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===Topic: ''Be You Perfect in Your Own Day and Time''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
Teacher Ophelius: “Dear One, the question has been asked about what it means to answer the [[Universal Father]]’s edict to ‘Be perfect, as I AM perfect,’ and more specifically, what it means for you — those living on [[Urantia]]. Certainly [[perfection]] in and of itself is something that is not attainable on the [[evolutionary worlds]] of time, but there is a ‘standard’ that is set for those at each planetary level of evolutionary status, meaning: ‘Be you perfect in your own day and time.’ Because life on each evolutionary world develops uniquely and stands at [[Paper 52|various stages of development]], with respect to [[Light and Life]] status, there are different standards set for each as an expected ‘curve’ of normal development and [[growth]] as it is viewed by your planetary administrators: the [[Planetary Prince]], the [[System Sovereign]] and the [[Most Highs]] of [[Edentia]].

“On very young planets where will [[creatures]] are still working out the [[vicissitudes]] of [[primitive life]] having had very little development in [[science]] or [[culture]], the bar is set rather low with the expectation that they will follow the [[path]] of [[tribe]] against tribe warfare while developing [[tools]] and more cunning ways to kill each other. At this level of development, there are few, if any, [[Thought Adjuster]]s (TAs) of [[fusion]] status indwelling these creature [[minds]]. At best, TAs may temporarily indwell these minds to gain [[experience]] with the biological mind mechanisms for that species as it may later (in time) be evolving to a fusion status creature.

“Once a [[Planetary Prince]] and [[his staff]] come to an evolutionary world, the bar is raised with respect to the [[guidance]] and education that is afforded the surrounding tribes of natives. They are taught many things from [[farming]], building, raising cattle, sanitation, personal hygiene, to the basic [[cosmology]] of [[the universe]] and spiritual realities including the [[worship]] of the [[Universal Father]]. They are also given codes of conduct, which they are expected to adopt when [[participating]] in the educational activities in the centers of the Planetary Prince and his staff. It is here where men and women first develop their societies and primitive [[governments]] as they take what they have learned back to their peoples.

“Later, when an Adamic pair ([[Adam and Eve]]) come to a world, the bar is raised yet again as the [[biology]] of the natives are elevated with the infusion of the [[Violet bloodline]] from the Adamic progeny. [[Spiritual development]] from this point begins to ‘ramp up’ and these creatures then move from merely obeying the laws of conduct to knowing with greater surety the leadings of the [[Indwelling Spirit]] as more and more of them begin to receive TAs of possible fusion status.

“Once a [[Magisterial Son]], or a [[Creator Son]] visits the planet, the bar is raised yet again and the TAs flock to these worlds in great numbers which have been prepared by the [[Spirit of Truth]] to indwell the minds of those creatures for [[fusion]] potential. From this point, the planet is on an upward curve of development in both [[science]] and [[spirituality]].
“Everything I have just described (greatly abridged) to you is more or less the ‘[[normal]]’ curve of planetary [[evolution]] and expectation. However, your world, being classed as an [[experimental world]] and one that has been involved in a [[Lucifer Rebellion|system wide rebellion]] for over 200,000 years, has had a ‘relapse’ in growth and spiritual development, and so it is that the standard set for those who live their lives on [[Urantia]] is ‘adjusted’ for their ‘day and time.’ In part 2 of this message we shall look more closely at what that standard is and how it relates to your current development.

“[[Peace]] to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Ophelius]]
[[Category: Chris]]
[[Category: Growth]]
[[Category: 2016]]

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