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===Topic: ''Allowing the Heart Center to Receive''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Loving Mother and Father, we are so grateful to be here in your presence today to open ourselves up to the circuitry you build in us to help us during this wonderful time of planetary transformation. We thank you for endowing into our minds and bodies that which we need now of your presence so that we can continue to make progress, continue to be more receptive to the leadings of our Adjuster, to be about your business, serving our brothers and sisters with more joy, more love, more compassion, and forgiveness, mercy.
Michael: Good day, my children, this is Michael. Indeed, this is a good day for my children of this world as they continue to awaken to the call of Spirit, ringing deep within their hearts. Today I wish to engage more of my presence into your indwelling Spirit of Truth that you may register in your being a deeper quality of my presence, a deeper level of my love, a broader understanding of cosmic reality into your mind. Today is a day of pure experience with me, my beloved children. There will be few words from my being spoken to you verbally, as it is very important now for you to engage into the Spirit of Truth, wherein you hear the ring of my voice resounding in your being. Receive me now, my beloved children. Receive me. Let it go deep into your system. (Pause)

Impressions made on the heart center are best received in the state of a quieted mind. Your practice of stillness continues to be, and will be for some time, the most important activity you can engage throughout your day. As my presence resonates more deeply within your being, focus on your heart, and allow the mental chatter to softly evaporate as you feel me move in you more deeply, more profoundly. Feel me, my children. Feel my love. (Long pause)

Since my love for you is limitless, there is an expansion of your capacity to receive this now that is being imparted to you. There are many levels of, what you might call, the reality of the universe in which we live and watch the creative process unfold. As my presence goes deeper into your being, you will increasingly begin to see your reality from a broader perspective. It will render your material life all the more enjoyable, less stressful, being able to see this through the eyes of a long-range understanding, minimizing the conditions you see your world and your life. It will help you greatly in the days to come when more of your brothers and sisters struggle with their shift into a new cosmic consciousness.

You might say you are being tuned and attenuated as carriers of my love and my peace to share with them in ways their bodies will respond; not with words, but with energies of love that they need, to help them lay down the distractions of thinking in their mind that prevent them from engaging with their own indwelling Father Fragments. Continue to drink deeply of what I am sharing with you, my children. Be in my peace. (Pause)

Your Mother is here, and she desires to speak words into your heart. I will continue to minister into you. I take my leave of you in this way. You are not separated from me, no, not ever. Until you leave my universe, we are always connected. Grow in my love, children, and enjoy the beautiful day that has been created for you to experience to the best of your ability. Good day.

Nebadonia: Greetings, to you, my beloved children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Growing into larger containers of your Father’s love is what your spiritual growth is all about. The growth process is organic, and for the most part you are not aware of the ways in which you are growing. You demonstrate your growth through your living experiences, as you more steadfastly, faithfully, and assuredly demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit to your brothers and sisters when you interact with them.

The circuitry you are receiving, the various phases and levels of your being will not necessarily become consciously aware for a time; nevertheless, it is vital for you to step up and to receive these imprintings from your Father and me that you may indeed be the stalwart catalysts of love for your brothers and sisters to uplift them through this time of change, carry them over the threshold of pain that exists within the human heart to a new world where you share the love and the joy of the creation that was put in place by the Paradise Father.

Breathe deeply as I move in you, adding the Spirit’s spark of life--threads of morontial energy that are fundamental to your development at this time. Receive them with a glad, open, and appreciative heart, and let them imprint more deeply into your being. (Pause)

All over the globe, the human energy system is being primed. We have shared with you that this is the time of the great heart awakening. It is so. Many of your brothers and sisters will only be able to receive this heart energy from you. They will not be aware of how to obtain this on their own. Share your love freely. Share our love with them, and know that they are obtaining a precious commodity, more valuable than any gold, silver, monetary value. Let them feel our love through you. Then when they begin to feel it, they will be prompted to ask, and you will be guided to respond from your heart.

Drink deeply, my children. Drink, drink, drink! Let me stir more deeply in your being. (Pause)

The state of worship, opening your heart, praising our Father in Paradise, giving thanks for what you have been given for your very life itself, will imprint these energies we are sharing with you more deeply into your system. Neglect not to spend time in worship each day. Nothing is designed to help you grow as this state, this sublime quality of recognizing the immense grandeur of the very source of life itself. My action in your mind brings this into you, and you can certainly be grateful to your Father and me for being your parents. Worship the Father only. Sing out your praises of your heart to the Father. The more you do this, the greater love you will receive. Elevate your focus now under the Father of all creation. Spend the next few moments worshiping him in whatever way is most delightful to you. Your Father Michael and I will support your efforts now, as you raise your gaze ever higher to the Father of all. (Pause)
Our Father, we thank you for blessing these children, these dear children, this world, your grace, for giving my consort Michael and me the opportunity to shepherd them throughout the universe. Prepare them for their glorious ascension journeys through you. Michael and I lift them up to you now to receive your presence more deeply in their beings through their grateful, worshipful hearts, so it is throughout eternity, God and man conjoined in delightful, blissful union through worship to be in your grace. (Pause)

It is time to return to earth to have your feet planted firmly in this material sphere. The deeper assurance and knowingness in your heart, the love that you were created in and live within has to be more firmly rooted to this plane that may carry the higher vibrations of Spirit around with you as you go about your day.

All is well, my children, all is well. You are growing more ever faithful in your quest for Adjuster reception and attunement. Today is a day of experience. Any questions you have you may quietly ponder them silently in your hearts. Trust that you will receive your answers when you are ready. Throughout the day you will continue to receive from us energies that will continue to integrate into your beings, elevate you to a higher perspective within the Father’s will and action.

I leave you in my joy, my children. I thank you for your faith, your trust in us, as we leave you on this thrilling adventure, healing this beautiful world nestled safely in my womb, cradled near and dear to my heart. Good afternoon.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
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