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===Topic: ''Focusing on the Action of the Holy Spirit''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Machiventa]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful to have this opportunity to join together in this circuit of your WILL. Thank you for connecting us heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, spirit-to-spirit that we may operate as one in where we are being guided to focus today in support of the Magisterial Mission. You know our desires, you know our intentions, and we thank you for making good use of them now as we collaborate with our beloved celestial helpers in support of our own personal transformation, as well as for more healing to occur on our world. We thank you for your love and support. May your WILL be done now. Thank you.
MACHIVENTA: Greetings one and all! This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I, too, am grateful to join you in this forum for change and transformation to occur, for your participation in this time of correction for the energies of human will and desire are fundamental to capture those spirit sparks that upstep the consciousness of your planet that more change may be infused here in a positive and spiritual direction.

Today the focus is simple. I invite you to focus in your hearts, feel your desire for your connection to your Universe Mother to move into you that you may feel Her presence in you; you may feel Her action in you. We will begin here as your Mother moves in you through the circuit of the Holy Spirit.
This is to help you open up to what She wishes to provide to you today.

If it is helpful, place your internal gaze on the words THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, and invite Her to give you what you need now that She may bring in more of the energies of clarification and purification that will support your own transformation. And then from this place, we will invite you to focus into the collective THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. However, we will begin with you as individuals to receive this. Let us begin. Center yourselves in THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT as your beloved Mother flows Her LOVE through you in the areas where you need Her healing touch. (Pause)

As you focus on THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, breathe deeply, relaxing your body, quieting your mind in that place of faith that the presence of your Mother may do what She desires to do for each one of Her beloved children. There is much to be accomplished through this infusion of Her holy presence. It is also desired that you would be in a greater bandwidth of spiritual energy to perceive the presence of Her being as She moves in and through you. She is your Mother. She upholds you in our universe home, and you have much to gain in developing more intimacy with Her through this focus of THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

It is as if you are allowing Her presence to move through the layers and levels of human consciousness to reach the inner core or dimension of your innate beingness, where you exist in relationship to the Creator Father in Paradise—that which you have come to appreciate as your own individual personality, while Her action to move through these layers and levels that you may perceive more of who you are as a vibrant son and daughter of God and be able to live your life more fully from that place of being liberated from so many influences that have impeded your perception of your true nature at the deepest levels of your beings. Continue to receive as Mother moves through you now, my dear brethren. (Pause)

Your connection to your Mother is innate, and it runs deep through your energy systems. What you allow when you come to Her and invite Her to move in you is a clearing of influences that have kept you away from knowing the action of Spirit and how it flows through you. There are many influences that are being outworked during this time of correction—individually for yourselves and for the planet as a collective whole. It is not an easy undertaking to help the human mind to unburden itself from the legacy of sin, but it is one that can be accomplished through whole hearted human cooperation, that you would bring your will to your Mother and invite Her to move through you and add more light upon those places of darkness or shadow within your psyches.

As you see this for yourself moving through you, know that this is the same dynamic as it is moving through the collective consciousness of the planet. Light is shining on the darkness and the shadows within human consciousness, and it is challenging and difficult for human minds to see these energies and influences and how they have perverted human consciousness, distorted perceptions of reality. But as your Mother moves through you, you will receive more clarity in your own heart and mind about who you are and have more light and space to be attuned to your own indwelling Spirits and the presence of your Father Michael that He may share more of who He is with you and strengthen you in who you are. Continue to focus on THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT moving through you for a few more moments before we shift to focus upon the collective. (Pause)

My dear brethren, join with us now. Place your gaze upon the globe before you in your mind’s eye. From your hearts, invite the words THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT to spiral around the world in a counter-clockwise rotation. Let your gaze be strong and steady. Let the energies from your heart be filled with love, compassion, forgiveness and mercy that more of your Mother’s action may move in the circuits where change is needed and necessary and we will join you there and add what we can. (Pause)

Now in your own heart, let that desire for where you would wish to apply THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT in any circumstance, condition, relationship or geographic situation on your planet. Let your heart be filled with joy and love and light as you place your gaze here. We will add what we can to where you focus, allowing for more spirit energy to infuse any situation or condition that needs the application of Mother’s healing balm of LOVE. Take your time. You may focus on as many things as you desire. What we ask of you is to keep those desires strong that Mother’s action may produce the effects of change that are necessary to align the situation in Father’s WILL. (Pause)

There are circuits upon circuits upon circuits of spiritual energy now being applied into the arenas of human consciousness. One day you will perceive this complex interlacing of energies as it is constructed upon this planet. For now, you must content yourself with operating in faith that we of the celestial realms are applying these heart energies in support of planetary transformation. But herein is where you have power. It is the power of your faith and when you share that openly and freely with us, we can do much to impart these energies into the fields of consciousness. Do not underestimate the power of your own hearts and the faith you demonstrate and the willingness you provide to collaborate with us in this manner.

Many of you are coming into greater comprehension of who you are and how you operate in conjunction with the Father’s WILL, learning many important lessons to help you use the energies in support of your own transformation and that of the world’s. And over time, more is added to you, you may perceive more deeply, broadly and profoundly how the Father’s LOVE works through these evolutionary circuits to uplift and upstep all life on the inhabited worlds. Continue in your focusing for the next few moments as we continue to follow your gaze and add what we can to where you place your hearts.

My dear brethren, let us elevate our gaze to the Paradise Deities, thanking the Father for THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT moving upon Urantian consciousness. Let your appreciation swell with joy and faith as we come together as one in this circuit of worship. (Pause)

From the corridors of Paradise to the shores of Urantia, THE ACTION OF THE HOLY is ever flowing, ever present, ever supporting human will to conform to the Father’s plans of evolution. Your role in this plan is unfolding before you and it is through the action of your Holy Mother that this occurs. Be not daunted when you see your own human insecurities and frailties operate.

Turn to Her and ask for more of Her transforming presence to move through you that the Father Within may illuminate more truth upon your mind and your Father Michael’s personality may move in you and calibrate upon your own personality energies that you may gain strength in who you are, release more shadows within your psyches, that you may live in more light and truth of the nature of the Father Within. This is the goal for your life and for your planet during this transitional and transformational stage. There is much to outwork, much to be gained, and much to be achieved. In the coming days, we encourage you to focus on THE ACTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT that you may deepen your connections with your Mother and be healed in Her LOVE through Her GRACE.

As you descend to your Urantian consciousness from your time of worship, know that there is much stirring within, not only in your own individual selves but within the planet. And allow this time of transformation to do what it needs to do to accomplish more of the correction within Michael’s plans, and do your part each day to center yourselves in Spirit when you feel unsteady and unstable, for Michael is within you and He will provide you with that abiding PEACE that you need to render you more secure within, that you may be that shining beacon of light to a world in great need to dispel the darkness that the light of truth plays more brightly upon the human mind and heart. (Pause)
I will leave you now, my brethren, in this manner that you may continue to remain in this meditative place, specially asking for these currents of the Mother to move through Urantian evolutionary consciousness and evoke more change and transformation to occur. We will remain with you as you focus and trust that you are performing a great service to your world as you open to your Mother and trust in Her LOVE for you. I thank you for your participation with us today, and may you all grow in Her GRACE and BEAUTY and in the Father’s WILL. Good day!

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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