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===Topic: ''Imprinting Upon the Divine Quality of Goodness''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are so grateful to be able to come into this call today and receive more of your MERCY ministry into our hearts and minds. You know our needs and you know what our planet is currently undergoing. Thank you for fortifying us in your presence, that we may truly demonstrate and be examples of your LOVE and MERCY to our brothers and sisters—your beloved children. We are here to learn more about the Father’s WILL and how it moves in our lives, and we thank you for helping us grow ever more aligned in that essence and presence. We focus on you now in our hearts and may your WILL be done. Thank you.
MICHAEL: My beloved children, greetings to you all! This is Michael. It brings joy to my Father’s heart that you would wish to engage with me in this intimate conversation that we have this time together, for even though I truly live in the very midst of your being, it is your attention to the Spirit of Truth that continues to unfold the divine flow of my presence into your beings.

You are all being highly upstepped in these days of change. Your energy systems are being attuned to the frequencies of LOVE, and this creates a ripple effect throughout your beings, all designed to help you come into a greater relationship with the Father’s presence within and the LOVE in which you originate.

I invite you to take a few deep breaths. Let your attention now rest gently on your Spirit of Truth. If it is helpful you may envision the words MY SPIRIT OF TRUTH in your mind’s eye, letting those words rest gently upon your heart centers.

Today it is my desire to fill you with more of the GOODNESS that flows from the Father in Paradise. As your world opens to more TRUTH, there is a corresponding need for the divine value of GOODNESS to fortify you, to help you hold steady in the LOVE of the Father. TRUTH is enlightening, and it breathes new information into the human system of consciousness; new ideation is caused through this infusion of TRUTH from the Father. But it is the Father’s GOODNESS that you need now, that you may be strengthened in this wonderful quality that creates strong moral fiber and character within each individual; that renders you more loving, more tender, yet more courageous to depict the MERCY and the FORGIVENESS that so many of your brethren need now that they may open to the presence of their own Indwelling Spirits. I delight in sharing this quality of the Father with you, so all you need to do now is to simply open your hearts by placing your gaze on your Spirit of Truth and inviting my GOODNESS to infuse you. Let us begin.

Breathe deeply as you receive, as your Mother opens the circuits of your being to help you imprint upon this divine quality to help you as you grow more spiritually fragrant in the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)

While you might consider TRUTH is illuminating of the mind, GOODNESS is ennobling of the heart. It renders you more of the gift of the Father’s LOVE to help you demonstrate those fruits of the Spirit such as PATIENCE, COMPASSION, KINDNESS, TOLERANCE, FORGIVENESS and UNDERSTANDING. Is this not what your brethren need now? You see how unstable they are in their emotions—adults acting like little children because their underlying soul needs have been unmet. The Father’s GOODNESS is available to all, and you can drink deeply of this wellspring of His GOODNESS by simply placing your attention upon your Spirit of Truth, making that connection with me, and from that I will refresh you and fill you with that quality to render you more able to deal with your brethren in a way that will help them and heal them in a very deep place.

This is what my children need now as TRUTH strips away the layers of shadow and shows you how you have lived in this rebellion mindset for so long. It is the quality of GOODNESS that is your salvation. And because your brethren may not know to go to the Father or to come to me and your Mother, we look to you to maintain that continual connection that we may flow this GOODNESS through you, and you may help them by imparting this through your heart—your expanded heart—rich and ripe and flowing with GOODNESS. Continue to receive my beloved. Let these veins of Spirit within you grow rich and saturated with this quality of GOODNESS. (Pause)

There is a certain level of cynicism within the circuits of your planet’s consciousness. The human heart has been plagued with feelings of fear, anger, doubt, abandonment and isolation, and this is a great impediment that prevents many of your brethren from opening up to the LOVE of God. As more spiritual TRUTH embraces the planet we also invite you to ask for more of the energies of GOODNESS to stream into these circuits, that the human heart may indeed recognize that it is this quality of GOODNESS that will heal all wounds. The heart is hungry for this, my brethren. Your brothers and sisters need this now. They need to know that they are loved, they are cherished; they are indeed beloved children of God.

It is as if the human heart is to some degree frozen, you might say, and this quality of GOODNESS is able to melt the cynicism that comes from years of erroneous thinking and living. It is difficult to trust in the Father when this cynicism is very operative within the human mind. It creates, what you might cal,l a schism between the feelings and the thoughts within a person, and it tends to continue to foster suspicion in another’s motives. But it is important now for you to render this quality of GOODNESS to your brothers and sisters that they may begin to trust again in the beauty of the human heart, and the rich vein of GOODNESS that flows in it through the Father’s GRACE. Let these words settle in now my children. Let your minds and hearts continue to imprint upon this, and let it go deep, deep into the core of your being where the Father’s presence lives. (Pause)

I will leave you now, my children, that your Mother may address you. Let your hearts continue to receive and imprint upon the GOODNESS that is your divine birthright. Let it fortify you and nourish you in the coming days, and let it flow from your hearts into your brothers and sisters that they may begin to trust again in genuine GOODNESS and in motivations of GOODNESS to open a person to the LOVE of the Father. Live this GOODNESS my children, and enjoy how you are indeed growing in the Father’s LOVE. Good day.

NEBADONIA: My precious children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. There is GOODNESS all around you. Your heavenly helpers are truly devoted to your wellbeing, and they can create this environment of GOODNESS all around you to act as, what you might call, a buffer against the harsh realities of your material culture. When you are thus infused internally with the Father’s GOODNESS it is as if you attract more of that angelic and celestial GOODNESS around you to actually, as you might say, live in a field of GOODNESS. Now this does not necessarily mean that you will not feel emotional pain from time to time, but it is designed to render you stronger in the Father’s LOVE, that you may more easily demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit when you are engaged with you brothers and sisters, even in the midst of a difficult situation where they may be acting unruly or unlovely towards you.

Your Father Michael, in his earth life as Jesus, was able to impart this to his human brethren, and as you know, He shares everything with you. It is only the degrees to which you are able to perceive this through your strengthening in your relationship with Him through the Spirit of Truth. He is helping you with this today, and I am here to help fortify you in those internal circuits throughout your energy systems, that you may attract more of this GOODNESS environment around you that cushions you against the blows of anger and animosity that comes from your unenlightened and unspiritual brethren.

You are being given great spiritual power to wield, and we invite you to feel your desire to engage with your brothers in this way, to actually feel that field of GOODNESS around you, to know that you are supported in LOVE in the midst of challenging times, in the midst of rampant emotions being expressed by your brothers and sisters who are in great pain and do not know where to find consolation and solace. Feel your desire for this cushion or bubble of GOODNESS to embrace you that you may embody this and emit this as a signal of LOVE from your heart to theirs. Simply focus on me now, and feel this desire to be held in this environment of GOODNESS, and let it strengthen all around you and within you. (Pause)

Your brothers and sisters are clamoring for change—for fairness and justice and equality, and they look to the outer material environment to satisfy those deep needs of the soul. At this time in your planet’s history and evolution it will be difficult for them to have these deep needs satisfied by the material culture. It is only through the Spirit wherein they will perceive that there is a higher and better way of life. So let this field of GOODNESS take deeper root in and around you, through and through, that you may carry this around you and awaken something within them that helps them recognize where it is they will find all of what they have been looking for.

Do not doubt your own spiritual power and fragrance. But you must use it. You must exercise it, for here is where it grows and becomes so fragrant that you can even change the consciousness of your world. Think of the contribution that your Father Michael left here. His GOODNESS had a reverberating, strong presence that changed the world. Now it is time for you to do your fair share of the work. I say this to you to encourage you to continue to desire to demonstrate these fruits of the Spirit out into the world.

While it may take great effort on your part to be patient and compassionate with your brothers and sisters who are very, very angry and acting out, you actually are growing in this quality of GOODNESS, through these acts of PATIENCE and KINDNESS and TOLERANCE and COMPASSION. The environment around you increases and intensifies, and you are able to make a spiritual impression upon another person’s energy system, just as your Father did when he was here as Jesus. He was spiritually magnetic, and that is what you are all becoming. GOODNESS is attractive, it is enticing, it is charming, it is inviting, and your brethren will be drawn to you. You will increasingly exude this quality. Sometimes you will not even know what it is you are exuding. It is as invisible as a perfume. You cannot see it, but you can smell it. And this spiritual fragrance is the same—the soul can attune to it and is hungry for it. Continue to allow my presence to infuse you and those of your helpers to work around you. (Pause)

As this infusion further fortifies your energy system, do not be concerned if you see certain influences of the past still come to the fore of your consciousness and your behavior from time to time. You are outworking a great deception. But you are growing in something very beautiful and wonderful that is making an indelible mark upon the field of human consciousness. And one day this field of GOODNESS and TRUTH will be so strong that it will engage with many minds and hearts, and turn them in the direction of the Father.

This is the time of great change, and what you are witnessing is the outworking of the past that the Father’s TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY may again be the rule and the ways of the divine plan here upon Urantia. And recognize your contribution to this, by making this pledge to do your best each day to live the LOVE of the Father and to share it freely with all around you.
You have been given much to consider today and to integrate, and your Father and I will be there to meet you once again when you come to us in stillness and ask for the imprinting of your divine Mother and Father to nurture and sustain you in the beauty of who you are, gaining strength through every moment of your life expression. Good day my little ones, my blessings are upon you.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]

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