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===Topic: ''Allowing God's Will''===
===Group: [[Costa Rica TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Alana]], [[Song]]===
===TR: [[S. Butterfield]]===
TR : Our Father, heal our hearts, our wounded hearts, broken open to your love. Mother, show me the way to the acceptance of your joy. Alana, Legion, Thank you. I open my heart to love. I step into the heart room, now, and welcome those I love, and bring those with whom I have difficulty, those, as well as myself, with whom I need to dip into the pool of forgiveness again. Thank you, Michael, for your love and your mercy. I surrender my fears and my doubts to your compassion. Dear Mother, Nebadonia. I lend my tongue to your heart and your truth of love’s joy.

Alana : Yes. This is Alana.

David : Good morning, dear old friend.

Alana : I welcome you into my heart room. Yes?

David : Yes.
Alana : How it is to be in the heart room. Focused by love. And in that moment of seeing, of being united by love, you see your circumstances with compassion, the compassion of the love boat that will sail you from the eye of the storm through the currents of confusion to the blue skies of love. Stillness and compassion and a whooping good sense of humor, too. Yes?

David : I agree with that.

Alana : Allowing God’s will, good will, to love, to render your “problems” somewhat askew. Yes? And as you tumble into the darkness and into the light, the heart room, you are able to see. You see the “problem” with love in your hart. You see from a new perspective. How silly you looked, upside-down, or backwards. (David : chuckles) But it is with the amusement of love. You understand? The joy of love allows for laughter, toward yourself, toward your problems, toward others, even toward Alana. It is a mistake when Jesus’ resurrection is overshadowed by the crucifixion, his suffering, your sorrow. He was a man of penultimate humor and goodwill toward all.

And so, you have the heart room, the stillness within, wherein resides God’s joy in you, God’s love in you, that when you have lost your way and can not laugh any more, there is place for you where you will be welcomed, always, with love.

A reminder is not a criticism, yes?

David : (chuckles) Yes.

Alana : So, my beloved, we are in the heart room together. And we thus have an opportunity to do some work together, yes?

Davi : What do you have in mind?

Alana : Well, beloved, I open my heart to you. Is there on you would blow love upon, or bring into Alana’s arms?

David : I would like to bring in my daughter, Rebecca. She has been on both of our minds.

Alana : Yes. We blow love upon her. Her mind is still in confusion, but your love has reached her. By this I mean, it was received. And this you can be sure, your love is known by her, the experience is real for her that you love her. Do not doubt, do not fear, to tell her, “I love you.” Yes? (David : Yes.) And so we blow love upon her and we say, “I love you.” What do you say now, beloved?

David : I am very glad to receive the news from you that my love has been received by her. That gives me more confidence to keep extending and sharing my love for her. I’ve had an urge to write to her today, and it gives me a wonderful feeling of wings on which to embark.

Alana : Yes.

David : I would like to put Susie and me in the heart room.

Alana : Yes, beloved.

David : And our relationship and our individual lives and our journey together, and our commitment together toward you and toward the total teaching mission.

Alana : Yes, it is a commitment to love in a new way. Yes?

David : Yes.

Alana : Without fear, without doubt, yes? Those snaggling little feelings that upset the apple cart, yes? (David : Yes.) And we blow love upon those spilled apples, yes?

David : Yes. I have, in the last day or so, begun to appreciate the lesson you shared with N, and I, and Susie, when you spoke of “the gift of imbalance.” That was a way of framing things so that I could see what was going on. The gift is involved with the quality that we can find our way back to balance, and something has been gained by that experience.

Alana : Yes.

David : We seem to be having an enormous amount of lessons coming our way since we’ve been allegedly at rest. (chuckles)

Alana : A relationship can always grow more greatly toward love, yes? (David : Yes.) It is as an ever widening shore bringing you into the vast horizon of God’s love, the two meeting at a point so infinite as to be beyond your comprehension, but not beyond experiencing. Yes?

David : Yes. I feel that I hav been growing with Song. I’ve been opening my heart more and more to him. I wish to acknowledge your prompting and your love in turning me in this direction. It is my perception that Song has been of great help to me in some of the difficult intensities with my partner. (Alana : Yes.) Thank you. Thank you. I’m learning some things.

Alana : Yes. Yes. And this is where you were meant to go. Yes? (David : Yes.) Hand in hand with Song, you might say, learning how to love. And Legion, should you wish to speak to him, would say, “Thank you for returning to your unique explication of the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy, and all the lessons therein. So, do you wish to speak to him?

David : I would love to, absolutely. Yes, Song, welcome here please.

Song : Beloved, she offered you Legion, but you did not hear (David : that’s true) because your heart has joined with mine and you proceed so well that it is allowed for me to speak through her to you. As well, I am your partner in the effort to bring Legion’s message of the discipline of love which is the discipline of joy, clearly to others. I am with you with each lesson you learn in your partnership with your beloved Susan. These lessons require my love, your awareness of my love, to, shall we say, sing the song of love in the midst of battle. And your battles will grow less, my friend.

David :Glad to hear it. (Laughter)
Song : As you walk with me, and as you talk with me. Yes? (David : Yes.) And as you remember from time to time to continue to use me to speak for Legion. And to recreate the discipline of love which is the discipline of joy through words that others may benefit, as well as you and your partner, from your lessons. Thank you.

David : Thank you.

Song : Are you in harmony with me?

David : I feel in harmony with you.

Song : Yes. This is good, always to remember: imagine harmony. Sing in harmony with me, Song, the song of love.

So you would speak to anyone?

David : Yes, I would like to thank you for those comforting and challenging words. And ask you, are you comfortable with the nick name we’ve applied to you, not having caught your full name from the original transmission with Henry. Are you comfortable with this name?

Song Yes, my beloved. Given the metaphors that Song allows, I am more than comfortable.


[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Costa Rica TeaM]]
[[Category: Alana]]
[[Category: Song]]
[[Category: S. Butterfield]]
[[Category: 2002]]

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