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===Topic: ''The Nature of Reality and Self-Mastery''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are here to receive from you both your words of guidance as well as your personality energies to support us. As we continue to grow in Spirit and align in your WILL. You know what we need—each and every one—and we thank you for supplying us with that now that we may continue to learn more about ourselves, the nature of God Within, and the nature of LIFE itself. We thank you for this opportunity to receive from you. We welcome the support of our celestial helpers who bring in these circuits of your LOVE into our beings that we may grow in it and prosper in your LOVE. Thank you, and may your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. One of the objectives of human life is to understand the NATURE OF REALITY in which you live. As your Mother and I move in you today I invite you to focus on this as an intention that you may be more innately internally inspired to align with the nature order of LIFE all around you. There is a synergy between this life reality and the way in which you develop as a child of God. There are many lessons to be learned, concepts for you to understand, and energies for you to learn to apply for your own development as you grow in self-mastery.

The NATURE OF REALITY is all around you. One of the ways you relate to this is through perception. Your perception is not just based upon your physical senses. It is a quality you develop as you grow in Father-consciousness. You gain more sensory awareness through the circuits of Spirit to help you relate to the NATURE OF REALITY around you more in tune with how the wishes the Father wishes to see it through your own innate personality expression.

These are some of the ideas to consider as we move in you now. But more importantly, what we encourage you to focus on is this desire to come into a greater affinity with the natural order of LIFE or reality or whatever term you wish to use that would support your ability to perceive it more from the perspective that the Father wishes you to glean. So set this intention. Take some deep breaths. Let this desire form in your hearts. Let the curiosity grow in your minds, and allow us to move in you now, my beloved children. (Pause)

The NATURE OF REALITY forms the matrix of the Father’s WILL and plans for LIFE and the unfolding of His creative design. It is a matrix in which you will continually explore. It is plan that was devised this way for your enhancement and enjoyment and edification, and each one of you is given equipment in order to explore this vast reality of the Father’s creative designs. Part of your objectives to master yourselves is to learn about the various energy systems contained within this reality that you may learn how to use the constituent components of how you were designed that you may continue to learn about your particular order of personality and to use it in furtherance of the Father’s WILL—His designs for your life.

As you know, this is the objective for human life, and it is something that your Mother and I have been supporting and encouraging to achieve. We understand the limitations of your culture and how there are many constraints, limitations, interferences that cause you to defer and inhibit your develop in this way. We are here to provide you with a new context and construct to support your objectives at self-mastery. So as we continue to move in you and through you, continue to focus on that desire to, not only come into a greater understanding of the NATURE OF REALITY, but your particular role in it that it may foster this desire for self-mastery and help you gain greater stamina for journeying along this path. (Pause)

Presently, you are extricating yourselves from a planetary culture that has not valued spiritual development and self-mastery as a goal for human life. You have worked and lived and functioned in a system that has caused you many hours of confusion, many thoughts that have worked at cross purposes for your own development.

The NATURE OF REALITY is such that it is the infusions of LIFE from your Mother as Spirit to form that foundation that will support the expression of your innate personality as a child of the Father. You need spiritual energy as much as air or food or light. It is an essential element of LIFE itself. So when you come to us in your times of quiet, you receive this essential quality of our beings that supports your natures to grow. You provide your own indwelling Spirits the necessary environment that Father may continue to seed the thoughts you need and the feelings that are positive in order to grow. No one can do this for you. This is your inner work. But you do this with love for yourself, reverence for the Father and for LIFE itself.

These are the over-arching attitudes that draw this spiritual energy into you, and as you develop your love for your brethren, it continues to grow and your motivations for life change, and you become more inwardly directed and begin to see the nature of reality from a higher perspective. So you see, my children, it all works together. It is all unified and wholistic. The synergies of Spirit are such that you will always be supported when you seek this as the objective for your lives, and the insights you glean, the lessons you master are truly beautiful to behold as we look upon you and watch you as you grow.

We have said this to you before, but do you realize how beautiful you are and what exquisite treasures you are in the making? It is part of the NATURE OF REALITY for you to come into the fullness of recognition and expression of this over the course of your human lives through daily life experience. The lessons we share with you are all of one nature, but they come in different ways through certain ideas or words of expression to help you expand how you view your own reality. It is a unique viewpoint and it is part of your personality expression. It forms the environment for you to grow and growth leads to self-mastery over time.

So you have everything to gain, and as you do this, what you leave behind is fear, uncertainty, doubt, and what grows is trust, faith, peace and joy. Let these words go deep. Let these energies move into those places in your own systems of consciousness where you may still harbor energies that hold you back from moving in this direction of self-mastery. May you feel our LOVE coursing your bodies and energizing your souls. Continue to receive. (Pause)

As these circuits continues to deepen within you, notice how this alters your perception. What new insights do you perceive? What considerations about yourselves and your lives are coming forth from the Father Within? These are some of the cues and clues you will recognize as you continue to grow in the NATURE OF REALITY. Be not afraid to allow old ideas to be absorbed into new perceptions. Something that you may have dearly cherished may no longer be something that you need to perceive. There are certain belief systems all within your beings that may not be a part of where the Father Within is guiding you.

So allow any information that may speak to you of detachment of the past to come forth and allow yourselves increasingly, faithfully each day to turn within to your Spirit and say, “What do I need to learn today? What do you want to teach me today that I may continue to grow and serve through love and faith?” The energies of the NATURE OF REALITY will then be able to support the expression of how you are being guided forward. For you see, my children, the NATURE OF REALITY is LOVE. And you are gaining a greater foothold in what this means for your lives.

I have given you so new thoughts to consider today. I will withdraw from this engagement now. Your Mother will speak to you and help you deepen in this infusion of the NATURE OF REALITY. Live in it well and enjoy how you are learning what it is, what it means for your life, and your role in being a dynamic part of its expression. Enjoy where this takes you, my children, and always remember you are indeed growing in who you are as children of God. I leave you in my LOVE and my blessings are upon you. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! Allow these words—the NATURE OF REALITY—to hold you in a loving embrace. You all are so dearly loved and cherished, and you are moving from a perception of your environment to the true deeper implications and meanings of the NATURE OF REALITY. You might liken this to the shedding of an old skin that held you constrained and confined to certain beliefs—certain ideologies—and now that skin is breaking down as the new skin underneath that is growing, and there is a light vibrancy in it and it is helping this old skin to disintegrate.

You are all being attuned to the NATURE OF REALITY now, and you will continue to develop in this, not only here on this world, but over the wonderful long course of your ascension careers. You have yet to behold this remarkable stupendous adventure. You are gaining a taste of it here and now, but I tell you this pales in comparison to what you have yet to accomplish and achieve.

So as we move in you and this old skin begins to peel away and the light vibrancy in you grows, know that all things are moving in the right direction and taking their rightful place in the Father’s WILL, and what you bring into this dynamic is your love, your trust, your desires and your decisions to increasingly grow in Father-consciousness and to love you brothers and sisters with that affection that is so sublimely divine and yet so touchingly human.

When you falter in your day, when you feel you do not know the way, you may call on us. We also encourage you to appeal to the relationship you have with your brother Jesus through your Father Michael as He will certainly help you from a more human perspective, appreciate what it is you are doing as you grow in the NATURE OF REALITY. He walked this path you now trod. He knows every step of the way from this uniquely human perspective. He has much to share with you, and through these circuits of MIND, you can make that direct appeal and gain much insight that will lead to the development of your own wisdom in this comprehension in the NATURE OF REALITY.

But for now, we want you to just relax, let these words continue to move through your minds that these energies may fan the flames of love in your hearts and circulate throughout your energy systems going deeply into those places where you need Spirit. (Pause)

LIFE is all around you, within you, and working for you, my children. It is my presence within you that supports you. And so it is important and necessary for you to engage with this that you need feed upon me, be nurtured in my LOVE and LIFE essence that will continue to support and expand your perception of reality. You are moving out of fear into faith. You are gaining strength in trusting the NATURE OF REALITY as it supports you.

And please keep in mind that when you do this for your own personal edification, you are also helping your planetary collective consciousness to expand in this as well to diminish the scope and stature of the rebellion mindset that has thwarted so many lives from understanding the true NATURE OF REALITY. So do not underestimate the significance of this lesson and your involvement in it—your relationship to the NATURE OF REALITY. It is all good, and it is part of the Father’s design for your lives that you would increasingly see this through His eyes.

As new ideas feed your minds, you will have questions about your own lives and how to best move forward through these new perceptions. The Spirit Within will guide you and you will find new creative impulses being sparked within your energy systems. Follow those leads. And be bold and trusting in where this is guiding you. The potential of your self-expression is far greater than you can truly imagine. There is something within you that will activate your capacity for this creative expression if you dare to rise to the occasion of how the Father is stimulating your creativity.

Let not the mundane nature of daily activities thwart you in this. Craft time in your day to express yourself creatively, whether it is through words, art, music, service—there are many avenues open to you, and these creative endeavors will be supported for they all contribute to the expanding NATURE OF REALITY of the Father’s designs. One of the most important lessons for you to truly experience is to feel yourself as a part of this fabric of LIFE—an intrinsic part of the NATURE OF REALITY, and when you perceive this, allow the wonders of your own beautiful personalities to come forward and be amazed by your selves for truly it is remarkable what the human imagination can conceive.
I will leave you with these thoughts, my children, as I minister in your minds for the next few moments. So continue to drink deeply in me and my nature to support your human natures—your personality expression and your designs at self-mastery. (Pause)

There is much beauty to behold in you, my children as you grow on this path of soul development and self-mastery. Enjoy your progress. Live your lives faithfully each day savoring each step and knowing you are well loved and supported all along the way. Thrive in this NATURE OF REALITY and gain greater comprehension of your relationship to it. I leave you in my JOY OF LIFE, my children, and I thank you for coming to us to today to receive. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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