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===Topic: ''Calibrating to the Planetary Supreme''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Machiventa]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful to begin a New Year of service dedicated to bringing in these higher spiritual energies for the healing of our world. We eagerly await the time when Monjoronson and His Magisterial staff are actually physically here on the planet, and to that end today we offer our energies for you to use. Thank you for weaving us together as one in the circuit of your LOVE as we receive what you have to share with us and send that love out into the planet to upstep our consciousness. May your WILL be done now. Thank you so much.
MACHIVENTA: Greetings, my dear brethren! I am pleased to be with you once again in this fashion. This is Machiventa. We have been guiding your spiritual focus into that of your Mother Nebadonia and the Planetary Supreme Mind to support the establishment of the higher circuitry necessary for your planet to continue to progress during this time of correction. We will continue in this manner today by asking you to focus on the dimension or aspect of your planetary consciousness that is aligned in the Father’s WILL. You know this as the Planetary Supreme Mind and it is here where we will begin today.

Each of you is participating in the growth of the Supreme on your evolutionary world. This is part of the construction necessary for a material sphere to reach the era of Light and Life, and it is a slow evolutionary progression toward that heightened glorious achievement which one day Urantia will be a part of. But there is still a long way to go, and it is in keeping with this theme of growing the planetary Supreme culture upon Urantia that we invite you to focus on now. Your connection to the Supreme is of cosmic importance.

You are moving into a time when this will be increasingly important for you to focus upon and to come into an expanded awareness of your responsibilities to the growth of the Planetary Supreme Mind. Very few humans on your world are aware of this duty, but you know from your own study of your Urantia text that this is part of one’s cosmic responsibility and that you have much to gain when you participate willingly and consciously in the growth of your planet’s Supreme Mind.

We are here to support your efforts today, so if this is appealing to you and feel the urgings of your own heart, we ask you to focus on the words in your mind’s eye of the PLANETARY SUPREME MIND. Feel or sense your desire to be more responsible and responsive to this circuit, and allow your Mother to move in you now to support your inner development that you may be more imprinted upon this circuit and receive an expansion on what this means for your own inner growth and development. Let us begin. Take some deep breaths. Invite your Mother in to expand you as you focus on the PLANETARY SUPREME MIND. (Pause)

All along you have been helping us expand these circuits for the Planetary Supreme Mind to grow upon Urantia. During the time of these calls we have added much spiritual energy to this circuit of mind for the humans of this world to perceive higher truths of divine FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION, MERCY, JUSTICE, LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL and MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY upon this world.

It is challenging to describe to the human mind how this circuit of the Supreme is being altered through this focus now today. But we again indulge in your trust in us to support these circuits to expand that your own mindal circuits be infused with more of this Planetary Supreme Mind and to help you with the outworking of the lower animal nature of mind; that you may be here in a more spiritually enlivened manner to support Michael’s actions as this world continues to heal and transform.

More and more we ask you to remain responsive to this growing planetary circuit and to do your best each day to recognize your responsibilities to support its growth through your own individual efforts, actions, thoughts, and feelings. We understand that you can sometimes lose sight of your own inner personal relationship to the Supreme, and therefore it is intended today for your to receive more infusion from your Mother to purify your mindal circuitry that you may be more responsive to the Father’s presence within and gain strength in your attachments to the fabric of the Supreme Mind of this beloved world. Continue to focus on your desires to grow. Let your Mother Nebadonia gently expand you in Her being. (Pause)

Let us now shift your focus from your own internal reception in the Supreme Mind to the circuits of the Supreme as it is growing on the planet. As you have become accustomed, send forth the energy from your heart, allow the words CIRCUITS OF THE SUPREME to spiral around the world, north to south poles, feeling your desire for more of this mind to operate within Urantian consciousness. Feel your desire for it to penetrate into those places where it is important and necessary for more change to occur. We will add what we can into where you focus and how you focus these CIRCUITS OF THE SUPREME into Urantia consciousness. (Pause)

The association of the Planetary Seraphim acts upon these circuits that you are holding from your heart’s focus. Feel your appreciation for these devoted Seraphim who labor on your behalf and the planet for the ways of Spirit to be woven into your planetary system of consciousness. There is much TRUTH-LIGHT bearing upon the human mind. There is a growing willingness to seek truth. There is a growing desire for the actions of goodness to prevail in human behavior. This is all a part of their work on the world and within the constructs of consciousness.

So as you maintain your heart focus on the circuits of the Supreme also feel your appreciation for these tireless workers on your behalf. They truly love you and this world, and you are becoming more mindful that this is truly an angelic/human collaboration that is transforming this world. So let your hearts swell with thankfulness for these wonderful Sisters in Spirit and for all of the ways in which they function upon this planet to help you evolve in the Father’s WILL. (Pause)

If you wish you may bring your focus into a more local level into a circumstance, situation, geographic region or any other arena of Urantia life where you would wish to see the circuits of the Supreme more operative. We will follow your gaze and add what we can. Take your time with this and enjoy with a full and glad heart your participation in building these circuits of the Supreme with us. (Pause)

Join with us now elevating our gaze to Paradise and the Deities resident therein. We are all part of this growing evolutionary Deity and in this time of worship we invite you to simply express in whatever ways you wish your gratitude as a participant in this evolving Godhead. Thank the Father for what He has made available and possible for each one of you as we join with you now in this circuit of worship. (Pause)

Let us descend from Paradise GLORY to Urantian consciousness wherein the circuits of the Supreme are gaining strength upon the world’s constructs. Feel your desire for these circuits of the Supreme to penetrate even deeper into your evolutionary circuitry. You have used the imagery of standing on the ground and planting these circuits of co-creation into the earth, and if this is an easy focus for you to maintain you may do this with the circuits of the Supreme. Feel your desire for this infusion to move through Urantian consciousness at a deeper evolutionary level, uprooting all this is out of alignment with the Father’s WILL, adding new spiritual vitality into the circuits of mind—Urantia mind—to support the up-stepping of Urantian mind into Cosmic Mind. (Pause)

The time of change is upon you. We are all growing and gaining in it. And as these circuits of the Supreme continue to develop you will see many changes occurring and many ways of the past outworking. Some you will recognize as the hand of correction and others will be more subtle. Regardless of the way how change unfolds on Urantian consciousness, do your best each day to trust in Michael’s plans and in the way He is steering this world on its path to Light and Life. There is nothing to fear. All things are being renewed in Him. Enjoy this time of change and remember all is well.
I thank you for your participation with us today and remember to come to us when you are in need. We are here to walk with you in these times of renewal. The victory of Urantia is at hand and the WILL of the Father is surely being implemented here, one day at a time, one act of love at a time through your efforts large and small. Enjoy your times of service my brethren, for these are the activities that bring peace and joy to your hearts and minds and edify your souls. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
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[[Category: Machiventa]]
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