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===Topic: ''Focusing on Urantia Power Circuits''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Manotia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for joining us together as one in this circuit of collaboration with our Planetary Seraphim. As we focus in our hearts, let us join together in that circuit of the heart as one as well as in our minds, spirits, and souls. We thank you for our stalwart Planetary Seraphim who labor behind the scenes of our lives. May our focusing today produce much good and transformational energy for more correction to be applied to the circuits of Urantian consciousness. We are grateful for this opportunity to serve and may your WILL be done. Thank you.
MANOTIA: Greetings, my dear brothers and sisters! This is Manotia and I am pleased to join you today for another opportunity to focalize the WILL of the Father into the circuits of Urantian consciousness. There is a structure of the way power and energy is wielded into the circuits of Urantian consciousness. The word POWER has many meanings and nuances. There is physical power; there is spiritual power, and there are many attenuations of power between those circuits of material energy and spirit. All of creation operates in this influence by what you know as power. Your Urantian text goes into various types of describing what is power.

But for the purpose of this call today we are using this term in a very general sense. And I encourage you to place this word POWER over your hearts as we will be using what you generate to help the power structure of your planet to attune to the higher frequencies of spiritual energy. This might be somewhat of an abstract concept for you to consider today, but I assure you that there are many areas in which we of the seraphic realm and other spiritual beings can join with your desires to make more mighty changes in these enhanced circuits of your planetary power structure for the Father’s WILL to prevail.

What we ask of you today is simply hold that intention and desire for these power circuits to open and receive spiritual energy that your planet’s system of consciousness and other circuits of operation to align in the greater GOODNESS and LOVE and TRUTH of Spirit.

Take a few deep breaths. Feel your desires for this upstepping of the power structure of Urantia to open to the WILL of the Father in Paradise. Allow the presence of your Indwelling Spirits to help you maintain that singular focus on your hearts that what you generate individually may be used collectively for our purposes today. As we begin, you may envision the globe in your mind’s eye before your heart, and as you see these words POWER STRUCTURE OF URANTIA in your mind’s eyes, let it embrace the planet in that familiar counter-clockwise spiral around the globe, north to south pole. Invite the word energy of SPIRITUAL LIBERATION IN THE SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF CHRIST MICHAEL to imprint upon this power structure. Take your time as you visualize this. We will move in these circuits now, my dear brethren. Breathe deeply as you do this and allow the focus of your heart to be maintained as best you can. (Pause)

Feel your desire for more of Michael’s presence to pervade the planet as we do our work to help the circuits open and receive more spiritual energy. (Pause)

As this power grid opens to the frequencies being generated from yourselves and the celestial realms, more individuals will be able to perceive the Spirit Presence Within. This is part of the massive spiritual liberation occurring planet-wide which will continue for some time to come. You might say this is somewhat of an equalization of the circuitry of the planet to harmonize with the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual currents of LIFE itself. There needs to be balance in order for more of the systems of this world to change and be upstepped in the higher frequencies bathing this world. All of the plans Michael has for this world can then be better implemented when there is more of this harmonious balance of the energy circuits.

What you witness now is quite a massive undertaking of the various circuits to bring them up to certain levels of vibrational frequencies where they can attune and attenuate to the Spirit. As you know this causes certain levels of disruption within the human energy system for a time while the individual adjusts to the various frequencies that will render them more spiritually receptive. There are other frequencies that are also impacted at what you may call very physical levels.

It is not so important to know what we are adjusting as it is to keep your heart focus centered on the SPIRITUAL LIBERATION IN THE SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF CHRIST MICHAEL to pervade the power structure upon the planet. That is where you come in because you provide your own willingness for these circuits to open. So let us continue and allow yourselves to be used as conduits for Michael’s plans. (Pause)

There is a type of universe energy that is now embracing Urantia. Your scientists are puzzled by certain actions of this energy because they cannot perceive it, but they do observe some of its ramifications. As this energy continues to bathe the circuits of the world allow the focus to be maintained on THE SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF MICHAEL. Some of you may notice a slight upstepping of what you perceive.

One of the functions of this energy is to help you in the collective circuits of mind to perceive that there is a higher level of mindal influence that you can establish within your own energy systems. This will help you perceive more of the Spirit Within and give you a more clear access of your Father Michael. (Pause)

If it is helpful you may also simply feel your desire to become more imbued with these circuits to feel your innate membership as a son and daughter in our universe family of Nebadon. This is all of our homes. This is our place to experience life. It is a place to express your personalities and it is the place where you learn about the function of the Father’s plans. You have every right to be here—to be a participating family member. Allow this infusion help you to ascend to those higher realms of collective awareness where you may perceive your rightful position in what our Parents have created for us. (Pause)

As these energies continue to move in the power structure of Urantia you may notice some internal changes in your own minds and bodies. These infusions are designed to liberate you from the legacy of the rebellion so that you may participate more fully as free and active members of our family to evoke changes necessary and to implement Michael’s plans of corrections through each one of your own individual actions. We will be there to help you.

The eyes of the universe are on tiny Urantia now outworking great tribulation, and it is done with such love and care. There is much joy that we hold as we see how humanity is awakening and coming into its higher purpose. (Pause)

Take a few more deep breaths. Invite these energies THE SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF CHRIST MICHAEL and His SPIRITUAL LIBERATION to go deep into the earth plane into the physical circuits. (Pause)
If you wish, use that visualization of seeing yourself standing upon the earth and with great care and love plant the seeds of SPIRITUAL LIBERATION IN THE SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD OF CHRIST MICHAEL into the earth to let it go deep into the core. Feel your desire for the radiance of our Universe Mother to pervade these circuits with Her Holy Spirit. (Pause)

On behalf of the Planetary Seraphic Corps, I thank you. We have completed our objectives for this session. As these energies integrate, stay focused on the Father Within and allow your energy systems to be attuned to these higher circuits of Nebadon that you may more fully participate body, mind, and soul in the correction now underway. Let this be a time of joyful service. Release all fears. Let yourself be further upstepped in Michael’s SOVEREIGNTY and know that He holds you close to His heart and you are always and forever alive in Him.

As you go about your day, continue to ask for this planetary power structure to further align in MICHAEL’S SOVEREIGNTY AND FATHERHOOD that more SPIRITUAL LIBERATION may occur. When you are given an opportunity to be of service to your brothers and sisters, share freely with them your love, your compassion and help them understand that what is occurring is the liberation that they have long sought as well. Journey in Michael’s PEACE and Mother’s JOY. We look forward to being with you once again very soon. I wish you all a fond farewell in the Father’s LOVE.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Manotia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2017]]

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