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===Topic: ''Focus on Original Plans for Urantia and Garden of Eden Energies''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come before you today as your children to center ourselves in your presence. We take this time to set that intention to receive from you that which you wish to provide to us for our continued spiritual growth and soul development. We are so grateful to be able to participate with you in this way. Thank you for what you share with us today of your essence that we may not only grow in who we are but be able to share more of that love with our brothers and sisters and be more alert to the opportunities to minister your love to them. Thank you. May your WILL be done.
MICHAEL: My beloved children, welcome to this time we share together! This is Michael. I come before you today not only as your Father but as your Creator Sovereign. You as members of our universe family are participants in the great unfolding of LIFE in our universe of Nebadon. Life exists within the design and plans of the Father’s LOVE. And it is LIFE which gives you the ability to feel, to think, and act that you may indeed share more of yourself with our family and grow into a strong, healthy, and noble citizen of our vast universe domain.

Encoded within your beings is a language that provides you the means to ascend through this process of spiritual development and soul growth all throughout the universe. On your eternal careers you will spend much time in exploring this vast domain, preparing you for the even greater lessons and experience you will encounter on your super-universe and Paradise careers.

So you see, my children, you have a long and rigorous journey ahead of you. You were not designed to remain on this world for eons of time, but to ascend step by step, world by world, to that eventual conclusion of your Spirit career, culminating in the embrace of the Paradise Father, preparatory for your work out in the Grand Universe at some future time.

I pause here to help you consider and allow these energies that your Mother and I share with you today to help you on your journeys. The energies of LIFE which contain certain codes that form a language, you might say, that helps you in this eternal sojourn—you were designed for ascension. And yet there have been various impediments placed upon your world by those who deviated from the divine plans of evolution and ascension to keep you mired in its own system. But this is not the case for you, and in coming to you today I invite you to focus on those energies of LIFE that afford you more of the internal means and structure of language to support you on your ascension journeys.

There are certain coding influences within your systems of consciousness that have conspired against this ascension process. It is not important for you to become aware of all what these are and how they have impacted you, but rather to focus on us now as your Parents who can provide you with this new scripting of language to afford you what you might call ASCENSION CODES to work within you. These codes are all part of the energies of LIFE. And this is, as you might imagine, a very large infusion of energy designed to help you during these times on your world when it is moving in the direction of the universe to ascend to those higher states of planetary cultural development.

As we begin, simply settle in your hearts. Let your gaze stay focused on your heart centers as these LIFE-giving energies containing certain codes for your development to be imparted into you. There is nothing more you need do than receive. Some of you may actually be taken into a very deep place of meditative stillness. It is not so important that you understand what is occurring, but to welcome these codes and what your Mother and I share with you now, my dear children. Rest and receive. Allow these energies of LIFE, containing the language scripting you need to imprint upon you now. (Pause)

Each materially inhabited world is designed to evolve according to plans for it to reach the era of Light and Life. This high level of cultural achievement is a vast undertaking and even more so rigorous when the world has participated in a rebellion against the divine ways. We are helping your world get back on track, as you say. And it is in the infusions of these codes that we provide to you that assist your own human energy systems to return to those original plans that you may function in more harmony with the Father’s WILL.

This has repercussions within your physical bodies. The LIFE energies provided to you by your Mother are now being restored to, what you might call more, original states to help you outwork that which is still of rebellion influence. You are being primed or groomed, as you might say, to become upstanding universe citizens while still sojourning on the earth. This will set you apart from your brethren, but it will also give you more of that ability to see them through the Father’s eyes, and to become more devoted to their welfare and be able to help us in the great correcting that is now underway.

We have talked to you about the components of self-mastery, and this is what you might call another element to support your own individual efforts at mastering your energy systems. You must have the correct information within your beings that you may think more in line with that of your Father Fragment, and be able to conceptualize certain ideals of the Father’s LOVE and presence within you that you may express your Father-bestowed personality gifts to your brothers and sisters, and help the planet in Her ascension journey.

Continue to receive for the next few moments as we help you imprint upon these at deeper levels of your being. If it is helpful you may focus on the words ASCENSION CODES and invite them to move into areas where you need more support in your own lives to help you with these energies of transition now on the planet. (Pause)

The imprinting processes of these frequencies are designed to provide you with that language for your divine blueprints to flourish. It is what you might call the restoration of your inheritance as sons and daughters of God to function more optimally in your energy systems. You come to us in faith as a son and daughter and ask to receive what you need and we respond. This is part of the faith interplay that exists between divine Parent and human child. Always will you receive what you need in order to grow.

At the human end there are times when the intellect will interfere trying to interpret what is needed. But when you come to us in that place of simple childlike trust and say something to the effect, “Mother and Father, I do not know what I need at this point in my development, but you do, and I open myself to receive from you with great appreciation and respect.” That is all you need to do. Trust that the Father’s Spirit within you will translate over time that which you receive through this imprinting process and help you understand what it is you have needed, what you have required for your growth as you demonstrate that out in your daily lives through the fruits of the Spirit.

There will be times when you are unclear of what you must do. But you have been trained to go into that place of stillness and ask for guidance and direction, and you will be led. And now, during this time when the ways of heaven are bathing the planet to help you outwork the rebellion agenda, this separation action is actually helping you imprint upon these ASCENSION codes that you may further remove yourselves from those influences and step more fully into the Father’s WILL and how it unfolds organically in and through you.

This is part of the self-mastery I underwent as Jesus, and I share this with you. And as your Creator Sovereign, I desire my children to be freed from this legacy of sin and error, and to receive more of that language necessary to support you on your wonderful ascension journey. Continue to receive and relax as we continue to move in you now. (Pause)

I will leave you now my children that your Mother may address you and you will continue to imprint upon what we share with you today. As these energies continue to build in you, let the past recede into the distance as you walk forward into the bright new day awaiting you. This new day is available to you here and now, and we invite you to live in this dimension of what you might call the ways of heaven on earth, that you may more fully anchor this into the earth and provide more of that structure necessary for these ways to grow and flourish. You are learning important lessons here on Urantia of what it means to be a citizen of a universe. Learn them well, and enjoy how you are moving toward higher levels of consciousness and states of being in alignment with the Father’s WILL. My LOVE is upon you, my children. Rest easy in this. Farewell.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my precious children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. You have heard that LIFE is abundant and it is all around you. This is an energy you cannot see. Nevertheless, it forms a foundational structure within your beings to support your advancement to higher states of consciousness. On your way to being a productive universe citizen you have many experiences to learn and grow in this comprehension and execution of mastering certain lessons. But you must be given the necessary equipment in order to be successful to your heart’s content and soul’s desires. What we are providing you today is more of that necessary operating language for you to function more in concert with the Father’s WILL.

The LIFE codes inherent and innate in each planetary culture are designed to foster this ascension of the planet and its inhabitants. And so in today’s infusion we are helping you return to the original design and plans that planetary ascension may continue to progress through human effort and celestial collaboration. Over time, as these ASCENSION codes in-work into your beings, you can do much to support the integration by simply coming to us and allowing the imprinting to continue.

This is a necessary step now as more change comes to your world and more individuals witness the outworking of the rebellion sophistries. Some people are still very recalcitrant in opening to what we make available. And while this is understood, it does make it a little bit more challenging for these new circuits to fully operate when the subconscious resistance is still in place. The more you allow this to be outworked in and through your own energy systems, the greater is the loosening of these tethers of the rebellion agenda, and it makes it easier for your planetary helpers to stream in these circuits of LIGHT and LOVE and LIFE for the collective to change. You are all participating in a monumental event. Let this not be daunting to you, but exciting, inspiring, motivating to do your part well as you dedicate yourselves to self-mastery and the development of your soul here on beloved Urantia.

Let these words settle in as you continue to invite the energies of LIFE containing these ASCENSION CODES to continue to in-work and outwork that which is no longer of usefulness to human consciousness. (Pause)

What we are now imparting are, what you might call, SOURCE CODES—those being the information contained within the innate structure of LIFE itself. Urantia as a decimal planet has been subject to much experimentation. Yet, the SOURCE CODES are designed to function even though the implementation is subject to experimentation. Presently these SOURCE CODES are moving into you, through you, to help with the encoding of the ASCENSION energies to support the outworking of the rebellion and the energies of CHANGE to help you and the collective open to the Father’s WILL.

Your world would have been a much different place had these SOURCE codes been able to operate to their full potential without the interference of the rebellion. Yet, now we are helping you return to this original design that you may function more in keeping with the natural order of life, and feel and experience that underlying level of support, as if a guiding hand of heaven inside of you strong and you could feel its movement in you. This is what we are helping you achieve and attain that you may function more in alignment, in concert with the Father’s WILL, and express your personalities with great joy and devotion to the plans of ascension for this world.

If it is helpful, focus on the concept and words of SOURCE CODES that they may move deeper and help you in this movement toward your own personal self-mastery and ascension. (Pause)
Beloved children, do not allow the outworking of the rebellion agenda to deter you from achieving the desires of your heart and the objectives seeded within you of the Father’s plans for your lives. Let each day provide you new opportunities for growth and service, and know that you are helping to release the stigma and stain of sin upon Urantia by your very efforts and actions. What a great gift you give to your brothers and sisters. Even though they may not be aware of your contribution, it is recorded and noted on high. And one day you will be able to see the good that you have done here, but that is for a later time. Know that what you do is important. Every effort you make at being loving, compassionate, unselfish is helping this Planetary Supreme Mind grow and gain its rightful stature within the constructs of consciousness.

Remember your responsibility to the growing Supreme Deity of planet Urantia. It is intended that these codes will over time help you perceive more from the presence of your indwelling Father, and give you that inner assurance that you are indeed now a universe citizen enjoying your earthly life, for it is to be enjoyed. It is to be engaged with life and to embrace it fully as your Father did in His earthly sojourn as Jesus. There is much to look forward to and much to do at hand.

So each day as you go forth set that intention to be mindful of the Father’s presence within you, and ask your angels and other helpers to guide you to do the Father’s WILL a little bit better each and every day. And know that the inner equipment that your Father and I provide to you is getting stronger, and you are making great gains in aligning with the spiritual currents and circuits that we provide to you. I embrace you one final time as before I take my leave of you. Simply focus on me as your Mother and your need for these LIFE-bestowing energies—all of the coding and language—you require to be successful universe citizens on this beloved and beautiful world. (Pause)

My blessings are upon you, my children! Enjoy them as your day unfolds. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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