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===Topic: ''Calibrating To Your Divine Life Plan''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come before you as your children to receive more of the spiritual endowments that come from your divine natures. You know what we need during this time of transformation upon our world, and we are very grateful to be able to experience your presence within us, helping us to grow and become ever more beautiful in your eyes. We know that you love us and we are here to experience more of that love. And we thank you for what you provide to us today that your love may polish the rough edges of our characters and bring us into more of that divine alignment for our will to be infused with spiritual energy. Thank you so much for what you provide to us today, and may your WILL be done now.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. As your Spirit Father, it is my delight to share with you those qualities of my character and nature that provide you with the spiritual endowments you need to grow into strong, noble, and spiritually healthy ways of expressing your innate personalities.

Before we begin with the spiritual infusion today, I invite you to simply take some deep breaths, relaxing into your bodies, allowing the mental chatter to quiet. As you do this now for a few moments, place your thoughts singly on the idea of the divine plans seeded within your systems of consciousness. These plans are what you might call the blueprint for your lives, not only this material life you live on this physical world, but for the long evolutionary adventure of spiritual perfection that you will one day attain through your own efforts and decisions.

The plans within your energy systems are prepared for you by your Spirits that look at the overall constituent components of your beings to help you achieve certain objectives within the various phases of your life development. Over the last few months we have been discussing the idea of self-mastery—how you use your thoughts and feelings in portraying the actions that depict your understanding and expression of the ways of LOVE. Self-mastery is the goal. It is a plan and you grow in that. You might say your divine blueprint is the template for you to follow to grow spiritually and develop your personality potential that will lead you into this wonderful arena of self-mastery. We have discussed some core components of what self-mastery involves.

In today’s infusion, I invite you to go into this quest for self-mastery a little deeper. And here is where I invite you to focus on your divine blueprint—the Spirit’s plans for your life—and simply allow those plans to reverberate more deeply within your energy systems. There is nothing you need to do other than to place that intention or desire for you to be in more alignment with these plans for your life, coming into that place of trust wherein your Mother and I may radiate certain energies of our divine natures into yours to help you acclimate to the plans within you to function more harmoniously in your thoughts and feelings.

So as we have done many times before, my children, open to your Mother and me now as we move in you. Receive us as you place your intention to grow in your divine life plans. Let us begin. If it is helpful to focus, simply concentrate on the words MY DIVINE LIFE PLAN as we move in you now. (Pause)

The divine plans for your lives were constructed at the highest levels of reality with great love and consideration for your lives. While you are certainly at liberty to choose to collaborate with these divine plans or not, it is your Mother’s and my hopes that you would begin to perceive the great wisdom, love and care crafted in these plans for your lives that you would desire to follow them whole-heartedly, cooperative with the presence of the Spirit Within, whose diligent ministry in your minds is designed to lead you into the construction and manifestation of these plans over the course of your long ascension careers. You might even call this a mystery that you discover one life experience at a time.

There are many ways for you to consider what constitutes your divine life plan, and how you will approach this, how you will resonate with this. But the first step is to desire to be more in conformity with where the plans to wish to take you on this beautiful journey of exploration of your innate personality gifts and the vast creation that awaits you to explore.

I invite you to consider what I am saying as well as to feel any type of internal stirring that may open your heart to embrace this plan more fully. Continue to focus on MY DIVINE LIFE PLAN as your Mother and I move in you and as your own Spirit supports your own internal system of consciousness to resonate in the information we are sharing with you and what your plan is providing to you. (Pause)

In my human life as your brother Jesus, I too was charged with the concept of self-mastery and the decision to conform my life to the divine plans for my human experience. There were times when I reached certain cross-roads wherein I needed to make decisions how to proceed in following this divine template which you might also call the Father’s WILL for my life. It was at these pivotal moments when I sought communion with my Spirit and spent much time in inner reflection to determine when my decision was in conformity with the plans and when it was not. This was a skill I acquired, and it is one that you are all acquiring through this rugged human life experience.

Your culture teaches many things and you are learning to move away from the value system of your culture into the internal value system that your own Spirit shares with you, that you would make decisions based more upon the spiritual values of TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY which are all part of your own divine life plan. Sometimes you will not understand the direction you are being taken. You may not be able to see the outcome. Here is where human will becomes more faith directed and led, and it is an act of great trust on your part to put your hopes and dreams upon your own divine life plan that you may grow in more spiritual beauty and harmony that will lead you ever forward on this wonderful ascension journey. No one can take this journey other than yourself. No one has your divine life plan. It is unique and it is based upon those constituent components of your own innate beings.

My dear children, my encouragement to you today is to calibrate and acclimate to these energies that you may open yourselves more in trust of how and where you are being guided by the Spirit Within. Your Mother and I provide the internal environment for you to grow and experience life, but it is your own personal Spirit that guides you forward. I cannot emphasize enough how beautiful it is when human will cooperates with Spirit to be led into those sacred fields of achieving your destiny.

As these words settle in, continue to focus on MY DIVINE LIFE PLAN as we continue to minister to you to build into your systems of consciousness more of spiritual endowments and energies you need to help you open in faith and trust of the Spirit’s function in your being and the plans seeded within you for the ideal life that you share with your Creator. (Pause)

The qualities you deem attractive to acquire for higher character development are available to you for the striving and living. Demonstrating the fruits of the spirit such as forgiveness, patience, compassion, tolerance, kindness and loving service all create a certain type of synergy within your systems of consciousness that fosters your divine life plan to function more harmoniously within you. It is only in looking back over the course of your development to see how this action of the plan has manifested through your life. It is not something you can measure in the moment.

Measurement is what you might call a quantitative indication of how far you have come. What you bring to your divine plan life is a qualitative type of cooperation that helps you grow in the quantitative expression of the richness of spirit in your life. Only you can do this, my children. But you are here and you have awakened to the Spirit Within and you are earnestly doing what is being called within you to manifest. And you will continue to be guided in this direction the more you increasingly desire to live according to your divine life plan and let the Spirit Within pave the way for you.

I have given you much to consider now, my children, and so I will leave you in this fashion that your Mother may speak to you, not only verbally, but through your own systems of consciousness to provide you with more light and space—the reverberations of Her being into your energy systems that what I have shared with you may course through your beings, provide you with that certain divine impetus to become all that you can, especially during this very important phase of your development—the physical human lifetime.

You are my children, and my LOVE runs deep in you. I am your Father. I am always here for you. Never will I forsake you, and you only need to come to me when you need that boost of truth and light and encouragement and inner security to render you more effective in your human life. I leave you to your Mother and in my LOVE. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Surely there is no love greater than your Father’s LOVE for you. And the more you taste this love, the more it will reach deeper into those places where your potential exists to bring forth the beauty of your own innate personalities that you may share your beautiful light of Spirit with others.

I am here today to provide you with more of those frequencies to support the integration of your divine life plans into your systems of consciousness. There have been certain impediments in your energy systems that have shielded you from becoming more attuned to what this means for your lives, and it is my desire that these impediments would be cleansed from your energy systems to render you more responsive, inquisitive, and collaborative with that which is seeded within you.

So you need to do now is simply relax. You may maintain that focus on MY DIVINE LIFE PLAN if you desire. But truly all you need to do is to allow me to flow through you and help you receive what you need to make this a larger living reality within your own thoughts and feelings. Receive me now, my children. Let my MOTHERLY LOVE move through you and expand you. (Pause)

Become as children of FAITH. There is this simple trusting quality that you develop as you allow your divine plan life to speak into your energy systems. You begin to become aware of a greater power within you that has the answers and the directions for your lives you seek. When you are more fully engaged in this child-like quality of faith, you are in place of great trust. You are trusting in the nature of Spirit which is the underlying foundation of your lives. This trust will serve you well, and it will lead you into a new way of expressing your own innate personalities. It makes you more beautiful, promotes goodness and the development of a moral character. It enhances truth that your intellectual development may grow in all that is real—holy.

I invite you to simply continue to relax into what I am providing to you. Let what is holding you back from engaging in this more dynamic place of trusting in your divine plan—let those energies fall away, and let my presence continue to support the harmonization of your energy systems to what is already seeded inside you. (Pause)

New circuits of LIFE are being applied in your energy systems. Over time you will notice certain changes in the quality of your thoughts, the perceptions of your environment. When you notice these energies within your minds and hearts, pay attention! This is part of the outworking of your divine life plans. Over time you will begin to perceive this larger guiding force for your lives and it will help you to release so much of the mental tension that comes from daily living, especially on such a rugged sphere as Urantia. And you will find a deeper sense of peace, strength, security, optimism and love. It is all good, my children, and it is all growing in you! (Pause)

Self-mastery is the achievement of fully aligning and operating in your divine life plan. In the coming days, your Father and I encourage you to focus on what we have provided to you, not only the information but to return into a more meditative quality of being that you may continue to imprint upon what we have provided to you to help you grow in alignment with this beautiful plan for your life development. It is all within. It all awaiting your discovery and the mastery over your material minds and your lower animal nature will provide you with such joy and that deep satisfaction of accomplishing a master feat. It is all awaiting you, my children! All you need to do is to practice living as best you can each day with the intention to master your lives—to live in conformity with your divine life plan.
This may sound simple, but it is effortful to live this way, especially when your culture teaches you other values. And as you know, those values are hollow and what you are forging is a deep beautiful whole well established character that nothing, no one can ever take that from you. It is your achievement and it is something of great value and beauty.
I will leave you now, my children. But if you wish, after I depart you may stay in this meditative place and allow the energies to move deeper in you. Over time you will begin to see yourselves as your Father and I see you—so beautiful, glory in the making of a noble and divine character. You are such jewels and you are being polished to great luminosity that your light may shine forth from the core of your being and resonate and be shared with many others who need to know that they are glorious children of a loving and divine Creator in whose image they have been made. Thrive in who you are, my children, and live life as best you can each day. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
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[[Category: Nebadonia]]
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