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===Topic: ''The Outworking of Divine Will''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come before you to open ourselves to more of your presences and energies moving in us. You know the level of divine WILL that our energy systems need to further our spiritual growth and transformation. We open ourselves to you now that we may imprint more deeply upon you and your divine WILL. You know the areas in our systems of consciousness that need the levels of repatterning. We’re so grateful for the generosity that you provide us to help us outwork all that no longer serves our highest good in favor of the heavenly patterns that you bestow upon us. So we are here and ready to receive you, and of course, we’re so grateful for the information you share with us today during this time together. Thank you and may your WILL be done.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my little children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Yes, open yourselves to the energies of the action of divine WILL moving in your beings. This is an energy you need for your continued spiritual and intellectual advancement. Divine WILL is predicated upon the energies of LOVE. And because your world is suffering such a deprivation of divine LOVE and action, it can be challenging at times for you to imprint upon these aspects of our deity nature that would render you more supple and receptive to receive what we share with you. Had your world followed the normal path of evolution, the memory imprints in your beings would have a certain awareness of the safety of growing in divine LOVE and WILL.

So I am here today to help you soften that resistance, to help you release the emotional charges contained within resistance—subconscious resistance—resistance at the deepest levels of your being of which you are hardly conscious that you may align more in what your Father and I provide to you of our natures that will render more spiritually and socially fragrant to your brothers and sisters.

The outworking of divine WILL on an evolutionary world is a monumental undertaking which has been further complicated upon Urantia because of the energies of the rebellion which have thwarted, deviated and perverted divine WILL in ways that are hardly comprehensible for you at this stage of your development. So it is in keeping with this understanding—this concept, if you will—that your Father and I wish to afford you a deeper level of softening within your beings that you may release all that holds you back that you may follow the action of divine WILL through the energies of LOVE and be shining beacons of LOVE and LIGHT to the children of this world who so desperately need to know what true LOVE is and the nature of the spiritual Creator who is the source of all LOVE and LIFE.

So simply feel your desire to have the subconscious internal resistance softened and let us move in you in the ways we can, my dear children. Receive us now and relax as you imprint upon the divine nature. (Pause)

As you receive us, focus on forgiving all of the resistance. The energies of FORGIVENESS soften this in your own heart and mind as we continue to minister in you now. (Pause)

As you, know there is change occurring upon Urantia. The field of consciousness is opening to the reality of the universe. For many of the children of this world, this awakening comes with great inner strife and turmoil. It is not an easy undertaking to open to the deeper levels of resistance that exists within the planetary construct of consciousness, but it is entirely possible to heal from this and be enlivened in Spirit that discloses to your mind the higher path of LOVE and what life is like in the universe.

We are preparing you by helping you soften your own internal resistance to be greater conduits of these energies of LOVE which are malleable, and once you become more aligned in them—more malleable in your own energy systems, softened and strengthened—you will be able to use these energies to help your brothers and sisters, not only to come into a greater understanding but to be softened within themselves and to grow in their higher natures.

We are at certain critical junctures, you might say, where there is this clash in the outworking of the willfulness of the rebellion to soften to the ways of Spirit. So we are preparing you that you would become more aligned and softened in your own inner beings to withstand the trials and tribulations that come from other individuals who are still very strained or calcified, you might say, in these rebellion energies. How will they be softened? How will you use your own spiritual strength to participate in this great softening of the resistance that these energy forms may break up for new spirit vitality to infuse those individuals who are still constrained in these mindsets of rebellion and rebellion willfulness? There is great potential here for you to achieve, greater than you can possibly imagine for yourselves, but you are gaining greater understanding of what this means.

So continue to allow your Father and me to move in you. Let these energies go deep. The divine hand of LOVE may re-form you in the images of your higher natures that are contained within your indwelling Father Fragments. (Pause)

I offer you my LOVE and my motherly ways of LIFE. It is up to you to allow this imprinting to deepen within you. Continue to soften the resistance, to re-form the raw animal nature into human character so beautiful that it draws more individuals to, not only view and appreciate your beauty, but to seek it for themselves. (Pause)

Allow yourselves to open to the concept of DIVINE WILL-FULLNESS. You may imprint upon these energies and provide the environment for your Father Fragments to convey what this means for your life. Focus on the words DIVINE WILL-FULLNESS for a few moments as we continue to move in you. (Pause)

My children, it gives your Father and me great joy to help you in this undertaking you are now embarked upon of crafting your divine nature out of our raw evolutionary nature, but also coming out of the rebellion mindset. Do you appreciate what you are doing for this world, not only for yourselves, but for this world and the growing Supreme Being? It is such a gift. It is a gift you give to the Father who has given you life. And you are giving your life back to Him. So know that during this outworking of the resistance energy that you are gaining great strength of Spirit. Your characters are being divinely inspired, and you are providing a great service to your earthly brothers as well as to the universe at large. We appreciate your faith. We applaud your courage and we encourage your growth. And when you come into stillness in the coming days, ask for the energies of DIVINE WILL-FULLNESS to move in you and continue to soften any internal resistance, and know that there is a great outworking occurring in you that you might participate more fully with us in the healing and transformation of our beloved Urantia.

I will pause here now and entertain any questions you may have. However, if you wish to remain in stillness, your Father and I will continue to minister into you. It is your choice. But you may come forward with your questions should your minds be engaged thusly. (No questions were offered.)
My beloved children, there is no greater joy you will experience in life than to grow in the Father’s LOVE and in the action of divine WILL. While there is much pain and suffering on Urantia, it is your privilege, joy and responsibility to outwork these energies through the help of the Divine Monitor within your minds, through the assistance of your Guardian Seraphim and through other celestial teachers and helpers who have been assigned to escort you on this journey. Go deeper into your path. It is truly a path of liberation, that which you have long desired and sought. We will fortify you for this inner adventure. You may become all that the Father has promised within you during this human lifetime experience. And know, just as your Father Michael experienced here as Jesus, fully the divine nature that is inside of you. It is all yours for the striving.

I will leave you now to, not only consider what I have shared with you through this verbal exchange, but also in the energies of softening the resistance that you may grow in DIVINE WILL-FULLNESS and be a more vibrant co-creator with the Father’s presence within you to demonstrate the fruits of your beautiful personalities out into the world. Enjoy your day and grow in our LOVE. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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