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===Topic: ''Rise in Love, Prosper in Life''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: We come before you today, Mother and Father, as your children to receive more of your divine qualities that we may grow in our inheritance. Thank you so much for what you provide to us today. As we imprint upon your energies and your words, may they be put to good use by our indwelling Father fragments, and may we produce the fruits of the Spirit in our actions from what you provide. Thank you. May your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: My beloved children! Welcome one and all! This is Michael. Today I am here to further fortify you in Spirit, that you may be more securely anchored in peace and compassion as your world undergoes more change. There is a hand of Spirit sweeping through Urantian consciousness. While it is indeed bringing up certain areas of darkness within the human psyche, it is all part of the examination necessary for the children of this world to perceive how they have been conducting their lives, and to make those decisions necessary to either continue to exist in a more negative state of being or to move forward in the Spirit.

Those of you participating on calls such as these are aware of this great time of change, and your Mother and I are very happy that you have opened yourselves to us and to the presence of the Father, that you may perceive a greater truth—a higher reality that will bring about this change in Urantian consciousness that you may progress on your journey towards Light and Life.

As we open the circuits of our being to connect with yours they will imprint upon those areas within you to help you outgrow and outwork that which you may be still subconsciously retaining. It is quite normal for the humans of this world to be unaware of these influences within their beings. After all, this type of energy from the rebellion has been in existence for longer than your earth span lives. Nevertheless, the human mind has been polluted with this and we are here to help you cleanse your thinking and your feelings from this distortion that you may rise in LOVE, prosper in LIFE and enjoy what it means to be a son and daughter of the living Father in Paradise.

As we begin today, simply focus on your desire to become more unified with the Father’s presence within, your beloved Father fragments or Thought Adjusters, whatever you feel most comfortable using. Focus now on this desire to unify with the Father. (Pause)

As you know, it was my human responsibility to make contact with my own indwelling Spirit, and to fortify myself in the Father that I would gain ascendency over the human condition and be as one with Him. This is the desire and the responsibility of humans. It is the plan for human life to evolve in this willingness to cooperate, collaborate, and unify with the Spirit. This is the plan for all evolutionary worlds. But it has been exceedingly difficult upon Urantia for reasons known to you.

I ask you know to overlook all of the impediments that have been in your way, and simply, very simply, go into that place of childlike desire for all of the GOODNESS and LOVE of the Father to embrace you and to help you unify with His presence. As you focus on this, let your hearts swell with the willingness to go the distance and to feel that yearning for unification. Your Mother and I will move in you now, my beloved children. Rest and receive now. If it is helpful to receive this, focus on the words, UNION WITH FATHER. (Pause)

The human mind has many currents running through its wide array of energies. You know from your scientific research that your brain contains many waves or octaves that determine how your body functions. This brain is operated by the circuits of mind, all designed to work together in a melodious orchestration of the WILL of Father for the edification and illumination of the human condition to reach spiritual heights.

The unification of your mind with your physical bodies has been very difficult for humans to achieve. There exist certain influences unbeknownst to you that have interfered with your achievement of this glorious attainment. But soon it will become more recognized that this is the purpose for human life—to seek the Father and become one with Him.

Your Mother and I have pledged ourselves to heal your world and the other rebellion spheres in the system of Satania, and one of the ways in which we accomplish this great undertaking is to help you, as our children, outwork that which is unholy, unclean, and untrue that you may step into the larger scope of universe reality and glean new insights from the wonderful workings of the Father’s Presence within.

This is all part of the goal and attainment of self-mastery that we have been encouraging you to pursue. But we can only encourage you. The effort is yours and it is always thus. Nothing is given to you without your personal attainment and effort toward that ultimate end. But the more you seek the Father, the more help you are given. And now I simply invite you to take this within and ask yourselves, “Is this what I truly desire? Am I willing to do what it takes to reach this union with my beloved Indwelling Monitor?” Only you can answer this because this is your journey. We can encourage, we can desire this for you, but you must do the inner work. Consider this now for a few moments as these words settle in. Ask yourself this question. Allow a few moments of repose for the reflected answer to reverberate in your minds. (Pause)

There is more energy of change moving through the circuits of human consciousness, reverberating into the human mind and through your material culture, and you will see evidence of this as more truth exposes that which is of the darkness within the human heart and mind. We have told you about this stage of your transformational journeys. We have encouraged you to be prepared and to be undaunted by what you perceive. This is all a necessary part of correction that the people of this world may choose. It is this point of choice that renders you more receptive to the Father’s Presence. Some people will remain recalcitrant in their own desires, their own ways of thinking. We place no judgment upon them, but there are repercussions for this decision. For those who make that choice to move into more communion with the Father there are many benefits to be gained, as you well know.

For those of you who are on this very dedicated path of spiritual growth there is nothing to fear, for all you are witnessing is the outworking of this rebellion legacy that it would no longer have any sway within the circuits of human consciousness. But you have become so accustomed to this type of thinking as a planetary whole that it will seem very uncomfortable to let this go, because you have not yet experienced the richness or the fullness of the Father’s LOVE as a collective entity. But as more and more people awaken to Spirit it will become almost natural to perceive that this is TRUTH and this is the way of life in the universe. So allow yourselves these times of rest and re-patterning in us, that we may continue to fortify you and help you make that more direct contact with the Father’s Presence as you grow and become more unified in this wholeness of who you are as a son and daughter.

I will pause here and invite your questions or concerns to lighten you hearts and gladden your souls. If you wish to remain silent and in stillness you will continue to receive. The choice is yours. You may bring forward what is on your hearts and minds when you feel ready to speak.
B: Father Michael, this is B. You know that when I came on call I had a question on my heart and you know what that question was. I do not need to ask that question at this point because you have answered every question that I could have thought today, and I just want to thank you so deeply for your words, for your love, for the energies that you and Mother bring to me now and always. And I just thank you Michael. Thank you so much.

MICHAEL: My dear daughter, it is most gracious of you to thank me. And while your Mother and I appreciate your gratitude, know that this is our gift to you and to all of our children because of our immense LOVE for each one of you. It is our desire that you gain access in perceiving the value that you are as our children. This has been something so difficult for the humans of this world to perceive. That you are coming into this greater bandwidth (if I may use that word) of perception brings such joy to our hearts as we delight in watching you take those faith steps of Spirit attainment.

Truly what you are accomplishing has universal reverberations and ramifications. And your brothers and sisters, as they witness your lives, will be mightily moved in their Spirits, because there is something so profound in the human condition to desire the Father, that you are catalyzing this for them in helping achieve that attainment of soul desire. Never underestimate your personal contribution to the Supreme Being, especially as it reverberates into the Urantian planetary consciousness. For this is what you are doing. You are making and indelible mark upon this world’s consciousness, and we can amplify that and put it to extremely good use. Continue on your path my daughter. Grow in our JOY. Blossom in our LOVE. And while these comments are directed to B, they are meant for one and all, for all of our children of this world and of the rebellion spheres.

B: Thank you, Michael. Thank you.

MICHAEL: And thrive in us. my daughter. It is your destiny to live this LOVE.

The broken hearts of my children are being healed. You only have to come to us and ask for this healing. And for those of my children of this world who cannot ask or know not what to ask, let you be my conduits of the love they need.

This is the time of healing and great correction, and it is the desire of your Mother and me to heal every last one of you, no matter how long it takes and matter how humans respond to this change. We are pledged to you, our dear children, and this healing will be victorious in time, and you will assist us in its accomplishment. So go forward each day with this perception of the value of who you are and the love that lives inside of you. And yes, you will feel growing pains. At times there will be physical discomfort, there will be emotional unease, and even mental confusion as you allow our LOVE to penetrate through the shadows of the human psyche, but what is on the other side is glorious, and you will be astounded at the beauty that lies within your own beings, and you will marvel at how far you have come in your journeys.
What more can I say? I will end on this note. And yet, there is no end. There is no end to LOVE, to LIFE, to JOY, or GLORY. You are all just starting on this path. Enjoy where your journey takes you, and know that you are always guided and supported as you take your faith steps each day in whatever ways you feel the Father and your angels are guiding you. Prosper in our LOVE. It is always yours. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
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