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===Topic: ''Developing Your Creative Potential''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
Prayer: Mother and Father, we come together today to receive your words and your presence as we grow in you, grow in comprehension in who we are as your children. Thank you for encircuiting us in your presence and for feeding us, each and everyone, exactly what we need. You know us so intimately and perfectly, and we receive from you now in the ways you know are in keeping with our highest good. Thank you.
Michael: Greetings, my beloved children. This is Michael. As you open your hearts to receive me, think about the ways in which you would like to be of service to your brothers and sisters as we go through deeper levels of transformation upon your world. There are so many service paths available to you, and there are many potentials seeded within you that still have yet to be activated and brought into creation, manifesting their beauty on the earth plane.

As your Mother and I move in you, think about these potentials within you. You may not always know what they are, but it is through your intention, your desire, and your motivation to become more of who you truly are that these potentials will catalyze in you and propel you forward in a momentum that seems to put you into the natural flow of divine will. Take a moment now and go within. Think about those ideas that have been ruminating in your mind about service, and your Mother and I will move in you now. (Pause)

The expression of your creative potential brings delight to your Mother and me. It brings joy to the entire creative plan and design of reality. When you express yourselves from your hearts’ desires, you are adding something real, true, viable, to the fabric of consciousness. On this world many individuals have been constrained because of the cultural conditions in which you live. There are constraints of finances, of opportunity that you sometimes feel thwarted in manifesting the reality living within you. For those of you who have awakened to the call of Spirit, let not your cultural conditioning or the conditions of your culture thwart you in any way. Move forward. Step forth boldly in allowing those potentials within you to catalyze. Take a few moments now and hone in on this desire for your potentials to burst open and begin to germinate new seeds of ideas for consideration. How may you best bring your potentials out to the world? Take a few moments to confer with your indwelling Adjusters while your Mother and I move in you. (Pause)

The more you desire this and make this a priority for your life, your angels will be better suited to guide you into those opportunities for fulfillment. Your role is to be faithful, trusting that you will be guided, and you will have many rich experiences to learn about these facets of your personality that are so beautiful and expressive of our Paradise Father. This is our desire for you, my children. We anticipate your blossoming as the beautiful flowers of light and truth upon Urantia. Do you truly want this for yourselves? For truly, it is you that is in charge of this process. Your Adjusters are patiently waiting for your internal cooperation to bring this out into the open. We help you by sharing our love with you, our presence with you, that you may feed upon those attributes of motherliness and fatherliness to help you integrate those greater potentials within you.

Continue to open yourselves and feed upon us, deeply of this energy. It is our desire for you that you would be able to express those potentials that are in you for this phase of your ascension journey. Your Adjusters have your perfect plan for your creative expression. Each phase of your ascension career has, you might call them, guides or signposts, goals that would be very desirable for you to achieve, to reach that satisfaction of self that you and your Adjuster share together. Your earth life has certain goals or objectives. Take time to ponder these things and ask your Adjuster, “What are the goals and objectives that you have in mind for me during this phase of my ascension career?” Life will never be boring or routine, the more you grow, the more you seek within to express those potentials within you. Yes, there may be days you feel a little off or down, but by and large your lives will become more thrilling and delightful as you activate these potentials within you. Allow these words to settle in as your Mother and I impress ourselves more deeply into you. (Pause)

Creation and cooperation with the Father within you is a joyful activity. How much joy and adventure do you want? The choice is up to you, and yet sometimes there are rugged adventures to be had as you bring forth those attributes of your personality that are expressive of the Father’s love, compassion, tolerance, patience, forbearance. You will be stretched. You will be challenged, but always will something splendid and wonderful come from your efforts. As my words settle into you, know that they are being retained by your Adjuster. Know that you have much to look forward to as you ponder these ideas in your heart and mind. I will leave you now, and as I withdraw your Mother will speak to you for a few moments helping you to deepen the experience of these words within you. Grow in me, my children, and live joyfully each day. Good day.

Nebadonia: My precious children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Watching you grow is one of the most wonderful joys you provide to me as your Mother. Our universe of Nebadon is so vast, and there are so many activities abounding, but it is the observation of children growing in light that affords me the greatest joy. Think about the joy that you provide to me and your Father, your brothers and sisters of the universe, when you take these faith steps each and every day.

So much of your mental efforts are spent in the material wellbeing of your lives, and we understand why this is so. From time to time we ask you to consider that your lives have more impact and meaning beyond the confines of the physical sphere upon which you live. They have universe implications.

As I say this to you, I encourage you to think about how much joy you provide us when you live in the light, when you share love, when you demonstrate the will of the Father and his ways in your actions. Your brothers and sisters of this world will not always appreciate your efforts, so we ask you to look beyond the limitations of this world and to appreciate that as growing cosmic citizens the impact of your actions throughout the universe. Your brothers and sisters of this world may not know who you are and the good that you achieve, but your universe brothers and sisters do know and appreciate you. Let this also be another avenue to consider as you focus on catalyzing your potential.

The joy that will come your way as you open to this larger consideration will multiply and serve to continually whet your appetite for greater service and creative expression. Let me stir in you now, children. Let me help you expand your awareness into these considerations that you may truly know and express them more fully each and every day. (Pause)
The time is upon you now where all eyes of creation are looking in the direction of Urantia. There is much change to come, but largely it is your efforts that will bring about these changes that you desire. The more you seek to catalyze your potential, the more change will come to this world. It is time for action; it is time for creation. The helpers we have provided you will encourage you, give you new ideas to consider, help you look beyond the limitations of your own thinking, exploring new realms of inner-dimensionality of who you as children of God. Let this be a rebirth of your being, opening you to new awareness of who you are, cosmic citizens walking on Earth. There are many ideas to consider, many energies to absorb. Breathe in me, my children, and let these words imprint upon you in the various levels of your being. Ask for these words to go deep within you, to leave an indelible mark upon your mind and heart. We will continue to move in you, share with you my love and desires for you to grow. (Pause)

Today I invite you to savor this experience as you go about your day. Take any questions you may have to your Father Fragment. Spend time listening to the subtle voice and guidance to help you perceive what your next steps are, what potentials you may wish to catalyze through your desires. Let this time of planetary change be a joyful experience for you, my children. Look not to your culture to ascertain the effects of planetary change for so much of what you see is still constrained by fear. Look beyond, look into your heart, for there the bigger picture will dawn within your mind, set you on a course of peace, ability, inner resolve, and determination to live within the will of the Father and to demonstrate love in whatever way you find delight and brings you joy. Live in this joy, my children. It is our desire for you and it is your birthright. Claim this, live this, and let us together make Urantia the most beautiful sphere in all of Nebadon. Good day.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2011]]

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