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===Topic: ''Reflections on the Teaching Mission''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Machiventa]], [[Serena]], [[Elyon]], [[LIGHT]], [[Jonathan]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Cathy Morris]]===
Machiventa: [Mark] Hello to you all this [[morning]], I am Machiventa Melchizedek, here to make my [[presence]] known in response to this [[wondering]] of the [[individual]] and even the [[collective]] as to what difference it makes whether the masses are drawn towards the teachings or whether it is all about the individual. I would put it to you this way: Even if there were only one of you I was addressing right now, and even if [[the universe]] were constructed entirely to [[facilitate]] your individual experience, this would be worth it. This [[exercise]] that you engage in, call it what you will, I call it individual [[spiritual growth]], I see it as your individual endeavors. At this time they may come together collectively under this umbrella that you would call the [[Teaching Mission]].

And so far as it [[services]] you in your need, so be it. You are really all honing your [[skills]], coming to this [[forum]] together to be in a supportive loving environment wherein you may walk some of the walk as well as talk some of the talk. So whatever [[form]] this takes, the universe is poised to accommodate you in your pursuit and so long as this avenue or this venue that you [[choose]] is serviceable, it will be here for you. For those who have need of it, it will exist and serve just as you would [[desire]]. The [[fact]] that you also observe side by side, this observation of a lack of [[participation]] from the greater herd, is merely another of the transient [[factors]] that require your [[interpretation]].

As to the why and the how to affect the [[change]] and what is going on behind the scenes, these are your [[challenges]] to grapple with as you attempt to see [[trends]] and follow lines and observe changes. But, you all are well versed in the fact that you are living in an ever changing [[paradigm]] and you are also finding [[comfort]] and [[peace]] in the unchanging steady nature of spiritual [[truths]] and [[reality]] and you are learning to apply these unchanged [[values]] and principles out into the changing world and using these changeless values to establish your [[direction]] and determine your [[actions]] when confronted with an environment where everything is in flux.

As you may have witnessed before, all things are turned to the [[good]] under this gigantic plan, this enterprise set in [[motion]] by your [[Divine]] Parents. No stone will be left unturned, as the saying goes, to find ways to facilitate your well being, to enhance your [[awareness]] and to promote your [[spiritual growth]]. Rely on your [[trust]] and [[faith]] that this is so, that you are cared for, that in the [[moment]] you will be [[guided]] as to what to do or say and that overall throughout the entire equation, you are aware of the workings of the hands of [[spirit]] behind the circumstance. It is this awareness that you bring into the equation which amplifies its magnitude of [[impact]].

So I will leave you now with the [[thought]] that it is so very [[worth]] it, even if there was only one of you to tell this to. But look how many, right in your sphere of [[awareness]], are there to benefit with you, alongside you. Has such an [[effort]] been worth it? [[Words]] cannot describe the worth [[inherent]] in this effort. I stand in [[gratitude]] for this effort that has been extended and the results and the rewards and the edification of all those involved, the [[growth]] apparent and the [[satisfaction]] that all this brings.

Thank you all for being a part of it and thank you Divine Parents above for orchestrating such an event of grace as we witness here, thank you.

Serena: [Cathy] I am joining in the [[discussion]] to bring an idea of [[personal]] [[progress]]. In the enactment of the [[Correcting Time]], an [[effort]] was made to bring the level of personal awareness to a new level. Its up-liftment was a vital element in the plan to move [[Urantia|the planet]] into a new [[perception]] of spirit. Each person is on the [[path]] to increase their [[understanding]] of the potentials of spirit [[interaction]] and action. [[Individual]] growth was a large part of our original [[intention]] when this contact was initiated.

As you have [[participated]] in these lessons, you have cleared [[error]] that limited your perception as well as reached out for new horizons of ways of being in spirit. All this was an [[individual]] [[journey]] but taken with your [[group]] [[partners]], we have used the idea of climbing a mountain to new heights while encouraging others on their paths with an uplifting hand. You could see from your present position that you have moved from your previous [[comfort zone]] and your concept of possibilities has [[transformed]]. With the acceptance and [[practice]] of each new skill, you have [[insight]] and new abilities to interact with spirit.

From this point of view, your growth and [[progress]] have been phenomenal. The mission continues as each of you increase in [[love]] and [[service]] and usefulness to the [[Creator]]. This is what enables the progress in our [[Correcting Time]]. This is the [[value]] added to each and to the whole. Continue to grow and expand your capacities so that you will be a [[light]] to those who are searching for growth.

Elyon: [Mark] Greetings to you all, I am Elyon and I arrive in response to the bidding of your [[hearts]] about effectiveness or appropriateness. I call you to [[witness]] that if it were not for these [[adventures]] and forays out into the [[spiritual]] realm, you would not know me, I would not know you, we would not have a [[relationship]], I would not be a [[personality]] that you would be familiar with. But because we have invested this energy in reaching out and [[touching]] each other, we have developed what may be an [[eternal]] beginning. I cannot [[express]] how significant a relationship like this can be. It will of course have to wait the test of [[time]] and perhaps even [[eternity]] to prove itself, but the very fact that myself, Machiventa, [[Michael]], [[Mother]], [[Monjoronson]], all of us who have met you in this arena of spirit that you have fashioned and created would not be familiar to you, would not be known by you in the same fashion as it is known through your [[experience]] of this mode that we refer to as the [[Teaching Mission]].

You all are quite aware that [[your planet]] has had special [[privileges]] afforded it and that many aspects which transpire here are of an [[experimental]] nature. This advent, this rise up of the [[phenomenon]], referring to the [[Teaching Mission]], is no different, another experiment launched on an [[experimental world]]. As you know, in the laboratory, many many [[experiments]] are needed to arrive at an effective understanding and awareness. The lab of [[Urantia]] is no different. Many different [[methods]] are employed and tried and some are selected.

You are all as scientists, trying your different methods and means and approaches, offering your different recipes and approaches in an attempt to [[facilitate]] your [[neighbors]] experiments. Nevertheless, you are all experimenting in real time. The [[Teaching Mission]] has been an experiment and will bear out whatever fruit it is capable of bearing, but no doubt, like any experiment, will be [[observed]] and modified and [[changed]] and perhaps tried under new conditions, with new [[variables]]. You can trust that the [[process]] is an ongoing one and is under due observation by all those [[responsible]] and you will witness in your lifetimes, many modifications of models which become outdated and must be refashioned to represent the current [[reality]].

Indeed it appears all around you these days, that any [[model]], every model may be in [[question]], may be re-evaluated for its appropriateness as you [[grow]] and [[change]] in your awareness. So then will the models of [[necessity]] have to grow and change. There is no end point, there are merely more [[opportunities]] for growth, more experiments to be tried, more opportunities to wield your [[skills]] before you, more [[chances]] to choose. That is what is ahead, that is what has been behind, that is the [[continuum]] of how it works. Many [[institutions]] and hallowed models will be in need of reexamination and reconstruction, all as the result of the observers changing their positions and viewing the model from a different [[perspective]].

As you all know, [[change]] is unchangeable and so we begin to see these rolling episodes of change as simply the next [[wave]], it's easier to ride them out. It's nice to see that all of you are moored against such waves to such a strong [[foundation]] of [[spirit]], that you have your lines in place, that no matter what the [[tides]] may bring, you are tied to something [[secure]] and certain, the spiritual [[truths]] of which you are aware. So I am glad to bring you more imagery and remind you of our [[relationship]] and how eternally [[grateful]] I am for it and how we have both been [[graced]] by this gift from this process and I think it was so very well [[worth]] it, thank you.
Light: [Mark] Hello, I would take [[voice]] today, I am Light and I too would stand with Elyon in eternal [[gratitude]] for where this [[process]] brought us, brought me in particular. I represent the inception of [[eternity]] and how can one [[express]] proper gratitude for the beginning of an eternal career, nevertheless, I am here to do so. Sometimes it is easy to fail to consider some of the impact you have on others as well as the impact you register on yourself. I am here to simply remind you of my [[love]] and our [[relationship]] and my gratitude for these things.

Jonathan: [Mark] Hey guys, Jonathan here. I wanted to barge my way in here today to stand in [[gratitude]] as well. I truly feel loved and [[embraced]] by all of you and for many of you, this extends to the real love and embrace encountered by the human [[senses]], but for all of you, the love and embrace that I have for you is [[enduring]] and tangible. And what a gift of [[grace]] it is, that we have come together to accept this gift of grace, to believe when we were told, even in the [[Urantia Book]], that we were children of [[destiny]] and of divine lineage, to believe it enough to allow it to express itself and to become that which we believed. And while we owe a great deal to this book for providing these [[seeds]], it is us who watered these seeds and grew them within our beings to allow all the rest to [[manifest]].

So I still do and will with you always, have a fondness and [[affection]] for the [[Fifth Epochal Revelation]] which so changed and benefitted our lives. In the end, even the greater gift is what we were [[inspired]] to explore as the result of believing that we were a child of the [[First Source|First Source and Center]] as we had been told. My love for you all is expansive, my [[affection]] for you all is deep and as I said, I stand in gratitude always for this that we [[share]] and may continue to share forever. So be it, thank you all, good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: Serena]]
[[Category: Elyon]]
[[Category: LIGHT]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Cathy Morris]]
[[Category: Teaching Mission]]
[[Category: 2015]]

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