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===Topic: ''About Planetary Springtime''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk today about the Spiritual [[Spring|Springtime]]. [[Your planet]] is slowly but surely moving out of its spiritual [[hibernation]]. Many human beings are right now stirring out of their spiritual [[slumber]] and coming to their [[Morontia senses|spiritual senses]] — literally. This is the spring time of [[the soul]]. It starts imperceptibly with the first deeper stirrings of the soul.

“In springtime, the sun’s [[rays]] gain in [[strength]] and in [[intensity]] and activate the [[flow]] of sap in the trees or the expansion of the [[seeds]] in the ground. A sensation of [[euphoria]] starts arising in nature and, eventually, many wonderful [[fragrances]] fill the air in wonderful [[sensual]] philharmonics — each fragrance beautifully blending with one another and positively affecting the [[moods]] of those inhaling them.

“[[Your planet]] is now showing the first [[signs]] of spring time [[awakening]]. The [[soil]] has been fertilized for a very long time with the ‘spiritual compost’ of misdeeds caused by the [[Lucifer rebellion]]. Each negative [[experience]] can act as a lesson in [[Wisdom]] and become a trigger for spiritual awakening whenever the creatures become ‘wiser’ and learn from the [[painful]] and difficult experience. Isn’t it time to undergo this [[process]] at a planetary level?

“We are witnessing the stepping forward of many [[good]]-intentioned souls who declare their [[objective]] to contribute to the planetary [[shift]] by promoting higher spiritual [[values]] — those of [[Truth, Beauty, and Goodness]]. These souls are the starter kits of the planetary spring. They are the first ones to break through the hardened spiritual ground. They are the [[trail blazer]]s and the ones that will [[manifest]] beautiful spiritual fruits that will in turn bear their own healthy fruits.

“Once spring has begun, the [[momentum]] will keep going and will be supported by the powerful Life Force that drives the entire [[cosmos]]. [[Summer]] will follow suit bringing spiritual [[maturity]] and completing the planetary shift into [[Light and Life]] — eternal light and life. [[Eventually]], the most [[timid]] creatures that were still living underground will emerge to the [[surface]], never wanting to return to their state of spiritual [[procrastination]].”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
[[Category: Awakening]]
[[Category: 2016]]

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