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===Topic: ''Change in Human Consciousness''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Serena]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, as we center ourselves in Spirit, we thank you for connecting us heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, spirit-to-spirit that we may join as one in our focusing efforts to further the energies of the Magisterial Mission to grow in our planet’s consciousness. Thank you for preparing us for this pivotal time of transition on Urantia, and thank you for helping us staying focused on spirit that our efforts may conjoin with many other transformational energies and efforts, and foster more love, light and life here in our Urantian consciousness. We are ready to participate with our celestial helpers and teachers. May your WILL be done. Thank you.
SERENA: Blessings of peace and joy to one and all today! This is Serena. I am very pleased to rejoin you for our time together to build more of the circuitry of Spirit into Urantian consciousness that will further the transformation underway in support of the Magisterial Mission.

Take a few deep breaths. Center yourself in your heart’s desires for more love and healing to bathe circuitry of Urantian consciousness. We have participated with you for many years to bring more light into this circuitry of Urantian consciousness. This light carries within it much information: spiritual information, life information that is fundamental to this world’s continued progress and ascension to the circuits of Light and Life.

You have responded to the call within of Spirit. You have opened yourselves to participate with something much greater than your imaginations. The transformation of a rebellion sphere is a mighty and massive undertaking, and it does require many ages for this to be fully completed. We have asked you to be patient and to continue to seek the Father’s WILL for your lives, that you may participate, cooperate, and collaborate with the Father’s presence within you. This requires great effort and change on your parts. It requires you to step outside that internal animal complacency and seek to change, to desire change, to transform your lives in a manner consistent with the Father’s presence within you.

You have collaborated with us in building new circuits of LOVE into the planet’s consciousness and there is much in place for transformation to continue to unfold. Today, to amplify these circuits of transformation, I invite you to focus on the energies of CHANGE IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. CHANGE IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. What does this mean? How will this affect your lives? You already understand that you have an evolving nature wherein change is implied. It is a fundamental ingredient of the way the Father created you.

So change, as we focus on this today, is designed to foster your ability to move and grow in these circuits of transformation that are bathing Urantian consciousness. Change is to be welcomed, embraced, anticipated. Many of your brethren still succumb to this internal resistance to change, which is part of the animal nature as well as an ingrained resistance to opening to the Father’s WILL that is a repercussion of the rebellion. Many individuals are still enslaved by tradition, superstition, and certain conventions of this world that continue to foster the rebellion legacy. So we invite you to open to more change energy that the transformative presences of spirit vitality in its various forms and applications may continue to help you grow in that which you desire most—the ability to align your will and mind in the Father.

We will spend a few moments ministering to you, each one of you personally, in these circuits of CHANGE IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, and then we will ask you to join with us to apply these circuits into the collective Urantian fabric of consciousness. Let us begin.

Continue to breathe deeply. Relax your bodies. Quiet your minds. You may center your gaze upon these words CHANGE IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. It is most important to feel your desire for this to continue to unfold in you and to give you that current, you might say, of CHANGE energy that will help you release what no longer serves you and allow the Father’s presence within you to illuminate you in ways you need. We begin. Receive us now, my dear brothers and sisters, and allow yourselves to receive this beautiful current of CHANGE. (Pause)

There is a root system in your own individual system of consciousness that is connected to the planetary circuits of consciousness, especially from the past. Ask for this CHANGE energy to go into roots wherein your minds may still be attached to certain unhealthy and unspiritual energies. Allow the waters of CHANGE to soften any resistance within. Allow the Father’s presence within you to illuminate what may still contain ways of thinking, certain emotions that cause you distress and prevent you from behaving in more Godlike manners. CHANGE energy will support your efforts and your desires to open to more of the Father’s presence. Ask for this to go into those deeply rooted places that you may not be able to penetrate on your own and allow this energy to wash away that which is of spiritual disharmony. (Pause)

Let us now shift our focus to the circuits of our planet’s consciousness as a whole. CHANGE IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS can be spiraled around the planet, counter-clockwise, north to south poles as you focus your gaze from your hearts and feel your desire for this change in your planet’s consciousness to take deeper root and to unfold to support more of your brothers’ and sisters’ transformations. (Pause)

New pathways of light circuitry are being constructed through your focusing efforts. We are building more of these circuits that act as conveyers of this energy that others may perceive and receive the CHANGE energy they need to outgrow what no longer serves their spiritual development and soul growth. Maintain your focus into this collective circuit as we continue to construct these pathways of light where much good can be achieved. (Pause)

Change is good, my brethren, especially when the change pathways allow the free flow of spiritual energy to penetrate into those places of human consciousness that are ready to open and blossom in the Father’s WILL. Social progress—cultural transformation—is more likely to unfold. More people can become aware of their higher purpose for living and begin to cooperate with their indwelling Father fragments that they may express their Father-bestowed personality gifts in service to the greater collective of Urantian consciousness. This will benefit all life here as each individual awakens to their potential and the desire to participate in the healing of this beautiful world.

As you continue to send your heart energies of CHANGE IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS into this collective circuit, you may, as you have done in the past apply this in certain circumstances, relationships, geographic situations—wherever you would wish to see more change unfold in the Father’s WILL. Take your time. As always, we follow your gaze and add what we can to where you are seeding CHANGE into many places of great need. (Pause)

May all life rejoice in the energies of CHANGE bathing this world, opening hearts to love, life and healing, helping this world regain its rightful place in Michael’s universe of Nebadon. Join us as we elevate our gaze to Paradise and the Deities resident there at the center of all LIFE. Thank the Father for His MERCY ministry to this world through the Son and the Spirit. Let us move as one in His LOVE as we participate with you in this worshipful experience together. (Pause)

Descend, if you will, from the heavenly heights of Paradise down into Urantian consciousness. Envision yourselves standing upon the ground. Underneath your feet are the word CHANGE IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS, and you are sending that down into the very root system of the planet’s consciousness. Invite Michael’s MERCY to infuse this subterranean circuitry that His MERCY may be applied liberally, widely into this circuit of change.

Michael’s MERCY can soften much resistance to change and allow these circuits of CHANGE IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS to perform what they are designed to do to support the transformation of human consciousness, that more individuals may align their thoughts and feelings in the presence of the Father within them. Feel your desire for Michael’s MERCY to swell in these circuits of CHANGE IN HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS. Your brothers and sisters need this now. You are priming the pump, you might say, to assist them to receive the beauty of Michael’s MERCY within them. (Pause)

As these circuits of change continue to move in and through Urantian consciousness, be not dismayed by what you observe of your culture changing as this passes through that which is misaligned in the Father’s WILL and attempts to correct grievous wrongs from the past. Know that this is a necessary part of the healing process. Remember to center yourselves in your Father Michael that His mind may harmonize in you to the circuits of the Holy Spirit and render you more peaceful, stable, strong, courageous and steadfast.
Change is upon you, my dear brothers and sisters. It is inevitable and now it is time for this world to return to the bosom of Father Michael as He reclaims this world for His own and invites you to participate in the great jubilee of transformation.

I will withdraw. I thank you for your participation. We of the celestial realms are so grateful for your human efforts and wish to acknowledge that you do more good than you know. We ask that you continue to focus of these circuits of change and alignment in the Father’s WILL as the network of LOVE grows and brings this world back into the family of the Father. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Serena]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2015]]

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