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===Topic: ''Service Opportunities''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Dr. Mendoza]], [[Jonathan]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Cathy Morris]]===
Mark: We all just jumped in a little [[faith]] raft here while on the edge of the river so maybe we'll just shove off into the [[stream|current]] here and push out a little bit and free ourselves up from the confines of the shore.

Prayer: Onboard our raft we invite the [[presence]] of our Divine Parents and the various celestial [[personalities]] of which we are aware, [[Machiventa]], [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia|Mother]], [[Monjoronson]] and all our other friends and associates on this spiritual [[journey]] to join us as we drift in the current of spirit, keeping towards the center so that we drift smoothly and easily with the flow of spirit. Divine Parents, you know all things, therefore do you know the [[desires]] of our [[hearts]]. We come to you at times like this to float with you in [[spirit]], to be suspended in the spirit place with you, to be embraced by you at these times, to feel your warmth, to feel your [[grace]] and your [[peace]]. We always delight in your emissaries of light that we get to co-mingle with in this [[process]], to join forces in the spiritual [[exploration]] that we do at this time. We are so deeply [[grateful]] for this opportunity, for this process, for this peace, for this love, to come back to this well to be nourished and to feel your embrace once again. So be it, amen.
Elyon: I take up your invitation and join you in your vessel. I am Elyon and it is my [[pleasure]] to bob on the current of spirit with you, to ride the [[wave]] and to enjoy the [[frequency]] that we [[tune]] into when coming to this place of spirit. I too come back to this well to receive this nourishment of spirit just as you do. We are both [[attracted]] innately to this place of [[peace]] and so it has been my pleasure to meet with you here and join with you here low these many years. We have been quite successful in assimilating the basics that we were [[mandated]] to instruct and we all have enjoyed the process I dare say.

Now with the current [[observation]] of your ever changing environment, it will be the time to put all that you have assembled and gathered in your toolboxes, to put all these [[tools]] to work, to try them and see how effective they are, to try something else and override your original [[intention]] with new [[inspirations]]. These will be promising times to try your hand at many [[techniques]]. There will be many opportunities before you to [[practice]] and this is the blessing, as you have said, of living in interesting times. Always something to consider, always a new observation to make which may or may not [[change]] your [[opinion]] or position.

So while you have many tools to use and may have many [[opportunities]] to try them, it is the one who uses the tools which is the constant and the position or stance that one takes in operating their life. The [[position]] that they take will be a [[factor]] throughout the equation, no matter what tools are chosen or opportunities are seized, they will be flavored by the stance of the one who [[chooses]] to get involved. This is where all of your lessons have brought you an overall sense of spirit, a [[relationship]] to it that is personal and real and in so doing, you have been modified and changed, you have [[grown]] in your capacities, in your awarenesses, in your faith and in your [[conviction]]. You are a different being than you have been, a being of the moment, empowered and enabled by all that you have mastered and all that has come to you.

So in this [[new year]] we find ourselves in, which [[promises]] to be like no other, let us seize the moment with grace and [[anticipation]]. Let us exercise our [[presence]] and our stance as these opportunities present themselves and no matter which tools we may choose to use, we will use them with spiritual grace. That will be the stance, and in this way you will [[manifest]] the highest principles you are aware of and this is your [[destiny]]. This is yours to manifest at will. I look so forward, as I have been with you in the [[past]], to be with you in the [[present]], even now and as we move forward into the [[future]] of the unknown, taking with us our eternal [[perspective]] of spirit and having this influence our every move. Let it be so as we travel this journey together. It has been blissful to float this stretch of life's stream with you. Thank you for your invitation, I am graced by it. [As are we, thank you Elyon.]

Dr. Mendoza: I would address this selective group of spiritual beings, I am Dr. Mendoza and I choose to join you at this time because you so allow. I would invite you to consider that while you are engaging yourselves in the ministry of being [[physicians]] assistants and [[liaison]] to the patient, and while all this is well and good, there is another level that you may consider ministering on as well. This additional [[influence]] into the equation is the [[psyche]], it is the [[perception]], the feeling, the worry, the doubt, the concern, and the fear present in the equation. There is always some degree of these aspects involved as the psyche is part of the [[human condition]] and therefore has great influence over the situation.

So while it is good to consider ones [[material]] mortal being, their vehicle and its component parts, its ailments, its [[symptoms]] and its cures, we must not overlook what might be called the [[emotional]] component, the part of an individual which harbors concern, which is alarmed, which has [[fear]]. This aspect of [[the whole]] needs to be considered for the impact it has on the equation. It is quite true that two patients may be seen with identical ailments and one may live if they believe they will live and one may die, thinking they will surely die.

This emotional component is another area in which we may have some degree of [[jurisdiction]]. There is the ability to [[share]] back and forth this emotional [[vibration]], this state of [[being]]. It can be shared and related and if it can be shared and related to, it also can be influenced by alternate [[patterns]], higher patterns and grander principles. If you are able to [[discern]] that individuals have fear, doubts and trepidation, then equally possible they may discern that you have [[faith]], you have [[trust]], you have vision of [[health]] and life.

So the [[potential]] exists, that if they are going to share some of their inner thoughts with you, that you may likewise share some of your inner [[thoughts]] with them and give them alternatives to consider to their thought patterns. State with conviction your [[beliefs]] and offer them seeds which may be nurtured and grow in their being for them to foster a viewpoint of eternal perspective, a spiritual grace and peace and love.

It turns out there are numerous ways we may be ministering to individuals and we are in this [[curriculum]], going to investigate as many as possible. I thank you for the [[opportunity]] to bring forward another installment in this curriculum of what it is to be a physicians assistant or a healer in your own right. [Thank you Dr. Mendoza.]

Charles: I would greet you all as well, I am Charles and it has been a while since I have made my [[presence]] known but I have been lurking on the sideline nonetheless and I just wanted to, once again, flavor the equation with my energy [[signature]] so that we might become even more familiar. I always love the [[analogy]] of the floating down the river of spirit and how it is an [[eventuality]] that it will carry you there if you just don't get hung up and if you just don't stop. If you free yourselves from the [[obstacles]], then the [[flow]] will carry you to the end, will carry you to your destination. Your life is a series of stops and eddies and boulders and falls to [[navigate]] and each one of these represents a unique opportunity to build [[your soul]].

So just as we must give thanks for the many opportunities that we've had to date which constitute who we are, we must look forward with great [[anticipation]] to the many more opportunities just before us. This program never stops, it simply goes on and on as we are ready for it or perhaps as we may feel from time to time, even though we are not ready for it. Like your other associates, I am pleased to have this association with you as we have grown together in this arena we have constructed and as we form somewhat of a team moving forward and with the aid and support and fellowship of such [[friends]] and associates, what is not to [[love]] about whatever rises before us.

We are in this together. We know [[the universe]] is friendly. We know there is also [[tribulation]]. We know that we are cared for by Divine Parents. We know that this plan [[encompasses]] us, each and every one, individually. We know we are a part of this divine family, moving forward, and we know that as a result of our [[eternal career]] we will be as one. These are things which bring us great [[strength]], which impose a sense of peace on our equation, which enable us to have a perspective of [[grace]], even in times of [[uncertainty]]. Let us impose our will and reflect these things we know to be true out into the world.

Its always a joyful opportunity for me to join you at times such as this and I'm [[grateful]] for this opportunity as well. Thank you for indulging me. [Thank you Charles; we are delighted to have you join us.]
Question: Hello Elyon, Dr. Mendoza, Charles, I was just [[thinking]] in my still time before I made the phone call how blessed and how [[happy]] and [[joyful]] I am for the [[Teaching Mission]] and the [[Urantia Book]] and your [[words]], to sit in your class, to hear you after twenty one years. Your words ring so true and Dr. Mendoza, it was like you were speaking to me personally today as I have spent the last few month in the [[hospital]] with a dear friend. I am very grateful to [[the teachers]].

Comment: I couldn't agree more.

Jonathan: Hi guys, this is Jonathan and you know what, I couldn't agree more. It truly is and will be seen and cherished by you as one of the great aspects of this [[mortal]] life to have forged this [[connection]], to have built this bridge that we so enjoy. I cannot express the words of [[gratitude]] that emanate forth from the spirit side, echoing their joy at this [[effort]] on your behalf, on our behalf, that we have chosen to construct this ladder to spirit. There was no mandate, rather it was an option to be chosen and those of us who have chosen it certainly have a sense of gratitude and I so deeply [[share]] that with you that I feel qualified to answer with you in unison.

I too am so very grateful for the [[influence]] of these devoted and dedicated ministers, but I can [[assure]] you it is not a one way street. What good is the teacher if there are no [[students]], what is the classroom if no one arrives? You are an equally important part of the equation. One could make the case perhaps an even more important part because for you this is an extra-curricular activity, you are choosing, one you are not required to engage in. The [[fact]] that you will come to a class, you will show up, you will [[participate]] is truly a gift. It is a gift back to those who have created this entire classroom and curriculum. It is a gift of accepting, of [[reciprocating]], of choosing and [[expressing]] the will of the spirit born being.

I have, like you, been enjoying Dr. Mendoza's lessons. They are applicable on a variety of levels and he is a devoted instructor. How miraculous is this, that I now have the microphone on this side and you still hold the microphone on that side. This is truly a gift of grace that we [[experience]], not to convince us of our [[faith]], but as a result of it, not to placate our desires and [[prayers]] but to adhere to universe principles of supply and demand for those who will seek, shall find and we have found together. For this I will be eternally [[grateful]]. I now [[understand]] that you have had rather an open mike tonight and it has been delightful that the floor and the microphone and the arena exist. I stand in [[appreciation]] and in gratitude with you for all that we have created. Thank you Divine Parents for this gift of grace, this act of [[love]] [[manifest]]. May we all take it with us as a sign of your love and your grace. [Thank you Jonathan, it is always good to hear from you.]
Comment: Jonathan this is ------ again and I want to thank you for twenty years ago, mailing me in Salt Lake City, all of the Elyon papers. I refused to use the computer and I was [[hungry]] and I couldn't read enough of the lessons and you nicely for years, mailed them to me. I don't know if that is [[irony]] or [[synchronicity]], but thank you.

Jonathan: My dear friend, you are most welcome and that is nothing more than basic [[ministry]], nothing more than you would do or anyone where they could see a need to be of service and so simply fill that need as I was able to in that instance. There is nothing more delightful than an emerging spiritual [[being]], one that craves the [[light]], and there is nothing more rewarding than being in a position to offer this light to others. So freely did we [[receive]], so easy it was to give, and in so doing I was graced with an act of ministry and you were graced with this [[experience]] of the [[Teaching Mission]]. We both experienced the win/win scenario. But, I graciously [[accept]] your words and offer you my deep [[affection]], thank you.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Elyon]]
[[Category: Dr. Mendoza]]
[[Category: Charles]]
[[Category: Jonathan]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: 2016]]

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