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===Topic: ''Conference Call with Michael and Nebadonia''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, thank you for this time together as we conjoin heart to heart, soul to soul, Adjuster to Adjuster to be in your presence and to receive what you share with us. We are your children, and you are our Parents, and we delight in imprinting upon your personalities energies that we may grow into more of who you are in our own unique ways here on the transformational earth plane. We thank you for your presence in our lives and the opportunity to receive from you today that your will may be done in and through us and by us out in the world. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my precious children! This is Michael. Take a few moments in the quietness of your own hearts to receive more of my presence within you. The bond we share as Father and child is growing in each one of you, and I delight in helping you achieve new understanding of who you are as my child, as you progress through your daily lives and in the experiences you have with your brothers and sisters. You are all growing in what it means to be a family—a planetary family, and expanding upon that theme, a universal family, for you are now becoming more comfortable with sensing the presence of your celestial brothers and sisters who love you and are here to help you in various ways as you traverse this material life.

Today, I wish for you to focus on this idea of FAMILY. What does it mean to be a member of a family? You all have had experience in being a family--from the family in which you were raised as a child to the families you have as parents. Today, your Mother and I wish to impart to you a larger perspective of FAMILY to help you begin to see from the more spiritual dimension what this actually means. You have read in your Urantia text that the family is the foundation upon which the social culture evolves and maintains its highest degree of living, and that the fabric of family life is undergoing a major transition, especially during the last century and on into this new one.

So I invite you to focus in your hearts, and to envision the word FAMILY over your heart centers. Simply hold that desire to receive from your Mother and me, and for this expanded conceptual frame of reference of FAMILY begin to move into your being. Let us begin. Allow me to share with you what I wish to provide to you of this sense of the cosmic family in which you are an integral member. Receive me now, my children. (Pause)

The socialization process begins within the family structure. As a man and a woman come together to procreate children, and there are many siblings that are birthed into a family, it is the parents’ responsibility to help these children fulfill their potential—to come into an understanding of their own unique personalities, and to help the children learn how to cooperate within the family unit to respect the other siblings, and to teach many lessons of forgiveness, tolerance, patience, and understanding. It is from these familial social units that this can then extrapolate out into the greater community. The children who are well socialized in a loving and well-ordered home are very much prepared to meet the challenges of socialization in other groups, whether it is in the workplace or in social clubs, in churches, whatever the collective gathering is.

So much of your society will need to be re-established in these social orders, and so it is important that the family relationships in which you were raised and have raised your children are now being healed to help you move forward to work with your brothers and sisters in social aggregations to bring in these higher ways of being into the planet.

Let these words settle in as your Mother and I continue to minister to you. Allow these FAMILY energies to help you become more attuned to how you can be a more effective family member in our Father-centered family of which we are all a part, and that you may bring a unique gift into the social order in which you live within your community. Continue to receive. (Pause)

In receiving these FAMILY energies, you begin to move away from seeing yourself as an individual with relative needs and desires to the greater perspective of everyone having needs and desires. This is the challenge of your time: moving from the rebellion mindset of the self as an individuated part of the collective planetary body into the centeredness of the Father’s being in which you all play a unique role. You lose nothing of your own self-ideation, but you gain, you expand, and you then begin to embody this wonderful sense of everyone having the right, the privilege to express their Father-bestowed personality into the fabric of LIFE.

There is great joy attendant upon this understanding, and yet the rootedness of this rebellion mindset of the individual self as taking a greater proportional place in this fabric of consciousness does create much resistance from which you must willingly, knowingly, consciously and sincerely desiring to extricate yourself. This paves the way for you to establish within your own heart the greater capacity to love your brothers and sisters with that love which you have read about in your Urantia text described as “Fatherly love, for now you are able to see your brothers and sisters in the proper context of sharing the same place in the Father’s heart as you occupy.

So what good does it do for you to maintain your own individuated sense of self without seeing the greater context of the SELFHOOD contained with the personality of the Father? Of course, you may also come to me as your elder brother Jesus to help you understand this from a more human perspective, for this is a phase of my human experience that I too needed to master in order to convey that level of Fatherly love to my brothers and sisters while I was here among you as a human.

Feel your desire for this FAMILY perspective to move deeper into your being, and to feel that desire and even need for the embodiment of this energy to move into your physical cells, for this is the Father’s WAY, and it is His desire for you, and you will find that your souls will more readily identify with one another. That the Father’s presence within you through the Adjuster circuits have a greater capacity to relate to you in this Adjuster circuit when you are in relationship with another person. It is all good. It is all available to you. I will be with you as you undergo this deepening experiential shift from the individuated self to the FAMILY SELF, and it will be your delight to see how you shift in your own relationships with others. (Pause)

My beautiful children, we are all part of an expanding glorious family. You are on the cutting edge of truly embodying this in a more expansive way. Let the flowering of this ideal and idea be one of your heart’s desires—to actually embody this FAMILY energy more and more each day.

As I take my leave of you and leave you in your Mother’s arms for Her to speak and minister to you, know that I am with you whenever you are in need. Whenever you are with another family member and you are having any time of conflict or problem, call on me, come to me and I will help you establish more loving, compassionate, and forgiving attitudes within your heart, and to help that brother or sister begin to experience their own sense of FAMILY within their hearts and minds.

It is your privilege to experience and also it is your responsibility, so I invite you to take up this invitation—to seriously consider this that the Father within you may impart to you new truths and new experience to love your brothers and sisters a little bit more one day at a time. I leave you in my PEACE, my children. I hold you in my LOVE. Good day.

NEBADONIA: Good day to you, my beautiful children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks! I am gathering as my children into my arms that you may all enjoy the energies of one another gathered in this circuit today. Do you know how beautiful you are? Can you feel the beauty of your soul and the soul of the person who is on this call with you? Some of you had the experiences of the soul to soul sharing during the recent conference.

Today I desire to amplify those energies in you that you may use this, perceive this, in a more consistent manner and to share this with others who so need to feel this nourishing energy of what it means to be a member of a loving cosmic and divine FAMILY. Let me minister to you now with many loving supportive brothers and sisters who wish to draw close to you and wish to share who they are with you that you can grow and share this with your human siblings wherever you may be. (Pause)

As you focus on the word FAMILY, see yourself in relationship to others who are around you with whom you may not have had the most harmonious or agreeable relationship. Simply envision that person or persons in your mind’s eye and allow that word FAMILY to settle over you and those individuals. Simply focus on this for a few minutes as we minister to you in this circuit. (Pause)

The beauty of family life exists in the fact of the uniqueness of each personality. Each of you has something very precious to share with one another. You have heard us speak of looking for the “pearl of great value” in another person. This is very much the truism in being in a family. But there is more to it than simply seeking for that pearl that you notice or experience in another person. You are actually forging bonds of LOVE. You are experiencing a greater capacity of LOVE that helps you experientially and exponentially grow in spiritual values and deeper meanings of cosmic life.

So it behooves you very well to embrace this idea and ideal of FAMILY to the depths of your being, and to know that sometimes those social irritants are truly the fertile environment for you to let go of those emotions that have perhaps caused you to feel unworthy or insecure or mistrustful, and to know that the other person is perhaps exacerbating this irritation to have something of great value to share with you. But the irritation comes from this, you might call it, mindal friction or emotional friction that exists between the two of you. When you recognize that this friction is helping you to move beyond the uncomfortableness of the experience into a new insight and approach to looking at this individual, then will you be able to move into that soul to soul exchange and experience that edifies each one of you.

This FAMILY energy will give you more incentive, courage, and compassion to relate to these individuals in this way. While I certainly speak of all of the aspects of what is in this energy of FAMILY that is loving and good and spiritually edifying, it does behoove you to receive this energy that you may experientially know its meaning and value within your being when you are engaging with your brothers and sisters. FAMILY LIFE IS LOVE. It is growth. It is challenge. It is service. It is all available to you. What joy you will receive once these potentials within you are more fully activated and embodied!

So, in the coming days as your brothers and sisters of spirit minister to your minds, let them also help you step into this fabric of FAMILY LIFE that will help this planet carrying its consciousness move from self-centeredness to FAMILY centeredness; that all may participate in the joy of what it means to grow in the FATHERHOOD OF GOD and in the fraternity of humanity. (Pause)
You have heard these words before and now it is time to experience them. Your soul will delight and you will be upstepped with more passion and compassion to be of service to your brothers and sisters who are hungry for this FAMILY experience. They are ready to belong! They are primed to come home! Lead them to us. Lead them home! You will have much joy and pleasure in seeking and finding and sharing what it means to be an activated member of the FAMILY OF GOD. (Pause)

We will bring this call to conclusion now. I invite you to revisit this experience as you feel your need. Remember your Father and I love you beyond human comprehension, and that your role in our family is well placed and the help that you are getting is firmly secured. Thrive in our FAMILY, my children, this is your birthright and we desire for you to fully receive it, embody it and share it. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
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