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===Topic: ''Spiritual Liberation and the Angels of Progress''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Manotia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are grateful for this opportunity to once again collaborate with our Planetary Seraphim. Please connect us as one in your circuit of LOVE, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, Spirit-to-Spirit. Help us to stay focused on those areas in which we are guided to center ourselves to support these Seraphim in their holy work. We set the intention to be one with you and them. May your WILL be done. Thank you.
MANOTIA: Greeting one and all, this is Manotia! It gives me great joy to join you again in this forum of our collaboration. We have spent time over these last few months in collaborating with you to focus certain energies in various areas of the planet’s consciousness for more transformation to occur. Today, we will continue but with a different focus, and that is to spend time with the seraphic group concerned with the area of progress; that which you may know from your Urantia text as the Angels of Progress.

Before we begin to focus in the collective, I invite you to simply place your inner attention on the words the Angels of Progress that you may become more encircuited in and with them. As you do this, feel your desire to be more directed by their area of planetary development. Simply allow your focus to open you to certain circuits that you may be able to perceive of their presence. However, if you do not perceive their presence, that is certainly acceptable. It is a matter of receptivity in your mind and heart, but simply feel your desire to collaborate with them as we begin. Settle your gaze upon your heart and invite the Angels of Progress to come close to you. (Pause)

Urantia is making progress on Her trajectory towards Light and Life. The Angels of Progress seed in certain areas of development for planetary progress and cultural development to inspire human imagination along the ways of the divine plans. The circuit is quickening and there are many potentials being enlivened for individuals to perceive that they may collaborate with certain ideas and ideals that foster the plans of correction for Urantian consciousness. These span all areas of planetary life. They are, what you might call, an over-arching influence to elevate human awareness to what is possible in cooperating with the laws and plans of evolutionary development.

What we invite you to do now is to simply project your love from your heart centers into the planet. Feel your desire for your brethren to perceive those higher ideals and concepts that foster the effectiveness of the Angels of Progress in their work. If it is helpful, you may see those words SPIRITUAL LIBERATION in your minds’ eye and send that forth into the planet where the Angels of Progress can take this desire of your hearts and use these energies in their endeavors.

As we progress on these calls of collaboration, you will come into a more natural rhythm and impression of who these Seraphim are and how they function to support the evolution of spiritual awareness upon the planet. It will take time for you to truly feel more collaborative and one with them. We are beginning here today on the Angels of Progress because there are many new ideas percolating within your overall system in the collective of what it means to live spiritually awakened and enlivened lives. Feel your desire for your brethren to be more spiritually liberated, sending your love from your hearts to the Angels of Progress as they go about their sacred duties. (Pause)

Spiritual progression is fundamental to an evolving world’s ascension to the era of Light and Life. As these Angels move in their areas of operation, feel your desire for your brothers and sisters to be more spiritually liberated that their minds may perceive those ideals and concepts to support their own individual evolution.

The human mind is elastic, it expands and it can contract. What we wish to accomplish today is an expansion of the energies of SPIRITUAL LIBERATION that can help those individuals whose minds are, what you might say, pointed in the direction of true progress in alignment with cosmic laws and principles. Many individuals are being prompted to respond to the spiritual currents within and to consider information that is contained within these higher circuits that they may expand their own awareness and make those choices whether or not to follow the Father’s leadings and will in their own lives and in devoted service to humanity and the planet.

What is your role in this, you might ask? That is for you to take to the Father Within, but you also must ask yourself if there are ways in which you are being limited in your own self-awareness and to feel that need or desire to progress and to come into a deeper understanding of the nature of reality—how you fit into its operation and where you might be of most usefulness to our Parents during this monumental time of change.

There is much to gleaned, much to be perceived, so invite your Father Within to help you open to your own progress and potential that you may participate with the Angels of Progress in whatever ways you feel you are being guided. Let us continue our focusing in this collective as they continue in their ministrations to this world. (Pause)

Urantia is progressing in her ascendency, my dear brethren, even though you witness the pain and evil within human actions which are very rife around the planet at this time. Keep in mind that Michael’s hands are upon this world. He is steering this course of evolution and there are certain restraints being applied to help you remain stable and steadfast in Spirit as the parting of the ways continue. The Angels of Progress play a pivotal role here as they support the elevation of consciousness to higher ideals and concepts that will truly help the world establish its new centered point in the WILL of the Father.

For many who have not yet awakened, this time is indeed troubling and vexing to the soul and Spirit because the heart is heavy with sorrow and does not know that there is amelioration of these feelings in Michael’s MERCY and Mother’s LOVE. So do your best to be patient, compassionate, and forbearing with your brethren whose centers of stability have been rocked by these energies of change. Listen to them with the intention to convey Michael’s LOVE to them that their Spirit may use that energy as a gravitational pull into their hearts to offer them whatever peace they can perceive and a sense that there is something greater than their understanding is occurring and that it is good and noble and right.
Let the Angels of Progress help you in your own individual growth that you may tap into those quickening potentials of planetary development and learn where you may be of more usefulness to Michael and Nebadonia during this Correcting Time. As these words settle in, let them reach deep and be imparted unto your souls as you continue to focus sending your desires for SPIRITUAL LIBERATION for humanity to be used by our Angels of Progress. (Pause)
On behalf of the Angels of Progress, I thank you for your participation. We have completed our objectives for today, and it is with great joy that I report that they are happy with what was accomplished. Take a few moments now to simply thank your Mother and Father for their support, their love of this world, their love for you, and for all life and what is being made available to all of you—all of you on this call and all of the individuals upon this world.

May your hearts be light with the SPIRT OF LIBERATION that is awakening more potentials for this world to transform. We will continue to focus on this grouping of Seraphim for a few weeks before we move on to other areas of seraphic involvement. But do take time during to stillness to focus on them and to ask for their ministrations to take deeper root in these circuits of consciousness that more people may open to what they have to offer. We are so grateful for your participation.

I leave you now in the Father’s LOVE and I pray that each one of you grow in grace and beauty and become more of who you truly are as Father’s beloved son and daughter. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Manotia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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