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===Topic: ''Love Is The Only Viable Response to Hate''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
[[Indoctrination]]: “To teach a person to accept a system of [[beliefs]] uncritically.”

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about [[Indoctrination]] that is a factor of much [[separation]] on [[this planet]]. Whenever individuals [[blindly]] [[accept]] a belief system, they give up their independent [[thinking]] that is so crucial in their personal [[development]] and the preservation of their [[integrity]].

“Many [[creeds]] demand unconditional adherence from their adepts while engraining in them a sense of [[guilt]] and [[shame]] to [[intimidate]] them and keep them from scrutinizing the pillars of [[faith]] on which they are placing their spiritual bets.

“Selection of a [[belief]] system should be a personal [[quest]] as [[individuals]] are equipped with their own [[Ta|inner Guide]]. This personal [[truth]] detector is much preferable to a one-size-fits- all belief system.

“The small human [[ego]], too, often sees itself as the center of the world and tries to suck others into its [[gravitational]] force causing many to be intransigent and hard core to their sworn [[allegiances]].

“The only beliefs that should be wholeheartedly [[embraced]] by a [[soul]] are the ones that include and promote the [[eternal]] values of [[Truth, Beauty, and Goodness]] as criteria that discerning souls should use.

“Belief systems are here to [[support]] [[spiritual growth]]. It is appropriate to discard outdated beliefs and to upgrade and expand them with new and more soul-invigorating ones.

“You would get bored if you were served the same [[food]] day each day; similarly, [[your soul]] [[appreciates]] when its appetite is being whetted by new spiritual nutrients. Your spiritual [[self]] is a much finer energetic body than your [[physical]] self. Yet, they work together to serve your [[soul growth]]. Some food groups energize you while others are detrimental to your energies.

“Go within and [[connect]] with Me as I truly AM your personal Life Coach and the most qualified to [[guide]] you in your life [[decisions]]. I may take you through a [[meandering]] of various belief systems—each one paving the way to the next as I start from whatever initial [[indoctrination]] to which you were [[exposed]]. I will help you separate the wheat from the chaff. You must reclaim your spiritual [[independence]] and open both [[mind]] and [[heart]] to the possibilities of getting in touch with higher teachings.
“Life is a continued educational [[process]]. Only spiritual drop-outs will [[stagnate]]. Be [[courageous]], be audacious and be bold! Climb out of the box of your erroneous [[belief]] systems to discover much broader spiritual [[horizons]]. Become a spiritual [[tourist]] and keep track of all the beautiful spiritual [[panoramas]] that are [[revealed]] to you along the way and share your beautiful photo album with other avid truth [[seekers]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: Indoctrination]]
[[Category: Growth]]
[[Category: 2015]]

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