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===Topic: ''Light Gaining Strength Within''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re grateful to receive from you today. We are your children, and we come before you to imprint upon those divine qualities that you provide to us to help us grow. As we open ourselves to you, may we be receptive to not only the words you share with us, but also those energies of Spirit fortifying us in the deepest levels of our beings and helping us grow closer to you and our indwelling Father fragments. Thank you for this opportunity to be with you in this way. May your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. My PEACE is upon you. This is Michael. Each individual of this world has a relationship to and with Spirit. More people are awakening to this connection to Spirit, and it is a time of great joy as your Mother and I watch how the children of this world shake off their spiritual darkness and begin to emerge into the light that exists that within. For many, this is not an easy task to perceive this inner light that exists within their cores. But it is something that each person, whether they do it consciously or not, longs for because it is the energies of LOVE that each person so sorely needs to help them grow and flourish as children of God.

You have already awakened to this wonderful light within, and now it is your course of study and development to pursue this inner light—to let it grow stronger within you, to let it begin to radiate outwardly that you may contain yourself in this light energy, allowing it to pour forth from your being and speak to another person’s energy field. This light field, as you might call it, is divine LOVE in action, and you learn how to grow and use this love within you through the agency of your Father fragments and all of the ways in which you are being guided to share yourselves with your brothers and sisters, and to share this love with them in the ways you have abilities, skills and talents to achieve.

My objective in reaching out to you today is to help you perceive this inner light—to become fully aware and observant of its presence within you. For this light comes from the Paradise Father Himself and it is a part of you. It is gaining more space, strength, and stature within your beings, and your Mother and I can help you open more fully to this light through our ministrations in your energy systems.

I invite you to now relax and feel your desire for this LIGHT to grow within, that you might be able to perceive it more within your own beings and to operate from that place a little bit more each and every day. As we begin to move in you and help you receive these circuits that connect you to this light, if it is helpful for you to maintain the inner focus, simply see these words in your mind’s eye: I AM THE INNER LIGHT GAINING STRENGTH WITHIN. Focus on this now, my children, as your Mother and I move in you. I AM THE INNER LIGHT GAINING STRENGTH WITHIN. (Pause)

This light which attenuates into your energy systems at different frequency levels hails from Paradise. It refracts into these bands or waves of energy that speak to your various levels of your energy beings, communicating to these layers in various ways. Much of what occurs is beyond the conscious waking mind, but there are times when you can feel a slight tingling or a feeling of being upstepped, even some feelings of circuits opening and stirring something within. As you receive this light, simply relax your thoughts and feel your need for this light to continue to communicate into your energy systems. You might think of this as information that you need and your Indwelling Spirits have the means to take this light-information and communicate to your various layers of your energy systems to help those frequency bands respond to its messages.

The Father Within you is this LIGHT, contains this LIGHT, and is able to share with you that which you are ready to learn, to perceive, and then to live through your daily life experiences as you take this information and allow it to translate into loving and spiritually fruitful actions in your relationships with your brothers and sisters.

All of your ascendant career will be about this expression of growing in the LIGHT, growing in the Father. It is not something that you have to set about in your waking mind trying to determine how this will all play out for you in any given moment. There is an innate process underway within you, and by your going within and asking to absorb this light you are indeed cooperating with the divine plans for your lives. You are giving assent—your willingness—for this light to grow and that is the Father Within you.

So as you continue to allow these energies to come in, feel your desire to grow in this light and to become as large and luminous as you can within it. Continue to receive. (Pause)

As this light refracts into the various waves communicating into your energy systems, you may notice some colors flash through your minds, some thoughts may come to mind as well; new feelings circulating throughout your bodies. This is all a part of how the light interacts with your energy systems to help you perceive that which is of truth and goodness and true value to who you are as child of God. It is designed to help you feel more real inside, more connected to your status as a son and daughter of the Father Himself.

Your Mother and I delight in helping you receive this light that you may perceive more fully the depth to which this light can penetrate into your beings, filling you with love so profound that it overshadows and overlights all that is within you in helping you gain clarity and internal vision into who you are as that son and daughter. The shadows of your own energy beings begin to diminish and there is more clarity that comes to mind about who you are and the purpose for your life. And this is all by design because of the Father’s great LOVE for you. (Pause)

My children! The time has come when more LIGHT is now bathing this world. There is much healing to be accomplished, and it is occurring through these light infusions that are designed to awaken the heart of every living being and bring forth new awarenesses of the nature of the Father’s LOVE for all of His creation. This world has been given abundant life and it is beautiful to behold. The evolutionary plan to develop this world to reach the era of Light and Life has also been designed in the Father’s WILL, and you are now in the early stages of returning to the path of the divine trajectory toward that glorious achievement one day.

More and more will the human heart respond to this inner love and light, but for some it will be a struggle—a great struggle of internal, inner strivings and confusion, but do not doubt that this is occurring because it is designed to help each person feel, experience deeply the LOVE in which they have been created and held by us as your immediate local Universe Parents.

For the LOVE and LIGHT that is penetrating this planet is done with great care and concern for your well being. You have heard the expression that too much love can blind, and if we were to radiate the fullness of our LOVE upon the planet, it would cause quite a deal of pandemonium, and it would render many people emotionally and mentally unbalanced, and it would not serve our higher purposes of healing this planet.

So we engage with you in these ways to help you acclimate to our LOVE to help you perceive that this is always been available to you but it is by your own choosing and striving that you grow within it. For those of you on the path of true transformation, we encourage you to continue to develop in this LIGHT and that you may radiate it outwardly from your energy systems as containers of great love, understanding, compassion for your brothers and sisters to perceive that there is a better and higher way to live one’s true potential and destiny.

This is the shifting of the times—the era in which many prophets and seers have foretold, and you are very fortunate to be among those men and women who are opening to this that you may participate with us in this time of great healing. As these words settle in, continue to feel and desire your growth in this light as we move in you. (Pause)

My PEACE is upon you as I leave you in this manner, my children. Remember to come to me as your Father and your brother Jesus when you feel downcast, unsure and unclear about who you are, where you are headed or what you are perceiving in your material environment. I will steer you through any of the lower emotions you may continue to harbor and help you receive more light that you may outwork these lower frequencies and attenuate to the higher spiritual joys of being a son and daughter of God. Your Mother will address you now. She will help you perceive more of Her LOVE flowing through you. Grow in this, my children, it is your birthright, and we are pledged to see you through this time of great change as your world opens to the LIGHT and the LOVE in which it lives. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children! Greetings, one and all! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Like little children taking their drinks of water and refreshment after playing hard in the sand, I am here to renew you in mind and body. There is a deep well of LIFE that energizes your systems of consciousness. It is through me and in me wherein you have this life—you have access to it. You live in it. You breathe in it. You grow in it. And as we continue to feed you with LIGHT, I invite you to simply shift your focus slightly and focus on the energies of LIFE that this light may translate into those life sparks that renew you in many ways.

For it is renewal that is occurring on your world—renewing the spiritual energies that hail from Paradise that come through this long cosmological journey from the center of all there is through the bands of energy flowing through the universe to this very planet. There are circuits upon circuits upon circuits of light, and your world is just beginning to wake up to what this energy source and its functions are. It is a new level and era of discovery—this field you call “consciousness” which you have come to know as the MIND. Here is where you enjoy your relationship with me and to me, and I flow this life energy into you from the very heart of my being. So if you wish to focus this LIFE energy more, simply image yourselves as little children taking place in my core of being—in my heart, and if it is helpful to focus as I move in you now, simply see these words I LIVE IN MY MOTHER’S HEART AND I HAVE LIFE IN HER. Allow these energies to move in you as you focus on me. I LIVE IN MY MOTHER’S HEART AND I HAVE LIFE IN HER. (Pause)

The circuits of MIND that connect us together are opening to receive a greater energy of Spirit. This is LIGHT. This is LOVE. This is LIFE. Your energy systems all have (what you might call) deposits of darkness upon them caused by the energies of the rebellion. And so, you undergo this internal cleansing protocol wherein the circuits of your energy systems are receiving a stream of spiritual energy to render you more receptive to the presence of your indwelling Father fragments and to perceive your Father through your Spirits of Truth.

The circuits of mind that you know as the Adjutant Mind Spirits are also connected into your physical body by a very complex interlacing of circuits and threads of energy that communicate these higher spirit sparks to the actual anatomical workings of the body to create various physiological responses that renew and replenish you. This is all part of the divine design, and it is all part of the plan of correction to upstep your energy systems that you would be more able to perceive the Father’s presence within and make those choices consistent with divine WILL based upon the leadings of the Spirit Presence.

As you allow me to move through you, you are imprinting upon those energies of LIFE that are designed to foster this inner transformation and cleansing. You may release what holds you back, what makes you feel diminished or disempowered, and to help you regain that sense of dignity that is part of your part of your divine inheritance. Each individual is loved and valued because you represent as aspect of the Father Himself. And it is your delight and your achievement to grow in this stature and become as He is in your own unique way. This is your personality development. Your Father Michael and I are here to foster this but you must do the inner work and desire this and spend time in communion with your Spirit to cement that union of human and divine will that sponsors this growth.

As you continue to imprint upon me, feel your desire for this union to grow stronger between your mind and your Spirit that I may continue to infuse you with this LIFE energy to help you in your quest for union with God. (Pause)

And so it is, my children! We have provided with the means by which you may ascend in this union with your Spirit, but it is your journey to make and take one step at a time. Even after you have departed this world for the mansion worlds will you continue to grow in this way, ever aligning your will to the Father until you reach that destination of fusion and begin your eternal careers in earnest. What you are doing now is taking these first preliminary steps to acclimate yourselves to the nature of Spirit, learning a little each day how to cooperate with Father’s presence within, to enhance the quality of your lives and to help others find a little more happiness and peace with those around you.

Let this time of correction and healing on your world be a time of great exploration of your own inner journeys, knowing it is all good and that you are indeed following a divine path for your life. There is nothing to fear. You only have to gain and grow in who you are and in learning how to master this energy you have been given that comes from the Father. It is this LIGHT of His LOVE that culminates in LIFE—abundant LIFE, glorious LIFE, joyful LIFE—LIFE in the Spirit.
I take my leave of you in this manner, my children. You will continue to receive and you will continue to absorb these energies, integrating them through the presence of the Father, helping you develop that internal space wherein the LIGHT will emanate from your beings and be a blessing to all around you. Grow in our LOVE, my children. It is yours and you are ours—our beloved children, turning the course of history around to the face of the divine here on tiny Urantia. Thrive in my LOVE. Farewell.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]