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===Topic: ''Every Situation is Pregnant with Growth Potentials''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Thought Adjuster]]===
===TR: [[Anyas]]===
*Edited by Linda Abell
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, how do you know that you genuinely love the Father? Love can never be just a mental affirmation. Loving intentions can be set mentally, but have to be manifested through open hearts. It cannot be otherwise. Many believers are in awe in front of the magnitude of the creation and its beauty that, on the physical level, can be acknowledged through the five physical senses. The appreciation of physical beauty can be a catalyst for higher inner emotions as it also triggers gratitude and gratitude is expressed by the heart. Therefore, the appreciation of beauty is a door opener as far as the heart is concerned.

“However Beauty is also present at many other levels invisible to the naked eye. The external beauty is the manifestation of the beautiful primal intentions that drove the creative process. Truth, Beauty and Goodness are inseparable from one another and each one of them can be an access door to the others and to a deepening of your human ‘love experience.’

“Strive to keep your heart open as it is truly the center of your being. Your heart has its own love-infused intelligence and it can positively affect your mental processes. Your heart is like the thermostat of your being and when it is correctly turned on warmer emotions, it sets an inner atmosphere that is prone to personal growth.

“Whenever human creatures solely come from the head, they cannot find optimal solutions to their problems as the head is not the emotional center — even though thinking triggers emotions. But the emotions triggered by thinking, unless they are filtered through the heart, can be from a much different batch. Hate, grudges, resentments, depression . . . are the symptoms of a ‘depressed’ emotional cardiovascular system. They are like auto-immune imbalances as they feed on each other and release emotional scavengers.

“Know that you have personal power over these harmful emotions. Whenever they prey on you, activate your heart muscle by recalling positive experiences and by opening your heart to positive emotions. It is like priming an engine and may require some effort at first.
“Gratitude is the premium primer and the most effective one. A grateful heart is an open heart. It cannot be otherwise. This is your secret weapon to defeat lower emotions. Feed your heart with Gratitude and it will expand and be strengthened. It will remember that it has only been meant for love. Gratitude will fix any emotional arrhythmia. All it takes is practice, practice and some more practice. Soon you will be amazed at how your perspective on your life experiences has shifted and how much more appreciative you are becoming. In every life situation, there is cause for gratitude as everything is eventually unfolding toward Light and Life — the unchanging eternal Plan. Every situation is pregnant with growth potentials that you can either abort or patiently birth, depending on your attitude.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Anyas]]
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