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===Topic: ''Conference Call with Michael and Nebadonia''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we thank you for your presence within us today to uplift us and strengthen us in what you wish to provide to us of your personality energy. We are your children and we do strive to grow in you. We thank you for helping us in the ways we’re ready to receive that we may ever be more receptive to the will of our indwelling Adjusters, and to be receptive to all spiritual guidance that we have access to. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. My PEACE is upon you. This is Michael. The endowment of my PEACE upon Urantia is taking this planet into new opportunities for service. The human heart is being prepared to be opened to my PEACE, and to outwork those energies of the animal nature that tends to breed conflict, competition and violence. My PEACE will come to Urantia. It is already growing. There are seeds that have been planted within this human construct of consciousness that is around the planet’s energy system, and many people have received these seeds of peace, and there is a time when this peace awareness will begin to blossom within the human heart.

Today, I wish to further imprint my PEACE upon your energy systems, to entrench deeper into the emotional bandwidth, you might say, of your overall energetic beings. It is not so important that you understand how your energetic beings are constructed, as your desire to receive this deepening sense of peace—to embrace you, to engulf you, to help you feed upon me as the embodiment of PEACE.

So as you focus on your hearts now, my children, simply feel your need for my PEACE to go deeper into your being, especially landing on those places within your memory systems where you may have reacted in anger or have had conflict with a loved one. There are many who will come close to help you receive this by your mere desire and will to be more infused with my PEACE. Receive me now, my children. (Pause)

My PEACE forms an emotional overlay over those aspects of your being that have been conditioned to react instinctively out of fear. Sometimes the fear response promotes anger or frustration or a sense of anxiety or confusion. So it is my desire that you would meet the circumstances of your life with greater peace as your initial emotional reaction, thereby helping you to become more receptive to the leading of the Father within you, so you may formulate within your own thinking mind and feeling self the appropriate response to the situation which confronts you.

This is part of the challenge I have presented to my children to stay anchored in me during this time of change. I share this with you now to deepen that anchor, to help you truly establish this grounded sense of peacefulness within your being no matter what will come your way. Your initial reaction is to be within my PEACE. Continue to receive. Continue to desire that this PEACE infiltrate deeper levels of your consciousness. BE MY PEACE, my children. BE MY PEACE. BE the PEACE that I share you—from Father to child. (Pause)

The world is growing weary of war, and as this desire for peace grows within the human heart it will set a new standard, you might say, for the world to come into a more collective understanding that peace is the way of the future—that peace is a way of healing. As you allow me to imprint this upon you, know that you will then be more invested in my being and be able to carry this with you throughout the course of your day. And when you are around your brothers and sisters who do not know me, but who yet feel this inner stimulation—this activation of the spirit potential within them—they will be able to resonate with you at some level and pick up on this vibrational feeling of PEACE. Feed upon me that you may also nourish your brothers and sisters. Let this PEACE flow and prepare you to expand your outward capacity for my PEACE to touch your brothers and sisters in the ways they need.

BE MY PEACE, my precious children! And in so becoming this PEACE will be Father’s presence within you a greater stature and ability to convey more love into you and through you. For this is the fertile environment of the inner emotional being that breeds love. It is PEACE. So many beautiful fruits of the spirit can grow and blossom in this inner being that is grounded in PEACE. (Pause)

And so, as we have done so many times in the past, it is time for your Mother to address you in Her LOVE, in Her devotion to help you expand and incorporate these energies into your systems. But even as I take my leave of you in this manner, by no means does it indicate that I have left you. I am with your always through the Spirit of Truth, and my desire for you in this PEACE infusion is for you to perceive my presence within you at deeper and more expansive levels—to help you perceive that you are not alone in your life’s journey, and that I am with you—Father and brother, helper and friend. Let me embrace you one final time before I take my leave of you in this manner. Allow my LOVE for you to wrap you in a blanket of PEACE leaving an indelible mark upon your soul. Good day, my precious children.

NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children! This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks.
Yes, continue to imprint upon your Father, and simply shift your focus and intention from receiving from your Father to expanding and sharing this peace with your brothers and sisters. You will continue to receive from Michael. But what you are now doing is holding that desire and intention to be a bigger conduit of peace out into the world. Here is where my mercy ministry and your beloved sisters of the angelic orders will help you grow.

In your mind’s eye you may wish to focus the peace that you are receiving on an individual or a group of individuals or a situation or the world. Ask the Father within for the focus that would be most advantageous for you to expand and integrate these energies into your being, and we will continue to minister within your circuits, establishing those lines of connection and augmentation to Michael and His PEACE. (Pause)

Peace is the way of the universe. Albeit the universe is teaming with life, there is a cooperative harmonized energy that pervades all life. And while the evolutionary worlds must undergo this process of peacefulization, if I may coin that word, the world is growing in this awareness that the universe is a friendly place that operates in a field of teamwork.

We are forming new thought constructs around you now for to grow in your Father’s PEACE to help you outwork those planetary influences that have still a tinge of rebellion. Just feel in your hearts your desire to become bigger vessels of Michael’s PEACE as you focus on this where your Adjuster is directing your thoughts. Allow us to continue to minister to you. (Pause)

As these PEACE circuits are constructed around you, you may for a time feel some antagonisms contained within your being to come up to the surface. These antagonisms are a part of the old influences of the rebellion. It will be very helpful to you if you simply acknowledge them and ask for more of your Father’s PEACE to imprint deeper into your energy beings: into your feelings, into your hearts, and to that emotional center where you operate, where you feelings are a great determiner of how you respond in certain situations. It will be very helpful for you to recognize that some deeply embedded antagonisms have impacted your responses to situations and that it is time for you to embody the better way—the higher way—the feelings of peace. So when you feel these antagonisms, take a few deep breaths and call upon us, and ask for my presence to expand you, and ask Michael to build more of His PEACE into the very fabric of your emotions. (Pause)

Now in your mind’s eye I invite you to seed the word PEACE into those situations of your life or in planetary life where you would wish to see PEACE more operative. There is no shortage of conflict on this world so you are invited to engage your focusing anywhere, and we will follow your thought streams and seed this along with you, amplifying those energies that you are creating through your focused intention and desire to bring more peace into these situations. (Pause)
Yes, my children, be your Father’s PEACE and share your peace that you have and are with the world. As you continue to focus on these situations, know that your efforts are helping to change this fabric of consciousness to bring Michael more to His children.

The tiny world that your Father Michael selected for His terminal bestowal prior to His becoming a sovereign of Nebadon is indeed being lifted up—becoming a vital part of the fabric of the universe of Nebadon. It always was a member of the universe, but the spiritual quarantine did place you at somewhat of a disadvantage, in terms of your understanding of who you are as universe citizens. It is through this endowment of PEACE that you will begin to become more fully invested in the standing and stature that provides the groundwork for your brothers and sisters to grow, and also come into this enhanced perception—to provide their inner environments with a feeling of serenity, confidence and safety for the Father within them to show them who they are.

So in the coming days I invite you to grow in this PEACE and to focus on this in your stillness practice, and to allow any of those antagonisms to outwork that you may truly BE the embodiment of the PEACE of your Father on this world—the human form sharing it with your brothers and sisters who need to know the better way—the way of PEACE, the way of LOVE, the Father’s WILL.

PEACE is upon you, my children, and allow what it wishes to disclose within your being, to upstep you and help you flourish in the destiny of uniting with the Father within you. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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