be felt to bring a change to the equation. It may be observed to be filtering in to the circumstance and altering the dynamics.

I invite you when you make such an observation that you invite yourself to ride the wave, to participate in the illumination, to be part of the circuitry involved in the transfer of this light into energy. This is the position you hold, the one in between this presence of spirit and the manifestation of the material. You are the ones that can direct this energy into its manifestation and be a conduit in the process. So, whenever you are privileged to be aware enough that light is filtering in from outside, and that it is changing the dynamics of the circumstance, then I invite you to go the extra mile and offer yourselves to be used in the process as well because you see it flowing, you observe it happening and you desire to contribute as well.

Put your intention into the equation to further the cause and have a greater manifestation of the influx of this light energy. In this way you become a director and a conduit of this light as well as a branch on the vine where the energy comes from, the great base, but you are directing your vine, your branch, your network for the good of the entire organism and the organism supports you so there is a grand connection. Seize the opportunity when you perceive it because if you have perceived it, it is your signal to act, to seize the opportunity, to take the reins of the energy and guide and direct it as you would so choose.

Let it be so because you can and because you will and because it is a gift of grace that you may. Let us all commit to playing with this light force and to directing its course into all places of shadow as it is our pleasure and privilege to do so. It is always a joy to commune with you in this way, to come together in this process, to reflect on these things as they are worthy of consideration and to reflect on our relationships to these worthy things. I bid you all good day and farewell and happy trails as you go about the process of your exploration of spirit, farewell.

Light: Hello friends I am Light, I arrive in response to your reflection on light and all the different meanings and values that come to mind when considering light. I am indeed named after many things, a force, a phenomenon, a directive, an opportunity, an awareness and a purpose. These are but a few of the things which can be attributed to this light force and of which I am a part. This is something that we share because you are a part as well, we are a part of this light force, this grand opportunity to be a part of this flowing current of grace, this bestowing of divine energy and we can be en-circuited in this process because it is our desire to do so.

We share this gift of grace, this opportunity to choose and participate in this force in this process. Like you, I share in the gratitude for being a part of this reality, a part of this truth, a part of this goodness. So it is my pleasure to come and reflect with you on what it means to be a part of these things together. I stand in gratitude as you do. I stand in willingness as you do. I stand in faith as you do and I stand in trust and conviction of the love of our Divine Parents as you do. Let us drink deeply of this cup of joy that we share. Let us cherish this fellowship that we have over sharing this opportunity in time and space and let us strive to emulate all those divine values and truths that we have come to know in this process.
Thank you for this relationship, like you, I cherish it. I go now in peace as you do and in love as you do but I maintain a connection as we do in this process. I bid you farewell and yet remain in commitment with you, good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Charles]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: 2015]]

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