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===Topic: ''Connecting with the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, we thank you for being here with us today as we begin a new year of growth in you and in our Adjusters. You know our desires are to receive more spiritual alignment in our minds and bodies, and we are so grateful for what you provide to us so openly, so generously. We ask that your Holy Spirit descend upon us now through your grace, Mother, in Jesus’ name that we are able to receive more of Father’s presence. Thank you so much. We are ready to begin.
Michael: Greetings, my children. This is Michael. Settle into your heart. Your Mother and I have gifts to share with you now. These gifts are an energy form, you might call it, of the harmonization of your evolutionary animal nature with that of your divine spark of light that comes from the Paradise Father at the center of all things. The conjoined blending of humanity and divinity discloses a rare form of beauty onto the earth plane. Truly, your brothers and sisters rarely see individuals who are truly beautiful--radiant in spirit. Yet this is the goal for human potential, and you are developing your own inner facets of beauty to radiate outwardly to show your brothers and sisters how creative, noble, and artful the human condition can become.

It was my delight and effort to create a master pattern while living the earth life on Urantia. You have access to that master pattern within the form of my now Personalized Adjuster, the one who shared my earth journey with me and that helped me achieve the high degree of personality symmetry, balance, and nobility that is yours also for the striving. As your Mother opens you to what we share with you today, feel your desire for the energetic signature of my Personalized Adjuster to radiate inwardly upon your soul. Receive this to the best of your ability, my children. This is my gift to you today. (Pause)

So few humans avail themselves of this wonderful gift, and yet it is here for you to help you overcome the limitations of your human thinking and how you perceive the world around you. All of the questions and concerns that you face as individuals and as a social body I faced as well, albeit not in the same form or time. But, yes, in my time there were political upheavals and struggles. There was social repression--repression of individuals and of women. Though the timeframe may not seem so different in terms of what we must overcome through spiritual striving, the agency of my Adjuster is here to collaborate with your Father Fragment and to answer the questions that you have pressing in your hearts about your own individual ascension plans and designs. I encourage you to spend time each day in consultation with my Adjuster as you fraternize with your own, thereby gaining a dual perspective on the situations that you face. Allow these words to imprint deeply through your mind, as the ministration of my Adjuster is able to impact your consciousness more fully. (Pause)

This Adjuster is orchestrating the activities of the Adjusters of Urantia. While you may not understand what this truly means for your lives, know that this is a part of the transformation energies that are facilitating the human heart to strive more for Adjuster attunement and attainment. Long has the Urantian mind been distorted from perceiving the Inner Spirit so your Mother and I have decided that this level of access is fundamental to your overall spiritual receptivity and growth. Take time to make friends with my Adjuster. You will not be disappointed, I assure you. Your capacity for loving your brothers and sisters will expand quite exponentially in opening your heart with them. There are many dimensions of the heart energy, and you cannot become too big in your heart capacity, although it does take time to know and trust that the pain that is within the heart is a fleeting energy form of old rebellion mindsets that have no longer a place within your consciousness. Focus on both of these Adjuster presences to guide you through the path of the heart to find that which you seek. Let these words settle in as the energies imprint indelibly into your being. (Pause)

My children, my life on Urantia was not an easy one. Yet I faced all of the challenges with purest trust in my Father. While your paths have certain challenges and old patterns to overcome, never think for one moment these are insurmountable or that you are alone. I am with you all the days of your lives. You are not alone. If you could only perceive what is around you, available to you, you would celebrate with great glee and joy. It is my hope that in time and with the circuits opening you, you would see with your eyes of spirit, how many are with you who love you, who are devoted to you, who are cheering you on to victory in the spirit. Continue to allow your hearts to open. Receive more what we wish to share with you. (Pause)

I will leave you now in the capable hands of your Mother, who will continue to minister in your mind and help you ingest these powerful energies of my Adjuster into your system. Be in my peace, my children. Grow in my love.

Nebadonia: My beloveds, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Receive this surge of light that comes from the wonderful Adjuster of Jesus. It is our delight to share this with you now. (Pause)

Your brothers and sisters are hungry for this energy. Some will only be able to perceive it from your energy systems being so highly vibrational with the energies of love. We are facilitating this level of energy exchange to raise your frequencies to help them raise theirs. The time of planetary shift is well upon you. You may well expect that the spiritual gravity now pouring over Urantia is creating a wake of opening in the heart. We do this gradually because your brothers and sisters can become so highly destabilized when the wake hits them. For some the wake is small--a portal of light energy opening them to a new idea, new awareness. Some people are ready to have what you might consider their own internal earthquake, an eruption of spiritual luminosity, blazing upon their minds, helping them to see the truth in an enhanced manner. We prepare you for these people in various stages of growth that you would have the essential tools and vibrational frequencies to help them and reorient themselves into a new way of being.

More and more you will see this as the months unfold. The next few years will be very intense, and I encourage you to take the time you need in your day to quiet your mind and to avail yourself of all of these energy forms around you so you are equipped as best as possible to serve your brothers and sisters. While you have to pay attention to your out-worldly activities such as jobs and family, I trust you are sufficiently apprised as to the importance of taking yourself away from the busyness of your day to sit with us and receive.

As I continue to minister in your minds, make a deeper commitment to yourself to spend time in stillness. Trust that provisions in your schedule will be provided to you to help you do this more consistently in the week. Let this be your priority in your day that all things may move and take form around it so you are practicing what it means to be in the spirit more and more each and everyday. (Pause)

Usually during this time together, I address your questions and comments. However, today I ask you to take your questions to the Personalized Adjuster of Jesus. Do this now. After you have posed your questions, receive. Allow yourself to be open, receiving the impressions his Adjuster makes with your own and brings into your awareness. Take your time, and I will speak some words in closing. (Long pause)
My children, you are so delightful to your Father and me. Never question your innate worth. The beauty of each individual is so exquisitely cherished by us. It is our desire that you would fully cherish yourselves and one another, as we cherish you. In the coming days, allow these energies integrate within you. Take your questions to your Father Fragment and that of Jesus’ personalized Adjuster. Trust that there will be much spiritual energy coming your way to help you see more clearly who you are and the beauty you are creating. Combining humanity and divinity is an artful process and one we encourage you to enjoy more fully each and every moment. For to us, it truly is watching the hand of God create a masterful work. Live in our love, my children. Thrive each and everyday on it. Above all, praise the Father in Paradise whose image you were created. Good afternoon.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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