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===Topic: ''Imprinting Upon Father Michael's Peace''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we center ourselves in our hearts. We open ourselves to you now that we may continue to imprint on your divine qualities. This is especially necessary during time that we are going through, and we thank you for expanding us in what we need. As we imprint upon you, may these energies move into new places where our minds and bodies require transformation, that we may fully align in divine WILL and be more receptive to the presence and the leadings of our Indwelling Spirits. Thank you so much for all you provide and do for us. May your WILL be done now. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious little ones! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. I call you ‘my little ones’ for you are very small in your universe stature as you are growing in your souls.

As you know, this is a time of great transition upon you world, and you see before you the unsettledness of the way in which people are comporting themselves due to these changes now well under way. It is not an easy time, and yet there is this undercurrent of spiritual energy coursing through the subtle energy regions of your systems to help you attune to those natural energies of LIGHT and LIFE and LOVE that will support your soul development and spiritual transformation.

You are aware that Spirit is all around you. It pervades your minds. It pervades the circuits around and in your planet, and this spiritual energy is able to communicate into the various circuits of all life provided that the communication channels have been cleared of that which causes interference. Your Father and I have been providing you with infusions of spiritual energy to help you in this regard—the interference caused by the rebellion—to help you continue to perceive the BEAUTY of the Father’s presence within you and of the LOVE in which you were created.

In our last times together we helped you imprint upon the quality of GOODNESS. And this is an endowment of Spirit that is mightily needed now. Your brothers and sisters are still suffering from what you might call a great shock to their central nervous system of all of this change energy abounding. Our infusions of GOODNESS are designed to help support the human energy system to imprint upon what is needed to render a greater bandwidth of emotional stability. This emotional stability will help you remain calm and steady while more changes continue to unfold. What will help you through these infusions of GOODNESS is to establish a deeper anchor of peace within you—a peace so secure and profound that you can remain steadfast in the midst of change because you are anchored to your Father. And then there is this energy field of peace that you emit to help others perceive at some level that you have something valuable and noteworthy to share with them.

So let us now move together in concert in the Father’s LOVE. As you settle into your hearts, feel your desire for more of this GOODNESS that is part of your Father Michael’s endowment to continue to course through you, but with the particular flavor of PEACE—deep PEACE, abiding PEACE. The PEACE that has been described “that passes beyond human understanding” into a higher and deeper realm. Let his PEACE be yours, my children, and allow me to move in you and through you as your Mother, to help you become more attuned to your Father’s everlasting and ever-present peace. Receive this now, rest and relax in Him. (Pause)

The human system of consciousness has been mightily conditioned by conflict and separation. There is what you might call in certain quarters of your planet a hunger for conflict as a means to perpetuate certain corrupt mindsets. This is not the way of the Father, as you well know. And yet there must be an outworking of this influence, that the undercurrents of PEACE and those qualities that come from your Father Michael may pervade the human heart and replace this hunger for conflict with the desire and thirst for PEACE.

Had your human bodies received more of the Adamic infusions you would have outworked much of this hunger for conflict. Therefore, it is necessary for something additional to be added into you to help you with this outworking now that you may abide in PEACE, and learn to conduct your human affairs in this way. But first the underlying foundation must be primed with more of the GOODNESS that comes from your Father to this particular infusion of PEACE. So let it deepen within you. Let it touch those places where there may still be some subconscious imprinting of conflict, and allow it to render you more harmonious with the presence of the Father Within, that you may conduct your own affairs in this heightened way of peace and steadiness, especially within the midst of conflict that others are facing. Continue to receive. (Pause)

Your Father’s LOVE for each one of you is able to touch you directly where it is most needed. The more you desire His presence to fill you, the more your energy systems can attune to what He shares with you of His divine nature, and help you grow in those qualities that attract the Spirit sparks of the Father’s presence within to help you perceive more from the divine perspective. It is necessary for both your minds to be upstepped with higher information, as well as your hearts to be imprinted with the deeper rootedness of your Father’s presence that you may ascend to higher levels of your own personality expression and soul development.

This is a fertile time for your growth even in the midst of all the turbulence around you. You are being mightily stimulated and encouraged to open yourselves to us, that we may continue to provide you with what you need, that you may grow in FAITH and perceive more of the Father’s WILL within to share your lives and light with others. Be anchored in your Father. Let His presence magnify in your beings, keeping you safe and secure as the winds of change continue to blow in and through the circuits of your consciousness all around the planet. (Pause)

Invite these energies of PEACE to go deeper. Allow them to imprint upon your own DNA, to those places where there may still be those influences of conflict and the memory patterns that developed from that. Feel your need for this PEACE to impart those Spirit sparks upon those memory patterns and help you perceive that this inner Spirit reality is the way of the Father. (Pause)

When you are more anchored and secure in the endowment of PEACE, the quality of PEACE, this helps you act in a more Godly and goodly manner towards your brothers and sisters. It is difficult for agitated emotions and unsteady thoughts to relay those energies of PEACE and GOODNESS to your brethren. Therefore this inner foundation must be more secured within to enable you to share love, mercy, compassion, understanding, and kindness to your brothers and sisters when they react in anger or other such Spirit poisons of emotion.

Let these infusions of your Father become so expanded within you that you can say ‘yes’ to the desire to demonstrate more of the fruits of the Spirit to those in need. This will render you more immune to the negative energies they emit that can impact your energy fields adversely if you are not securely anchored in your Father’s PEACE and able to demonstrate those qualities of GOODNESS to others. This spiritual immunity will allow you to reflect more of the Father’s LOVE to another person and help them to imprint upon something of such great value that it will resonate in their souls. And should you become so adept at providing this level of spiritual energy for your brethren, you can actually stop someone dead in their tracks trying to hurt you, whether it is conscious or unconsciously.

This is, you might say, a great level of spiritual fragrance, but it is one that your Father Michael achieved during His earth life as Jesus. And He encourages you to develop that, but it takes time and it takes effort and practice when you are before someone who is in pain to be able to render that service to them of love and compassion and understanding that will disarm those emotions that they have acted upon. You will diffuse that and help them imprint upon more of what they need of Spirit. Let these words settle in, my children, as your Father and I continue to minister in you. Let these words make that indelible impression upon your minds and hearts, and let your desire for PEACE reach into those new places to render you more spiritually receptive and fragrant. (Pause)

Now, as you have received, take a few moments to project the energies of PEACE from your heart into a loved one or into a circumstance or a relationship where you know PEACE will be able to move certain detrimental energies, what you might say, out of the way and imprint this PEACE upon your focus. Take a few moments now to send this to wherever you desire that PEACE may flow through you and into another. (Pause)

Let PEACE be your path, my children. Walk this path each day, anchored to your Father, that the Spirit Within may continue to guide you in that outward expression of living a life of PEACE in the Father’s GOODNESS. If you wish I will entertain your questions at this point; however, should you wish to remain in stillness continuing to receive, that is also perfectly acceptable. It is your choice. (Pause)

PEACE comes from within, my children. It is secured through your connection to your Father and continues to expand through your expression in conjunction with your adherence to the WILL of the Paradise Father through your Spirit. As you demonstrate PEACE more and more each day, your soul will grow and your light will be perceived by those who desire what you have. Some will not even be able to articulate that this is their need, but at some level they will respond to what you emit from the Light Within. So let that light grow my children. Let it swell to such proportions that it can be seen by many, even to a world in great need. And how beautiful it is to see the light of the soul gaining strength upon Urantia! And even though you are still little children of universe stature you can be mighty forces for GOODNESS and TRUTH here and now upon this world.
So move forward. Go out into the fields of service where your brothers and sisters are waiting to receive the good news of the LOVE that lives within them, and how they may find the PEACE which you have acquired through coming to us and growing in your communion with your Spirit.

I will leave you now my children, but as you know, I am always within you, always speaking to you, helping you open to greater places of LOVE within. Do not be afraid to share your light with the world and to increasingly express how you feel the Father is engaging with you in sharing your wonderful gifts of Spirit with the world. Enjoy these times of change, for they are truly a remarkable time upon Urantia. And as you continue to expand in PEACE you will be able to offer great comfort and solace to your brethren, and help them continue to grow in who they are as children of God. My blessings are upon you. Abide in me. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
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