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===Topic: ''The Monkey Handcuff''===
===Group: [[11:11 Progress Group]]===
===Teacher: [[Ophelius]]===
===TR: [[Chris Maurus]]===
Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is for all the people of the earth. Though you may feel divided and [[separated]] from other people by [[Gender|sex]], [[race]], [[culture]], [[religion]], [[politics]], social class, or [[national]] identity, you are, none the less, the people of planet earth, and you have more in common than you do realize. As viewed from above — from the higher planes of the [[ascending]] worlds of time, which you shall one day [[experience]] for yourselves, [[your planet]] stands out as one that is most unusual, [[unique]], [[dangerous]], [[confused]], [[beautiful]], and the most interesting of all worlds in all the [[local universe]] — the one planet chosen to be host to the [[Seventh Bestowal|bestowal of the Creator Son]]. Only one inhabited planet in 10 million worlds can claim such distinction, and yet most of you go about your lives unaware of the [[potential]] you have to make a tremendous contribution to the [[growth]] of your [[souls]] and to the [[Great Plan]] to [[transform]] this confused world into the [[jewel]] of the universe.

“Each one of you is [[Ta|indwelled by a fragment of the Creator]], which in and of itself, gives you a unique common bond that continually [[inspires]] and [[expresses]] the Will of this Creator to your [[minds]], yet you only have to [[listen]] with the [[heart]] to hear it. If there is only one thing you may [[understand]] about life on your world, please understand this [[fact]]. When you choose to separate yourselves by the divisions of worldly [[identities]] you lose [[sight]] of your common heritage and you suffer from the self-inflicted wounds of [[hatred]] and [[bigotry]] because of your differences.

“The Creator Father is continually creating and exploring new [[ideas]] and expressing these ideas to [[His children]] (you) and He does this with the [[intention]] that within the [[diversity]] of life on each world, a truly unique idea may be expressed and a new experience will be born. You are the ‘experiencers’ and diversity is your [[strength]], dear friends, not your [[enemy]]. Is it not greater to view a [[problem]] from many sides than to only see it from one [[viewpoint]]?

“[[Unity]] of [[purpose]] is strength, diversity of mind is [[creative]]. We observe, time and again, that when men and women are thrust into a situation of [[disaster]], they soon forget about their worldly divisions and come [[together]] to help one another — to [[survive]], to be free of [[suffering]], and to rebuild their lives from the rubble of disaster. In that [[moment]] when you are standing in the rubble or the waters of disaster, you are [[equal]]. Brotherhood and [[love]] shines through the outer coverings and the true intention of the [[Creator]] begins to express itself having a clear [[path]] to the heart. This same spirit of brotherhood and love can be realized without the disasters of time to [[awaken]] the heart, and it can be realized when you [[focus]] your [[attention]] on the things you [[share]] in common. Do you not all desire to be loved? Do you not all desire to grow and find [[purpose]] in life? Do you not all love your [[children]]? Do you not all desire to live in [[peace]] and safety?
“The [[problem]] you still have is that you do not all [[desire]] equality. This is the [[plague]] of mankind — the idea that one must have not, so that the other can have. You are enslaved by the ‘monkey handcuff.’ A monkey will reach into a small hole to grab a banana, but cannot free his hand with the fruit in it and so he is bound to the device which prevents him from eating the fruit — he refuses to let go of the banana. His [[greed]] to have the fruit is greater than his need for [[freedom]].

“Let go of the fruit, my [[friends]], and use your [[diversity]] to [[free]] yourselves. First work [[together]] with the [[values]] that you hold in common — the [[differences]] can then be worked out for the greater good.

“Peace to you,

“The Circle of Seven.”

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: 11:11 Progress Group]]
[[Category: Ophelius]]
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