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===Topic: ''Becoming Comfortable With Energies of Change''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re grateful for this opportunity to receive from you more of your essence and presence. We thank you for all of the ways in which you are supporting our transformations into these higher levels of consciousness, and we are open and ready to receive you now in whatever ways you deem it necessary and wise. So thank you for this time together, and may your WILL be done now.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. You are advancing into more dynamic times of CHANGE as your Father and I increase the spiritual pressure upon Urantia. As you are well aware this is an unprecedented time upon this world and the other planets that succumbed to the sophistries of the Lucifer Rebellion.

We have termed this time of correction as the means by which this world will be uplifted and the term of the “Correcting Time” such a fact—correction of the planet’s trajectory into the era of Light and Life. We are helping you establish the circuitry necessary for your advancement to return to the original plans that are designed for each planet to follow to reach this heightened state of awareness and spiritual receptivity, moral development and intellectual capacity.

As you settle the energies of what we are providing you, I invite you simply focus on me as your Mother. If it is helpful, you may envision my name as NEBADONIA and simply allow me to move through you with increased spiritual current to render more receptive to the leadings of the presence of your own indwelling Spirits. This is a time when you are being invited to allow the past to be re-written or recoded within you, that you may be imparted with those spiritual energies that are necessary for your soul growth as evolving human children living on this material sphere at this time. So simply receive me now, my children. Allow my motherly essence and presence to flow through you and fill you with my LOVE. (Pause)

Change is a part of your evolutionary nature. You are always growing, learning, transforming bit by bit, and there are times when your growth accelerated due to certain factors and conditions of your material lives that are brought about by your angelic sisters to support your overall development as evolutionary ascenders.

As more CHANGE energies are imparted into Urantian consciousness, it will up to you whether or not to participate with these energies. The more you open yourselves to CHANGE—to welcome it and to celebrate it—the greater opportunities you will have to grow your souls during this mortal lifetime. It is up to you and we encourage you to spend time each day allowing these heightened circuits to move into you through your focus on the idea or desire for CHANGE to occur in you or to focus on your desires within your own indwelling Spirits.

The human mind needs a focal point, you might say, in order for the mental current to be steered in a particular direction. That direction now impinging upon the planet is CHANGE, and so in today’s infusion, I invite you to simply feel that interest and desire for more CHANGE energy to move in you to support your own internal development.

There is nothing to fear. It is all good. But it can be challenging at times when you feel these energies because they will take out of a certain type of comfort or material lifestyle that you have become very familiar with and may feel that this is a bit challenging at times. But to look at this from the standpoint that you need this energy of change will help you make peace and be at peace with the current of CHANGE that comes through this time of correction to support you in various for your internal growth.

I say this to you because there is there more CHANGE more coming, and your Father and I make every effort to prepare you for what is coming down your path for planetary transformation. And it is important of all of you, and by all of you I mean the entire world, to open to this energy of CHANGE that we may help the planet regain Her spiritual equilibrium in the original divine plans of evolution. So let these words settle in and allow yourselves to simply rest easy in me as more CHANGE energy flows into your beings. (Pause)

Most humans of this world do not recognize their evolutionary status as children of God. Therefore, CHANGE can be very uncomfortable and disruptive. We ask you to not only help your brothers and sisters recognize that CHANGE is for their highest good, but to also be catalysts for their own internal change by allowing these energies to flow from your heart into another’s when you are engaged with your fellows. It is not something you have to speak about verbally, but to communicate through that heart to heart association where you project your words from your heart asking for the presence of your Spirit to speak for you and to make that conscious linkage in your mind from your heart center to another person’s, that the energies of the heart may be communicated.

We have encouraged you in this way of communication many times before, and we will continue to do so because this type of heart to heart communication is what will build more CHANGE on the planet—this CHANGE OF HEART wherein the energies of compassion, tolerance, patience, fairness, peace all reside. So grow strong in CHANGE and let yourselves be moved by the natural rhythms of these energies that we supply to you that you may learn how to maneuver within this dynamic.

You are all heading into a new year of growth, and with that are certain desires for your lives to improve. This is normal and natural, and we are here to support all of your efforts to make gainful strides in your spiritual development and soul growth. Continue to receive from me, my children, and relax as my presence expands in you. (Pause)

The future of Urantia’s growth is being very carefully orchestrated. There is nothing to fear as more CHANGE comes to this planet. But there will be times when you encounter your own anxiety of the anxiety of other as these energies continue to move through you to clear the legacy of the past from your mindal circuitry. When you encounter such feelings, simply take some time to relax and focus on me as your Mother and invite your Father’s PEACE to envelope you. The spiritual currents that flow through your beings will become better perceivable when you take time each day to remember that all is well, even in the midst of material changes unfolding before you. There is a master plan and it is playing out right before your eyes.

If you feel so moved to bring your questions forward to me now, I will be happy to address your concerns. However, if you wish to remain in this state of receptivity, please do so as these energies continue to progress through your systems and uplift and uphold you. You may speak when you feel ready. (No questions were forthcoming)
My precious children, there is much occurring upon your world. Remember that this is a time of major corrections unfolding. There is much outworked and it will take a number of years for this correction to fully be expressed. Do your part each day to be an agent of CHANGE. Love your brothers and sisters more fully. Be patient with them—kind and gentle.

This is not an easy time for most Urantians. You are fortunate that you are awakened to what is occurring and you have hope for a brighter future. Maintain that positive outlook, and know that your Father and I are with you, and you only have to turn to us at any given moment of the day to receive more support and to help you maintain that inner peace and assure that all is well. Go boldly in your New Year, and when you falter, simply remember that this is a challenging time and come to us for the nurturing you need.

I will leave you now, but I am always within you and you only have to turn your attention to me to grow in your perception of Spirit all around you and enjoy what is yours as a child of God. Enjoy your New Year’s celebrations and rejoice that Urantia is indeed on a beautiful of healing and transformation. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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