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===Topic: ''Surrender Your Emotions''===
===Group: [[Costa Rica TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Alana]], [[Legion]], [[Devina]]===
===TR: [[S. Butterfield]]===
Alana : Yes, this is Alana.

David : What a joy it is to hear your voice.

Alana : Yes, you have some concerns to bring to me.

David : Indeed.

Alana : Your transmitter has been disturbed, yes?

David : I would like to ask for some guidance, at this point, both for our
individual paths and for the group, as well.
Alana : Each of you has a certain clarity as to your paths, and your group
as well. It is your emotions which you need to surrender to me. If you speak
with the clarity of thought that you have achieved, you will be able to
carve the road for the group. I repeat, it is your emotions which need
reining in. Your emotional reactions are thoroughly comprehended by me. As
your transmitter has confided to you, she took the lack of progress, that
is…(correction)…she perceived the behavior of the group as an example of
lack of progress. Furthermore, she felt this emotionally as a personal
insult to me, and Legion as well. Thus, emotionally, she became highly
disturbed. In the stillness, it is true, she pleaded with us to speak to the
group. She truly wished that we would take over the job of speaking what was
hers to say. We do not speak for your emotions. We were quite satisfied that
she managed to speak up for herself with only a very small amount of
emotional turmoil. Yes, her emotions made it difficult for her to manage her
vocal cords without the tremors. Still, she made herself quite clear and it
would have been beneficial for her, as well the group, had her little speech
been recorded. Nevertheless, she will have another opportunity.

We do not recommend bringing the group to a halt, immediately. This is a
process and a challenge to each of you, to choose to go deeper into the real
purpose of the teaching mission, and our connection and communication with
you. That is, the purpose is to bring God’s love to your planet. To bring
God’s love with the power of love transmitted, the power of love by the
communication through words, the power of love poured down into you and
allowed, then, to pass through you to others. This is the purpose. To deepen
your commitment to this purpose is to deepen your commitment to your
personal growth, change, transformation – your personal commitment to the
expansion of your ability to transmit love. To transmit love clearly…she,
(the tr), struggles with the concept…can not grasp a word…one moment please.

You must understand, your commitment is first to transform yourselves. That
is, to allow us to effect change within you. It is not until such change has
been grounded, has completely taken over your being, your sense of personal
purpose, and personal value, and personal meaning, it is not until these
changes are Who You Are, Who You Have Become, it is not until then that you
are able to step forth to bring our message clearly to others. Which is to
say, that it is only with the changes brought upon you by your commitment to
your interaction with our teachings and our ever present guidance, it is not
until then that you are capable of communicating clearly what the teaching
mission is genuinely about. Otherwise there is the temptation to slip into
self-aggrandizement, and the fluffing of one’s "angel feathers" so to speak,
the presumption that you have a special gift to give to others they would
not otherwise receive. You understand, do you? Not that this is an error of
thinking. The teaching mission is for everyone. It will be brought to
everyone. It will enter into the hearts of everyone. But if you consider the
possibility that only one of you, or shall we say five of you, or perhaps
you have a group of twenty, and to imagine that one of you, or five, or
twenty, have the ability to bring the true message of God and the Teaching
Mission to every single individual on your earth, then perhaps you will
begin to perceive the temptation toward self-aggrandizement.

Your group must, indeed, as your transmitter requested, examine their
commitment. As well, examine the value they perceive for the group
construction, the group structure. Yes, it would be wise for both you and
the transmitter to allow, once again, others, perhaps still, if she is
willing, our beloved Sandy, to assume the position of management. To examine
precisely where the individual commitments lie. If you choose to transcribe
this transmission for each member of the group, I would recommend that you
hold it until each member within a prescribed period of time has stated
their position regarding the transmitters request. Yes, it is true. You may
be disappointed. You may discover some have forgotten even to consider the
question. Or have not considered that her request, her challenge, was meant
for them. This is nothing to be scolded, or judged, but simply allowed to
reveal itself.

Yes, you have already made the comparison to the patience you receive from
me, Legion, Devina and others. Still, I would not have you scorn yourselves
for impatience. You are human. Your perspective is limited by time and
space. Your patience is challenged by time and space. The transmitter is
distressed, for she recognizes the limits of time upon the gift she has to
give, and she would not waste time. We have all the time of the world, and,
you might say, many worlds. So, you have questions to raise?
David : Thank you. That was a comprehensive talk, I look forward to reading
it, you covered a lot of bases. I would like to go back to the beginning
where you talked about emotions. I’m not sure what my question is. Obviously
we have emotions. They are natural to us. They are part of our God given
equipment. We are also aware that they can run away with us and good sense
at times, and create all kinds of difficulties. It is obvious, also to me
with my background, that an affectless person, that is somebody who is very
flat in their emotions, is in a state of deep disturbance as well. So could
you give us some examples, or a handrail about what I would call proportion
in the matter of our emotions, some sort of key to help us with this,

Alana : This transmission is designed to respond to your concerns regarding
your group meeting. Thus I will speak to your question in relationship to
the group, and your previous meeting. You can discern the difference between
when the expression of emotion is used to communicate a deep inner state, a
deep inner connection, either with God, your beloved, friends, family,
relatives, and strangers. And when your emotions dominate the message, so as
to disturb the clarity of the communication, this is clearly
counter-productive, yes? (David : Yes.) Thus we counseled both yourself and
the transmitter to stay in the stillness and allow. Allow the group members
to create the atmosphere of communication that suited their custom. Yes,
"custom" refers to the period of time of the transmitter’s absence. Also,
custom refers to the customs of manners. As well, the customs of fear: fear
to interrupt, fear to express confusion, fear to question the point, or the
meaning. And, as I have said, when fear is the basis of your communication,
it may often be revealed it were better not to communicate at all. Fear
entered into the minds of group members, stirring emotions, creating
silence, different from the silence of the stillness. More the silence of
fear to interrupt, to question, etc. Has this been a useful and clearly
stated point, for you?

David : I think I hear you saying, if I can summarize it, that you are
affirming the value of emotions, and that they are valuable up to the point
where they begin to interfere with the clarity of expression. Yes, I think
that is a good key. That is a good standard. I think I understand the
distinction you are making between the silences that we usually have in that
group. I think you are expressly "on the money" in the way you have
delineated those two things. I held back a little Sunday, because I had
turned the managership over to Sandy. I also felt, in my stillness, that the
message I was hearing from you was to allow. That was the lesson I had to
learn last Sunday, rather than speak up and say "What is your point?" I did
not speak up for fear of interfering with Sandy’s hand on the tiller.

Alana : Yes, my friend. You correctly understand that we were encouraging
you to allow the group expression. But I would point out to you, as you have
just said, you, too, had fear within your mind and heart. The fear to
interfere with the job you had passed over to Sandy. Let us examine this.
You did not relinquish your position as a member of the group.

David : Yes, I see that already. I have a right to speak up, as a member of
the group, as well.

Alana : Yes. Your fear is connected to the emotions. Fear, we might say, is
a form of emotion, often not quite considered that, but considered a
stimulus to emotion. Nevertheless, your fear had many emotional components.
The fear that you might, shall we say, explode. Yes?

David : (laughter) Yes.

Alana : And "blow them away."

David : Yes. I felt that earlier in the meeting with Mr. Practice. I burst
out at a certain point. Apparently there was a lot more going on in me than
I recognized.

Alana : Yes. Allowing the emotion of anger to create a frightening emphasis
in the tonal aspects of your speech. And the communication becomes one that
looses effectiveness. This being, that the communication grounded in fear,
will present a message that will, in one way or another, by words or tonal
emphasis, stimulate fear in the recipient.

The stillness, as you have discovered, is the best prescription for the
management of fear and doubt. Yes? Thus it becomes the best prescription for
the management of emotion. Yes? And within the stillness, one is capable of
discovering the difference between fear-based and doubt-based communication
of emotion, and love-based communication of emotion. There are these many
possibilities of love-based communication in which one may communicate
softly, in the whispers of lovers, or robustly, in the expression of lovers
culminating their sexual congress, or the expression of anger or objection,
being expressed between lovers, or those who love one another as family,
friends, even God-related strangers. Yes? Do I make this clear to you? The
difference, let us say, between anger being expressed from fear: "I am angry
because I am afraid you are going to kill yourself, let us say, or be
self-destructive." Or anger expressed from love: "I am angry. I love you. I
do not see the value being expressed by your behavior. Your behavior
expresses this to me." Is there a difference for you, in my expression, in
my words, in my descriptions of these two, sufficient for you to understand?

David : Yes. You have accomplished your goal. (But later admits, after
reading, that we need more clarification.)

Alana : Thank you. You see, many times you are capable of expressing your
concerns to your friend, Mr. Practice, and the message zeroes in, right to
the heart-opening of understanding. At other moments, when you have not
settled your fear, based on your need to have his life go well so that you
may feel comfortable having him as your friend, comfortable with your
friend, when you have not settled that fear within you, your expressions
become so disturbing to him that even should they be aimed directly to that
heart-opening of understanding, you will discover the door is closed, yes?

This message is equally important, my friend Legion is saying to me, for the
transmitter, whose many efforts of some time ago, to express herself, to
communicate with members of your family, led to endless pages so often
rejected by yourself as…you did not reject the value or the worthiness…you
did not use my words, but correctly understood her message would land on
deaf ears. She is to be congratulated, we believe, that she is communicating
now, not from her fear, but from a love-based certainty that what she has to
communicate is of value. We believe that you may discover she has achieved a
more palatable, loving avenue of communication, even when the truth is
harsh. And so, we encourage her, as well as you, to join with us in
encouraging her to find the mark.

Thank you. And you have more to request of me, or Legion?

David : I understand, from reading the textbook, that our Master’s spiritual
invincibility was based on his consciousness of the presence of Father. I
keep thinking of these emotional experiences that inundate us at this level
of our lives, and it seems like we are flooded, or we are in a reflex arc
before we have time to think, or before we have time to cogitate and balance
things out.

Alana : Yes. This is quite human. Thus you see upon your planet the many
avenues offered to master the emotional short circuit. You will, of course,
be aware that although many of these opportunities, these options, these
practices can be effective, you also notice that they sometimes have the
effect of no emotion at all being expressed, or emotion being side-stepped
and denied. The important thing is to have compassion for yourselves and
other human beings whose emotional lives run away with them from time to
time. For yourself, you witnessed this in your group meeting, for in those
moments when you burst forth, or were tempted to burst forth, or struggled
against bursting forth, those were moments in which, and I say this with a
great deal of loving, forgiving compassion, those were moments in which God
the Father, and Mother, and Michael, were completely forgotten. Your
anxiety and your fear, let us say, for your friend, Mr. Practice, took
precedence, and in a fleeting moment the outburst – your distress for him,
and your distress for your certainty that this was a friend worthy of friendship, was expressed, and came filled with your anxiety and fear. If, in that very moment, simultaneously, you had rested in your stillpoint of communion with God, you would have simultaneously surrendered your fears and expressed yourself quite differently. Yes?

David : Yes.

Alana : You have mastered this from time to time, as has your transmitter.
The two of you have, from time to time, mastered this together, yes?

David : Yes.

Alana : And the results have been so significant to your relationship that
actual learning has taken place. So I say to you, do not wag fingers at
yourselves. You are indeed welcoming change, growing, and deserving of a
sprinkle of Devina’s golden stars.

David : I’ll take it. Thank you, love. A beautiful, just a wonderful lesson.
I feel that I have absorbed it into my soul, and that when I read it, I will
absorb it even more. Thank you so much.

Alana : Thank you. Legion would speak with you.

David : Thank you. I would love to hear from him. Go ahead, Legion.

Legion : Yes. I would throw a little wrench into the sweet soup of stars.
This I say only to inject some humor before the down-fall of one, who might,
upon hearing Alana’s congratulations, or reading the transcript, might
presume, "Aha! I do that all the time." I speak now to the concept that to
be in one’s stillness is to eliminate emotional response, and emotional
understanding. I would say to you, value your emotions, love your emotions,
just as we have said love your resistance. This will be my example: Should
you feel anger, value that anger, bring that anger into the stillness. Not
necessarily to eliminate the anger, but to surrender that emotion to the
greater wisdom available to you in communion with God.

You have one who would take from the peaceful communion with God that the
anger is an unnecessary personal fault. Having been given the reassurance of
divine wisdom that all will be well, all is well, there is the temptation to
short-circuit the emotions and leave the anger behind as an inappropriate or
inaccurate or less worthy reaction to events. You may have noticed that your
beloved transmitter, your beloved partner, has, sometimes to your dismay,
become quite verbal with her anger. You value this when you recognize the
clarity and certainty of purpose that drives her expression. She has grown
in this respect; she was one of those who did not value her anger, but
suppressed it, tried to eliminate it, denigrated it, or sucked on it until
she was deeply enmeshed and mired in the mud of despair, after which,
climbing out of the mud and wiping it off her person, she would conclude,
"Ah so, it was me all along. Had I understood, had I been more
compassionate, had I been more like God, I would never have been so angry."
Thus she failed to learn from her anger. She remained attached to some
relationships, shall we say, that were growth producing, but perhaps not so
desirous in that they brought her very little pleasure.

Yes, you learn from negative experiences. Yes, you grow from painful
struggle. Yet, I would, and that is my purpose in being here, remind you the
discipline of love is the discipline of joy. The essence of God’s love is
joy. The truth in love brings joy. It is misunderstanding that brings
suffering. Had Michael been thoroughly understood, the world, your planet
Urantia, would know him only as a messenger of love’s joy, would have known
him only as bringing and living the discipline of love which is the
discipline of joy. It is through your misunderstanding that he is most noted
for sagging upon a cross in the agony of mortal departure. Thank you.

David : Thank you, Legion.

Legion : I await, only, should you wish to say more.

David : I am thinking of Devina. Is she present?

Legion : Devina is always present. Do you wish to speak with her?

David : Yes, I wish to speak with her. And thank you, Alana and Legion. I am
extremely touched in my heart by the lessons of today. My heart is
completely touched. And welcome, Devina.

Devina : Yes. Yes, stay light-hearted, my friend. Yes, it is true the group
meeting became rather sedentary in its seriousness, to save each other, and
to save the world, yes? Light-hearted, my friend. Light-heartedness. In the
reception of my golden stars, in the center of your heart room, in the
still-point of your communion with God, ever and always, light-heartedness.

David : Yes. Would you mind saying what you think the key to
light-heartedness is?

Devina : Surrender.

David : That is very succinct, thank you. Yes, I can see that.

Devina : So, my friend, you will be speaking to one who walks upon the earth
lightly, but carries and distributes his very heavy burden, yes? I speak of
your new group member, yes?

David : What was the metaphor you used? A person who seems to walk
light-hearted upon the earth, but carries a heavy burden?

Devina : Yes.

David : How can I be of ministry to him. You know, I think, what I am faced
with…where we had some deep hearted sorrow from some experiences with the
garden, and now I have to go through that again, since he was apparently not
as kind as he might have been to our beloved transmitter yesterday in
calling and then hanging up on her, and I need to go over and talk with him.
Would you give me a bit of a handrail?

Devina : First, you should understand I will be with you. Secondly, beloved,
you have been taught to give, yes? As well, it is within your natural
tendency, to give. You stumble with this person because of your need to
give. This person will stimulate that response within you, always, for this
person, unable to relieve his burden, will always seek to receive, to be
given something, anything to relieve the burden upon his heart and soul. So,
my friend, when you interact with this person, you tend already to bend over
in the gesture of "What can I do for you?" You must always stand tall. Not
to overwhelm, or stand over him. Not to create a wall. But simply to allow
yourself to be reminded by your posture, the carrying of your body, of who
you truly are. Yes, you give. Also, you receive, when you are able to lift
yourself up from, "I am such a giving soul." (She bends the tr’s body as to
imitate a pitcher being turned down to pour out the contents.) When you
stand tall, you give and receive. You can not receive God’s love if it is
going to pour out. (Again, she imitates the pitcher.) You receive God’s
love into your heart and then you give it away, not letting it spill like so
much extra milk.

When you stand tall, you see clearly. You have no quarrel with this person.
You have no need to quarrel with this person. You do need to speak clearly.
No shilly-shallying, as you say. No evasive…she (the tr) sees what the
artist does with pastels, using colors to make suggestions without clarity
of line, the rubbing of colors to make shadows, not the straight line. Your
friend will, possibly, look a bit like a minnow on the line, dancing,
fluttering, shaking, bounding, flopping, flipping. This you need not try to

Your friend may try to give any number of explanations in response to your
clarity of discussion. This, of course, is more difficult, for you are one
who will listen. What you want to communicate is this: respect. The lesson
and learning of respect. This is one who would believe that he has mastered
the art of quietude, stillness, and repose. But his need to present himself,
even inject himself into another’s privacy, or community, the result of his
inner fears and doubts about himself that have not been mastered. The
stillness engenders respect, always. Always respect. I repeat, I will be
with you. Has this been helpful?

David : It has indeed.

Devina : Is there anything else you would have me say, or address for you?
David : I feel very satisfied with the nourishment we have received this
afternoon. And I am very thankful for your presence. And the fact that you
will be with me is a great comfort and source of strength, and I know that
Alana, Legion, and Song will be with me as well as whatever resources are
available. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Devina : A host of helpers, yes?

David : A whole conspiracy of helpers.

Devina : A conspiracy of love.

David : Yes, a conspiracy of love. I love what Alana said earlier, when she
said everyone, everyone is going to receive this message. It reminded me of
what the Master said when he was speaking to the twelve about self-mastery,
when they had come back from a mission of preaching and some of the gentiles
had called them "sissies." The master said that the kingdom of God would
triumph on this planet.

Devina : Yes.

David : That’s reassuring to me. Even though we have some very dark spots.
Thank you for your presence.

Devina : Thank you. Come again, another day.

David : You can count on it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you.
Love you. Love you.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Costa Rica TeaM]]
[[Category: Alana]]
[[Category: Legion]]
[[Category: Devina]]
[[Category: S. Butterfield]]
[[Category: 2001]]

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